Friday Dec 02, 2016
Friday Prayers 2 December 2016
Friday Dec 02, 2016
Friday Dec 02, 2016
Partakers Friday Prayers!
2nd December 2016
We pray together and when Christians pray together, from different nations, different churches and different denominations - that reveals Church unity! Come! Let us pray together!
Because it brings joy to all humanity.
Old people and infants alike enjoy your day.
Your day is celebrated from generation to generation.
Kings and emperors may pass away,
And the festivals to commemorate them soon lapse.
But your festival will be remembered until the end of time.
Your day is a means and a pledge of peace.
At Your birth heaven and earth were reconciled,
Since you came from heaven to earth on that day
You forgave our sins and wiped away our guilt.
You gave us so many gifts on the day of your birth:
A treasure chest of spiritual medicines for the sick;
Spiritual light for the blind;
The cup of salvation for the thirsty;
The bread of life for the hungry.
In the winter when trees are bare,
You give us the most succulent spiritual fruit.
In the frost when the earth is barren,
You bring new hope to our souls.
In December when seeds are hidden in the soil,
The staff of life springs forth from the virgin womb
A hymn / prayer of Ephraim the Syrian (AD 306-373)
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Monday Nov 28, 2016
Think Spot 27 November 2016
Monday Nov 28, 2016
Monday Nov 28, 2016
Think Spot - 28th November 2016
We have the start of a new week! Its Monday! How and in what circumstances are you trusting God? How did Jesus Christ trust in the Father? Jesus knew that the Father was going to bring Him back to life after his death on the cross. Jesus trusted the Father in this area of His life, just as he did in all aspects of his life. How are you doing? Do you have concerns and areas of your life where you need an assurance that God the Father will help you?
Here are some simple steps which may help you maintain a trust in God.
- Pray, casting all anxiety on God. He cares for you because you are His personal concern (The great apostle Peter, one of Jesus' closest friends wrote this in 1 Peter 5v7 "Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.")
- Accept and thank God that His peace has filled that area (Another great apostle, Paul, wrote this in Philippians 4v7 says "Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.")
- Learn to be content whatever your circumstances are, resting in God (Paul goes on in Philippians 4v11-12 "Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little.")
- Allow the Spirit to control your mind for life and peace (and again from the pen of the apostle Paul, this time in Romans 8v6 "So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace.")
- Trust God to fulfil your every need (Matthew records these words of Jesus in Matthew 6v32-33 "but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need." )
- Obey and follow God's commands to love God and love others (Jesus is recorded in Matthew 22v37-40 "You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.' The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.")
- Finally, be prepared to be obedient to the Father, in supplying the needs of others you meet and therefore showing you love God and other people! One way to show you are trusting and loving God is to be the answer to the prayers of somebody else and showing that love to them! Ask God to show you, how you can help somebody else in need this week and showing your love.
Go in peace this Monday, into this week, knowing God is worthy of your trust! God will take care of you, but not always in the way you expect! Expect Him to allow circumstances and situations to arise where you are to trust Him fully! He will help you if you ask! After all, He knows you better than anybody! And don't be afraid to help somebody else because by doing that, you show you are loving and trusting in God!
Father, I pray that You would help us to trust in You and that You would supply our needs, calm our concerns and help us to love You and others more fully. I ask this through the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit who lives inside all those who have peace with you. Amen
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Sunday Nov 27, 2016
Sunday Nov 27, 2016

WOW Tour USA 2016
God, Illinois, Prayer, Cheesecake,
Beverly Hillbillies and a Speedbump...
Get a Good Grip Book available on Amazon!
We are in a series for these Sundays, whereupon I give some personal reflections on my recent 7 weeks tour of the the USA... During that time in the USA, I sought to enable and encourage others in their faith by teaching, training and most of all, WOWing for God! It is my prayer that I was able to do that for the glory and honour of God alone.
With my Partakers Partner, Sandy,
at "The Cross at the Crossroads" in Illinois
Today I share briefly about the almost 2 weeks in Illinois with my USA Partakers Partner, Sandy! With God, we WOWChurched, seminar-ed, trained and a few other surprises such as cheesecake and the Beverly Hillbillies! Come on in to listen...
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Saturday Nov 26, 2016
Gems in the Gospel of John - Part 77
Saturday Nov 26, 2016
Saturday Nov 26, 2016

Part 77 - John 18:26
Peter’s failure - corporate
There are two aspects to the effect of Peter’s denials of Christ: one which would have an effect on the whole early church, which we will think about here; and that which was part of his personal life experience, which we leave for next week.
It really is extra-ordinary that all four Gospel-writers tell the story of how Peter denied Christ in full detail. By the time the gospels were being written Peter had been the leading apostle, the Chief Executive, the Managing Director of the church through its early years. In our day of spin doctors and careful manipulation of the news things would have been done very differently. Perhaps someone writing a negative biography, picking on all a fellow’s weak points, might have highlighted this episode, but surely the Gospel-writers would not come into that category.
By the time that these gospels were written down he was dead, martyred in Rome, but that was surely all the more reason why one might expect them to have suppressed a story so damaging to his reputation. There would be no dishonesty involved in not mentioning what happened. Why, then, did they think it so important to tell this particular story in full? They must have had distinct, positive reasons for doing so.
They were teaching us, and the church down through the ages, that leaders are never perfect. We may not know what their weaknesses are or have been, but we may be sure they are there hidden somewhere ‘under the carpet’. And then, secondarily, they are teaching us - at least Luke was when he said Peter ‘wept bitterly’ - that such failures should be repented of as quickly and as totally as possible.
It is scarcely possible to be a Christian for long without having to face up to the consequences of this teaching. Yes, we have all failed. We all need to seek forgiveness by deep repentance of what we have done. But we can all expect to continue to live a rich and fruitful Christian life as did Peter.
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Friday Nov 25, 2016
Friday Prayers 25 November 2016
Friday Nov 25, 2016
Friday Nov 25, 2016
Partakers Friday Prayers!
25th November 2016
We pray together and when Christians pray together, from different nations, different churches and different denominations - that reveals Church unity! Come! Let us pray together!
O Almighty and all-knowing God,
Who is without beginning or end!
Who is the giver, preserver, and rewarder of all virtue!
Grant me to stand firm on the solid foundation of faith,
be protected by the invincible shield of hope,
and be adorned by the nuptial garment of charity.
Grant me by justice to obey you,
by prudence to resist the crafts of the Devil,
by temperance to hold to moderation,
by fortitude to bear adversity with patience.
Grant that the goods I have I may share liberally
with those who have not,
and the goods which I do not have I may seek with
humility from those who have.
Grant that I may truly recognise the guilt of the evil I have done,
and bear with equanimity the punishments I have deserved;
that I may never lust after the goods of my neighbour,
but always give thanks to you for all thy good gifts.
Plant in me, O Lord, all thy virtues,
that in divine matters I might be devout,
in human affairs wise,
and in the proper needs of the flesh onerous to no one.
And grant that I may never rush to do things hastily,
nor balk to do things demanding,
so that I neither yearn for things too soon,
nor desert things before they are finished.
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Monday Nov 21, 2016
Think Spot 21 November 2016
Monday Nov 21, 2016
Monday Nov 21, 2016
Think Spot 21 November 2016
What does that mean for us today? As Christians we are to live right lives - to be holy. That is a fundamental about being a Christian. It means being practical and loving others - not just in words but in action. Not just saying I love you but showing that you do. It means sometimes doing things we don't want to do. Or not doing things we want to do. It means putting others first and ourselves last. It means not showing favouritism – to the rich or the poor, to the beautiful and the not so beautiful.
Loving others as yourself, does not mean loving yourself less. It means loving others more. It means holding the interests of others higher than your own. It means honouring others above yourself.
How are you doing at loving others - all others? Are you loving others generously & selflessly? Or are you saying you love them, but only on your own terms or only in words and not in action. Loving them selfishly by putting your own needs first and others after yourself.
A challenge!
Here is a challenge for you. Go into this new week determined to love others – all others – without favouritism. Each of us has ways in which we feel the love of others. We all have our own needs & wants. Ask somebody else today that what it is that you could do for them that would make them feel that they are loved and valued. You may well be surprised that it is something very simple and you would never have found out what it was unless you had asked.
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Sunday Nov 20, 2016
WOW Tour USA 2016 - Old friends, Des Moines and a baby....
Sunday Nov 20, 2016
Sunday Nov 20, 2016

WOW Tour USA 2016
Des Moines - Never been a WOW Dedication like this!
We are in a series for these Sundays, whereupon I give some personal reflections on my recent 7 weeks tour of the the USA... During that time in the USA, I sought to enable and encourage others in their faith byteaching, training and most of all, WOWing for God! It is my prayer that I was able to do that for the glory and honour of God alone.
Today I talk briefly about saying goodbye to Minneapolis, after seeing Wendy, who I knew from my time in Australia - from school and from church association. Then on the Thursday morning - to Des Moines, Iowa - where a baby was waiting for me to dedicate him to God! A real WOW moment for sure! Come on in to listen...
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Saturday Nov 19, 2016
Gems in the Gospel of John - Part 76
Saturday Nov 19, 2016
Saturday Nov 19, 2016

Gems in the Gospel of John
Part 76 - John 18:11
Nearly 300 years ago there was a considerable war in the Caribbean between Britain and Spain. Yes, the loss of an ear caused a war and many deaths! Historians know it as the ‘war of Jenkin’s ear’. Certainly that particular war did have quite a background. The Jenkins involved may well have been a smuggler and the Spanish ship that challenged them was a customs vessel, and it was several years before the incident was worked up to be a cause for war.
There was no such time lag involved in this incident. An armed posse of various people, full of excitement and of doubtful discipline, was chasing a much smaller group in the middle of the night. When they caught up with them they will have surrounded them. Swords were drawn, one rather foolishly by the ever impetuous Peter. There was a cry of wrath and pain from one guy, Malchus.
What happened next? One would expect that there would have been a general set to; several people hurt or killed, mainly from the smaller party. But it didn’t happen. We know what Jesus said in rebuke to Peter, “Put your sword away! Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me”. We know that he healed the ear - Luke tells us that - but we do not know what he, or anybody else, said to restrain the larger party. But there was no general scrap, no casualties, no unfortunate effects of that one blow. Why?
Because in the midst of the group, at the very centre of all that was happening was the Prince of Peace himself. And so, against all the odds and what might have been expected peace prevailed, even in the dark and all the confusion that might have been expected with hot-heads on both sides, .
This is our Lord. this is the one we seek to follow and serve. Let us too live in peace with all men and women so far as within us lies, and even further than all expectations might suggest we will and should.
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~You can now purchase our Partakers books including Roger's latest - The Puzzle of Living - A fresh look at the story of Job!
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Friday Nov 18, 2016
Friday Prayers 18 November 2016
Friday Nov 18, 2016
Friday Nov 18, 2016
Partakers Friday Prayers!
18th November 2016
We pray together and when Christians pray together, from different nations, different churches and different denominations - that reveals Church unity! Come! Let us pray together!
O God, most glorious, uncreated One,
O God, eternal, beatific One,
O God, O infinite and hidden One,
O God, immense, O God the Living One,
You, wisdom of the Everlasting One,
You, ever-loved and ever-loving One;
Make me, O holy God, Thy treasured one;
Make me, O glorious Lord, Thy precious one;
Make me, O highest Good, Thy longing one;
Make me, O blessed Light, Thy chosen one;
Make me forevermore Thy loving one.
My soul is dark away from You, my own;
My eyes are dim in seeking You, my own;
My flesh doth pine away for You, my own;
My heart leaps up with joy to You, my own;
My spirit faints receiving You, my own.
Where in the height of heaven, is light like You?
Where in the breadth of heaven is bliss like You?
Where, in the depth of heaven, is peace like You?
Where, in the home of love, is love like You?
With all my heart I give myself to You;
And waiting, wait, O King and Spouse for You,
Till I am one for evermore with You.
O sweetest Jesus, bring me home to You;
Free me, O dearest God, from all but You;
And break all chains that keep me back from You;
Call me, O thrilling Love, I follow You;
You are my all, and I have nothing but You.
O hidden Love, Who now is loving me,
O wounded Love, Who once was dead for me,
O sun-crowned Love, Who is alive for me,
O patient Love, Who never wearies of me —
Alone of all, You weary not of me —
O bear with me till I am lost in You;
O bear with me till I am found in You.
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For we ask these things O Father God, through the name of Your Son, Jesus and in the power of the Holy Spirit who lives within us. Amen
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Monday Nov 14, 2016
Think Spot 14 November 2016
Monday Nov 14, 2016
Monday Nov 14, 2016
Monday Think Spot
14 November 2016
Today on Partakers Think Spot, I have invited a good friend, Anne, to share some afterthoughts concerning the outcome of the USA Presidential election held last week in which Donald Trump won and is the President-elect...
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