Saturday May 04, 2024
Christian Response to Mormonism 4
Saturday May 04, 2024
Saturday May 04, 2024
Mormonism - Part 4
Temple Rituals.
This is a loose fitting white garment. Their own clothes are then locked away and the key is pinned onto the shield garment. The temple assistants proceed to lay their hands on different parts of the candidates bodies invoking a blessing upon each part. The head is washed so that the brain and intellect can function correctly, the eyes that they may see clearly especially that which is spiritual. Other private parts are touched and blessed so that they may produce healthy offspring. Following this ceremony a special undergarment is placed upon the body which must never be removed for it has special magical properties. Masonic Handshakes were introduced into temple rites by Joseph Smith in 1842. The oaths include:
- The removal of tongue and throat cut if secrets of the temple are ever revealed by them. That is part of the Aaronic priesthood.
- The removal of bowels and stomach cut if in the Melchizadek Priesthood.
Changes And Contradictions
- The book of Mormon has had nearly 4000 changes since its first edition in 1830
- Mormons say that the Bible is inadequate and contains errors.
- Mormons add to the scriptures other such books as “The Pearl of great price” and “Doctrines and Covenants"
What Does The Bible Say?
The Accuracy Of The Bible In Contrast
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Friday May 03, 2024
Christian Response to Mormonism 3
Friday May 03, 2024
Friday May 03, 2024
Mormonism - Part 3
Teachings contrary to the Bible
1. They teach an addition to the Genesis account of the beginnings of mankind.
2. How Different Does The Bible Speak Of Those Early Times?
3. Some key Mormon beliefs
4. Who Are Perceptable To These False Teachings?
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Thursday May 02, 2024
Christian Response to Mormonism 2
Thursday May 02, 2024
Thursday May 02, 2024
Mormonism - Part 2
Joseph Smith and the Beginnings of Mormonism.
Joseph Smith was the son of parents who were into selling blessings and fortune telling. Joseph himself had quite a reputation for telling tall stories. He was born in 1805 and at the age of fourteen was said to have had a divine visit from an angel and warned to have nothing to do with the established church.
Visit from Moroni!
Joseph was then supposed to have received a further visit from an angel whose name he said was Moroni. who gave him instructions to go to a certain place named Palmyra where he would receive a very special revelation from God. He would be told where to find some special gold plates with very special writing on. The writing would be in Egyptian so he would not have understood with out some kind of aid. Fortunately there just to the side of the gold plates were a pair of spectacles (glasses) and when Joseph looked through those glasses at the writing he would see it translated into his own language. In 1827 Joseph Smith began to dictate from behind a curtain to three men who acted as his scribes as he read from those gold plates using those special glasses I referred to earlier.
Beginnings of the Book of Mormon
When completed, these writings were formed into a book and when printed was called "The Book of Mormon." Then it is said that Moroni the angel returned, collected the plates as well as the glasses and disappeared again. In 1830 Joseph Smith started the Mormon Church or The Church of the Latter Day Saints as it is also known. It is only fair to point out at this stage that this book of Mormon which is given as high a place as the Bible in the Mormon Church was produced at the same time as a historic novel written by a man by the name of Spaulding. He had been a Presbyterian preacher who eventually died of consumption in a place named Conneaut in Ohio .
Before he died he made a great deal of money out of it it as it sold well. The book was called 'Forgotten Tales of the Monk Cyril and the Abbot Joachim'. It is believed that The Book of Mormon is actually the writings found in that book plus some added scriptures. If this is the case then it doesn't enhance the man Joseph Smith to us as a godly man who had said the writings came from God and received from an angel called Moroni. When his own father questioned him about the writings and wanted to look at the gold plates for himself, Joseph said it was unwise for if he were to look upon them he would surely die. His own wife Emma also helped in writing the book of Mormon as Joseph continued to dictate from the gold plates but never became a part of the Mormon church till many years later.
New Revelation
Several years on, Polygamy became a regular practice in the Mormon church. What was it that triggered that off you ask?. After all wasn't this Mormon church supposed to be morally sound, a godly fellowship of God's people? Joseph Smith gives us the answer himself. He said it came as a divine revelation to him. No one it seems was prepared to argue with him on that matter that prompted that action. Following Joseph Smith's death, Brigham Young took over as leader. During his lifetime the Mormon Church was forced to obey the laws of the country and not only follow their own rules and codes of practice. You will not be totally surprised to hear of the legacy Brigham Young left behind him when he died. He left 400,000 dollars, seventeen wives, and fifty six children. Polygamy continued to be expressed as the Mormon church said they were only following their interpretation of scriptures relating to Abraham who had many concubines during his life time. More about that in our next study where we will be looking specifically at some of the teachings of the Mormon church especially in relation to the book of Genesis and what they add to the scriptures as well as leave out!
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Wednesday May 01, 2024
Christian Response to Mormonism 1
Wednesday May 01, 2024
Wednesday May 01, 2024
Mormonism - An Introduction
The Church of Jesus Christ Latter-Day Saints.
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My first introduction to Mormonism was when visiting some homes in the Bournemouth area on behalf of a local evangelical church. Knocking on one particular door I received an extremely warm welcome. I was politely invited into a nice, well kept home and was made at home instantly. My first thoughts were "Wow! Surely here is a Christian home!" So what led me to that conclusion?"
You may well ask, for surely there are polite atheists living in our district aren't there?. It wasn't because of their high interest in the Bible for that was surely evident.. No, I was perhaps thinking that way because the words they used concerning the things of God were very very similar. They seemed to use all the jargon that many Christians use. Yes, they talked like Christians yet there was something odd about them. Why do I say that?
Because when I brought up in the conversation something about Jesus shedding his precious blood to deliver us from our guilt of sin I thought they would be totally in agreement with me. When I talked of this as evidence of Jesus great love for us they became tense and I sensed an awkwardness coming into our conversation. It wasn't flowing. It was at that point I realised or maybe the Holy Spirit inside of me gave me witness, that these dear people were looking for salvation in a completely different direction!. Yes, they were kind, friendly religious people but they were not born again Christians.
My second introduction to Mormon missionaries was when visiting some backsliding Christians who were having difficulty holding onto their Christian faith. They had agreed to have two Mormon missionaries visit them in their own home with a audio/ visual presentation of Mormonism and what it was all about. I was invited as a friend to be there at this meeting. Two Mormon Elders arrived with a video/audio equipment to teach people the Mormon doctrines. I was introduce as a frind and so we all sat down to watch and listen. Following the presentation we entered into discussion and it was all very polite and lots of smiles.
"Have you any questions? we were asked. I answered "Yes I do have an important May I ask you what you teach concerning the difference between two very important Bible words. Please explain to me your understanding of the words grace and mercy in the Bible." They seemed to fumble with their answer saying "Sorry we have not got our Webster book of words with us" "May I then help you?" I offered. "Why Yes " they replied. I simply said "God's grace is God giving to us that which we do not deserve and God's mercy is God withholding from us that which we do deserve."
Silence reigned before they made a hurried retreat to the door saying they had another immediate engagement. The home in which this conversation took place with Mormon elders (their own definition of their office) was owned by two young Christians who were obvious targets as they were not very well taught in the Christian faith. The Mormons missionaries were clean,tidy and indeed smart in their clothing as well as in their manner and clear conversation and attractive to the gullible Christians whom they may meet by going from house to house. So what do you know about the Mormons?
I want to help you grasp some fundamental truths concerning them if you are confronted by them on your own front door step or have them approach you in a busy shopping centre which you frequent regularly. They are regularly see in our towns and approach us in a polite and friendly way and can catch us off guard. So having introduced Mormonism next time I want to talk about their founder, Joseph Smith, and how they came into being.
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Wednesday Feb 07, 2018
Spiritualism 04
Wednesday Feb 07, 2018
Wednesday Feb 07, 2018
4. Spiritualism:
How Do Spiritualist Treat The Bible?
By Jim Allis
Spiritualism sums up its teaching in the following seven points: Spiritualists mainly agree on seven points: 1. The fatherhood of God 2. The brotherhood of Man 3. The communion of spirits and the ministry of angels 4. The continuous existence of the human soul 5. Personal responsibility 6. Compensation and retribution hereafter for all good and evil deeds done on earth 7. Eternal progress open to every human soul I will not write down in detail all they believe but will point out where in particular they differ from the Bible and Christianity.
Question 1. : On what basis are we allowed into Heaven ?
What Spiritualists say: The home that awaits us in the spirit world depends upon the life we have led on earth. If we have honestly tried to do the best we can, then we need have no fear of death. We have fitted ourselves for the result which is automatic; a better, happier life where we are reunited with our loved ones and friends. If, on the other hand, there has been more selfishness than goodness and service in our lives, we will automatically have to pay the price. This is part of the law of sowing and reaping, which is another way of saying that effect must follow cause. It is perfectly summarised in the sixth principle of spiritualism, which says that hereafter there is compensation and retribution for all good and evil done on earth. Acts of service that we have performed will naturally increase our spiritual status. Sins of omission or commission will just as naturally retard it. There is, however, no hell in which its inhabitants are condemned for eternity. What the Bible says “For by grace are we saved through faith and that not of ourselves it is the gift of God and not of works lest any man should boast” Ephesians 2:8. Grace is the operative word here. God’s riches at Christ’s expense. Heaven cannot be earned. God has made a way whereby we may enter heaven.
- Whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life” John 3:16;
- The gift of God is eternal life” John 3:36;
- “There is none righteous no not one” Romans 3:10;)
- Jesus said “IFor God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that am the way, the truth and the life no one comes to the Father except by Me.” John 14:6;)
- “There is no salvation in and through no one else For there is no other name under heaven whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12;)
Question 2 : What do Spiritualists say about Jesus?
“We do not believe in vicarious atonement as preached in some orthodox religions. We regard Jesus as an exemplar, not a saviour. Man has no saviour but himself. We are each personally responsible for our sins and must atone for them here and hereafter. It is far more moral to acknowledge our sins and try to make amends than to try to place them on the shoulders of another. We believe that Jesus was Divine, but only in the sense that we are all divine. There is a difference of degree but not of kind.” What does the Bible say concerning Jesus? People have needed a Saviour ever since Adam and Eve broke the first commandment....”You shall not take of the tree in the centre of Garden if you do you will surely die” (Genesis 3) The Bible goes on to say that every person entering the world after that were born separated from God by their sin and needing someone to come and save them from their sin and that Person is clearly seen in our Bibles to be Jesus Christ the eternal Son of God. Paul writing to Timothy writes “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.”(1 Timothy 1:15;) Romans 3:23” says “We have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God” An atonement was required in order to redeem sinners. The Redeemer is Jesus and through His sacrifice all who believe on Him and repent of their sin are delivered from their sin and receive the gift of eternal life. It needed a perfect Saviour to save us and only Jesus was fit for that task,. He remained sinless through all His thirty three years upon earth and He alone could atone as he surely did upon a cross of wood over 2000 years ago. The proof of the success of that atonement is that the grave could not hold Him and he rose from the dead three days after his crucifixion took place. this present time Jesus is in Heaven preparing a place for all believers and one day will come again into this world to take into heaven all who have trusted in Him for their salvation to join with those who are already there arriving after they had died upon earth. It doesn't just happen God made it clear from the beginning that the soul that sins dies and has no hope apart from an awakening by The Holy Spirit (Third member of the Trinity) We come into the world biased towards sin and we need to be changed and for that purpose Jesus died to remove our sins and The Holy Spirit imparts spiritual life to the believer. He is “born again to newness of life” He could not achieve this by himself. Spiritualists believe they don't need a saviour and say that they have to save themselves. Only perfect beings can arrive in heaven and we can only be made perfect through being in union with Christ and receiving the newness of life in Him This clearly is seen in (2 Corinthians 5:17-18; (Amplified Bible) “Therefore if any person is (engrafted) in Christ, the Messiah, he is (a new creature altogether) a new creation; the old (previous moral and spiritual condition) has passed away, behold the fresh and new has come! But all things are from God Who through Jesus Christ reconciled us to Himself “ Spiritualists teach that Jesus was nothing more than a medium, He was not divine as unique from us who are mere mortals. They say He is an advanced spirit in the sixth sphere and his death was only a martyrdom heroic devotion to humanity. Oh! How they have missed out on who He really is. The Son of God the third member of the Trinity. His mission accomplished was to deliver man from his sins. I say accomplished for when he died he gave up His own life it was not taken from Him. He gave up His life unto death so that when all was concluded the triumphant words rang out from that cross “It is finished” or “Tetalesti!” as it is in the Aramaic. Finally they say “Hell does not exist” but that is one of the prime reasons Jesus came to deliver us from hell and bring us safe into Heaven. The authority of my words are with God Himself in His written Word the Bible.. His Word is Perfect (Psalm 12:6;)_ His Word is Truth (John 17:17;) Test everything by The Bible. May I encourage you ‘Read it to be wise, believe it to be safe and practice it to be holy’. Thank you. ** Disclaimer: The author of this article, Jim Allis, is a guest podcaster and Partake Ministries may or may not agree with his opinions and writings, either in their entirety or part thereof.
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Wednesday Jan 31, 2018
Spiritualism 03
Wednesday Jan 31, 2018
Wednesday Jan 31, 2018
3. Spiritualism:
What Takes Place In Seances?
By Jim Allis
A meeting at which mediums try to communicate with the dead) During Séances people who seek to communicate with loved ones are often startled to hear familiar voices supplying details about one's life which no one else present could know. In addition to impersonating the voice of the dead these may well be the voices of the unclean spirits who actually lived within the person during their lifetime. After wondering in dry places (Job 30:3-8) and being called forth to return by the séance, they are in a position to re-enter the family. The opening is provided by seeking information from the demonic realm for them to gain a new "house." This might also explain why, after a time, these spirits can no longer be summoned in séances; they have entered a new victim and are no longer homeless. Evil spirits cannot enter people as easy as some believe. If they could they would, so that in every situation where demons were present, there would be no protection, and all could be subject to them. There must be legal grounds or legal holds to open a person to attacks. A willingness from the person to want such a spirit to live within themselves through some wrong activity they engage in such as prostitution or drugs. It is thought by some that a great many come in through family background, curses and inheritance. Even habitual sin enables a demon to enter aided by inherited family weakness and inclinations. Perhaps when habitual sin does allow the entrance of a demon it may be easier to dislodge, comparatively speaking, the same demon in a person who has an inherited opening in his family line.
Can The Dead Make Contact With The Living?
The Bible says no, No! If there is any supernatural activity in the séance, it is most certainly not the spirit of the departed one speaking through the medium. It is not possible according to the Scriptures to contact the spirits of the dead. Jesus made this very clear with the account of the rich man and Lazarus. In Luke 16: 19-31 we read, “there was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury everyday. At his gate was laid a beggar named Lazarus, covered with sores and longing to eat what fell from the rich man's table. Even the dogs came and licked his sores. The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham's side. The rich man also died and was buried. In hell, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. So he called to him, "father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire." But Abraham replied, “Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony. And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.” He answered, “Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my father's house, for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.” Abraham replied, “They have Moses and the Prophets, let them listen to them.' "No, `father Abraham, he said, but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.'" He said, to him, `If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.'
Two things need to be pointed out in this passage:
a. There is a great gulf fixed between the places of the righteous and unrighteous dead which no one can cross. The dead, in other words, are unable to change from one side to the other. They are fixed for eternity. b. The rich man was refused permission to warn his five brothers of their impending fate if they did not repent. The passage indicates, along with the rest of the Scripture, that the dead are not allowed to speak to the living on any matter. The response in this case was that the brothers needed to believe what God had said in the Scriptures to escape their doom rather than a voice from the dead. Jesus declared that those who harden their hearts against the very words of God through Moses and the prophets would not listen even if one did return from the dead. This is proved by those who reject the Gospel of Jesus Christ today. Jesus Christ did rise from the dead and yet people still refuse to accept what is written in the Bible concerning the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Tomorrow: Part 4 which is our final study in looking into Spiritualism is extremely important as we look at the Bible and how Spiritualists treat the Bible and then in conclusion what the Bible has to say about Spiritualism practices. ** Disclaimer: The author of this article, Jim Allis, is a guest podcaster and Partake Ministries may or may not agree with his opinions and writings, either in their entirety or part thereof.
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Wednesday Jan 24, 2018
Spiritualism 02
Wednesday Jan 24, 2018
Wednesday Jan 24, 2018
2. Spiritualism: Is It All Trickery?
By Jim Allis
The destiny of a king who called up the spirit of the dead (1 Samuel 28;7ff)
We read in the Old Testament about Saul the first king of Israel, a God fearing man, who at one time killed all the witches and sorcerers. However, when he did wrong, God turned His face away from him. When Saul wanted to fight with the Philistines, he sought God's counsel, but He did not answer Saul.
Instead of soul searching and repenting from his sins in the presence of God, Saul asked a woman (sorcerer) to call the spirit of Samuel (who was a great prophet of God, and was dead at the time). The woman called Samuel's spirit for the king to counsel. When Samuel's spirit was called, he said: Why have you called and distressed me? (This false spirit was an evil one that had showed himself as Samuel's spirit.) Mediums or sorcerers absolutely have no access to call the spirits of dead people, any manifestation belongs to evil spirits and their job is deceiving the people and bringing them under the curse of God to get control over them and their offspring.
This wrong doing was the reason God turned His face from Saul, took away his kingship and gave it to David. Saul died in his sin. Isaiah writing in chapter 8:19-20 couldn't be any clearer warning us emphatically of the danger to our souls “And when they shall say to you, Seek to the mediums and to wizards who peep and mutter; should not a people seek to their God, than for the living to the dead? To the Law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this Word, it is because no light is in them”. So the question is “what is the attraction which is hard to resist?”The main attraction, for many, is the professed ability to contact the dead. Many spiritualists are normally acting out of genuine motives and feel they are doing good by helping those who are grieving by putting them in touch with their departed loved ones.
People are often amazed at the supernatural display of information that is channelled through the medium about the departed person whom they have sought to make contact with. The supposed spirit of the departed, speaking through the medium, will give intricate details of the persons life and have access to details that only dead relative could have possibly known. This is enough for some people to convince them that they really are speaking to a departed loved one. Because people are so desperate to be in the company of the person they miss, many do not question that there may be another reason for the things that they are hearing and experiencing.
The Bible describes a supernatural world that is inhabited by many spirits, which do indeed have contempt for humanity: "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places." (Eph. 6:12) The truth is that messages that are meant to come from the dead are actually from deceiving spirits who are familiar with the departed. Indeed, Isaiah 29:4 calls such a spirit a "familiar spirit" (KJV).
These spirits are highly intelligent manipulative beings that have supernatural knowledge of events and people. They are able to impersonate anyone they so desire. Many grief stricken widows and widowers in their lonely agony have sought comforting help through mediums. They are naturally looking for peace and comfort they are promised by spiritualists they will receive after making contact with their dear dead relatives. They often little realise they are tampering with things forbidden in the Bible. As previously said they do not make direct contact with their dead relatives but from demons (fallen angels) impersonating the dead relatives they yearn to hear from them to make sure they are safe ‘on the other side’.
However these demons are described in our Bibles as “deceiving spirits’. Did not something similar taker place in the Garden of Eden when Eve was DECEIVED by Satan, the Commander in Chief of evil spirits. From that time to this present day their character doesn't change. Many are deceived today into believing they actually make contact with their loved ones. It happens in séances and necromancy. Coming up tomorrow: Part 3 - What Happens In A Séance?
** Disclaimer: The author of this article, Jim Allis, is a guest podcaster and Partake Ministries may or may not agree with his opinions and writings, either in their entirety or part thereof.
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Wednesday Jan 17, 2018
Spiritualism 01
Wednesday Jan 17, 2018
Wednesday Jan 17, 2018
1. Spiritualism: Right or Wrong?
By Jim Allis
Picture a wonderful scene... ”There is a beautiful scene of happiness all around us. There are marvellous buildings of grandeur, blue lagoons, clear lakes of warm water and luscious green grassed meadows. The colours of the birds are of magnificent shades of blue red green and yellow as never seen before. Here there is also a sense of peace as never experienced before and such a peace as you never want it to end. All, yes all is so peaceful here” You might well imagine this to be the introduction to a holiday brochure but it is not. It is the description of the ‘other side’ to which Spiritualists say we go when we leave this present world. The words I have referred to are in fact words supposedly given to a medium by a departed spirit for the comfort of living relatives and friends of their departed loved ones.
Where And How Did It Begin?
Spiritualism began in a tiny home in Hydesville,USA To be more precise, spirit messages began to be received by a family of three girls on 31st March 1848. These young ladies were experimenting when suddenly they said they heard rapping noises from a spirit who claimed to be a murdered peddler. Kate, Margaret and Leah Foxe became very fascinated by it. However in 1880 Margaret Foxe admitted it was fraud and delusion. Some have said she only said this because she was envious of her sister. Leah who became famous in this movement. Since that time of course many fraudulent mediums have jumped on the band wagon faking supernatural noises and apparitions to make money. Some people will do almost anything to gain money as I am sure you my readers would agree. Leah Foxe is supposed to have received this message from the spirit world, ‘Dear Friends, you must proclaim this message to the world. When you do your duty, God will protect you and good spirits will watch over you.’ Within only a short space of time there were over a hundred mediums practicing in New York alone.
Since that time Spiritualism has grown into an international organisation throughout the whole World. Various groups under the one main heading but each have peculiar differences. However with Spiritualism there is one common ground on which they all stand. They all proclaim with one accord that ‘one can communicate with the dead.’ Spiritualism was mainly a middle- and upper-class movement, and especially popular with women. U.S. spiritualists would meet in private homes for séances, at lecture halls for trance lectures, at state or national conventions, and at summer camps attended by thousands.
The movement was extremely individualistic, with each person relying on her own experiences and reading to discern the nature of the afterlife. Organisation was therefore slow to appear, and when it did it was resisted by mediums and trance lecturers. Most members were content to attend Christian churches, and particularly Universalist churches harboured many Spiritualists..) During the 1920s, professional magician Harry Houdini undertook a well-publicised campaign to expose fraudulent mediums. He was adamant that "Up to the present time everything that I have investigated has been the result of deluded brains."
Despite widespread fraud, the appeal of Spiritualism was strong. Prominent in the ranks of its adherents were those grieving the death of a loved one. Many attend to this very day who are grieving the loss of a loved one and can’t bear the separation and so seek out a spiritualist medium who can bring them into contact again with the deceased. One well known case is that of Mary Todd Lincoln who, grieving the loss of her son, organized séances in the White House which were attended by her husband, President Abraham Lincoln. The surge of interest in Spiritualism during and after the American Civil War and World War I was a direct response to the massive casualties. Coming up tomorrow, our second study, entitled "Is it all Trickery?"
** Disclaimer: The author of this article, Jim Allis, is a guest podcaster and Partake Ministries may or may not agree with his opinions and writings, either in their entirety or part thereof.
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Wednesday Jan 10, 2018
Jehovah Witnesses 07
Wednesday Jan 10, 2018
Wednesday Jan 10, 2018
Part 7 -
New Birth, Hell, Life after death, Salvation
We come now to our final session regarding Jehovah Witnesses, and we will be comparing and contrasting their beliefs with what The Bible teaches in regards to Life after death, New Birth and Salvation. We have covered a lot of ground in the first six lessons but now we come to the finale.
- Is there life after death?
- Is there a hell?
- Is there really a heaven?
- How many go to heaven?
- Is it only 144000 as Jehovah witnesses teach that will enter heaven?
- Does every person need to be born again to have everlasting life?
Yes a lot of questions so what are the answers. We shall listen to the Jehovah Witnesses and also see what The Bible says about these important matters.
1. New Birth
John 3:3; "Except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God" Jehovah witnesses say "It is only Christ and his 144000 body members who are born again, that is spirit-begotten with the hope of heaven! Revelation chapter 14 does speak of 144 000 around the throne in heaven (future picture) and Jehovah Witnesses say they alone are the born again believers and all are Jehovah Witnesses of a special kind. They are those who have lived ultra clean lives and have never strayed. They alone are born again. They earn salvation through their being pure and undefiled. They qualify for heaven but all other Jehovah Witnesses will inherit the new earth because they belong to the Jehovah Witness Movement and are active in door to door visitation.
This teaching directly conflicts with what the Bible teaches. "There is none righteous no not one, for all have sinned and fall short of God's glory. Romans 3:23" The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life." SALVATION IS A GIFT FOR ANY AND ALL WHO WILL COME TO GOD THROUGH REPENTANCE AND FAITH. THEY WILL BE SAVED AND ENJOY ETERNAL LIFE WITH GOD IN HEAVEN.
There is absolutely no distinction in the Bible between born again believers and non born again believers. Note this. "All who believe are born again unto a lively hope." 1 Peter1: Even more importantly we read in Romans 8:9; ""If anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ he does not belong to Him."
So what is the essential thing in salvation? 1 John 5:1; "Whoever BELIEVES that Jesus is the Christ is BORN OF GOD." Born again can be translated "Born from above" or "Born of God" It is something of an inward nature that changes a person completely from an unbeliever to a lover of Jesus Christ who is Saviour Lord and King. He or she becomes a brand new person.
How big is Heaven? Only big enough for 144,000! How many believers will enter heaven? In Revelation 7:1-6 there is reference to 144,000 all Jews. If you take the figure 144,000 literally then you have to take the twelve tribes mentioned there each comprising of 12,000 Jews. Then look further (Revelation 7:9ff) and you will notice there are such a great number of others (Gentiles?) who come from every nation on the face of this earth. All are found worshipping the Lamb of God, who is Jesus Christ. He saved them, He delivered them and He brought them safe home to Heaven to enjoy Him for eternity. John 3:3; "Unless a man is born again he cannot either see or enter into the kingdom of God." That is BORN SPIRITUALLY BY THE POWER OF THE PERSON OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. This great event takes place in every person who believes. You cannot tell a person they will be safe in the coming Kingdom by becoming a Jehovah Witness and being a dedicated door to door worker.
2. Hell.
They say . "It is unscriptural, unreasonable contrary to God's love, repugnant to justice" ('Let God be true' page 9) At death Jehovah Witnesses teach that a person goes into non-existence and will be annihilated if they are not a Jehovah Witness.
What does the Bible say about Hell? Jesus Himself taught the doctrine of hell. (Mark 9:42-49;) Note verse 43 "If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off, it is better for you to enter into life maimed than with two hands to go to Hell where the fire never goes out." Twice more Jesus uses the word 'Gehenna' for hell. Helll is a place that goes on for ever. To refuse Jesus Christ as your Saviour when you have opportunity to receive Him into your heart and life is the worst sin of all. (Matthew 25:46;) speaks of eternal; punishment and eternal life in the same context. Eternal punishment lasts as long as eternal life. Note Jesus words concerning unbelievers ad hypocrites "And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous (declared righteous through Jesus perfect life and sacrifice) into eternal life."
3. Life After Death
May I encourage you to look up in your Bible the following references to see what God has to say about life after death. (Luke 20: 37,38:) "He is not God of the dead but of the living" Also in (Luke 16) in the parable of The rich man and Lazarus there is further proof of life after death, even of conscious agony while Lazarus is enjoying the comforts of Heaven. Moses and Elijah spoke with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration long after they had departed this world.(Luke 9:30) Paul speaks of dying as gain in Philippians 1:21-24;
4. Salvation
Christ's death is the only ground of our salvation."Now He (Jesus) has appeared to do away with sin by the sacrifice of Himself..Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people. (Hebrews 9:26;) "He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised for our justification. Salvation cannot be earned as a reward! "He saved us not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy." (Titus 3:5; Romans 6:23; 2 Timothy 1:9)! Salvation is by faith alone and only by the grace of God! "He who believes has eternal life. For we maintain that a man is justified by faith alone apart from the works of the law." (John 3:16; John 6:37; John 20:21; Romans 3:28;)
My purpose throughout these studies is only to declare what God says about these important and urgent matters. Many have been heading in the wrong direction and needed to change direction. That is what repentance is all about. A changing of ones mind affecting a change in direction. (Matthew 11:28-30;)
May God have spoken through His spoken Word, the gospel is a life changing event and if you are open to listen to God and follow Him , not a person or an organisation but simply come to the Scriptures and have God speak to you directly from His Holy Word. His living active Word. May God take the scales from eyes and impart spiritual life to you the listener and reader and impart the work of His Holy Spirit in you and as a result may you know refreshing times from the Presence of the Lord beginning in your life today. May the living Jesus Christ become a living reality to you from now on.
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** Disclaimer: The author of this article, Jim Allis, is a guest podcaster and Partakers may or may not agree with his opinions and writings, either in their entirety or part thereof.
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Wednesday Dec 20, 2017
Jehovah Witnesses 06
Wednesday Dec 20, 2017
Wednesday Dec 20, 2017
Part 6 - Is the New World Translation Reliable?
To answer that question I would like us to consider what Jehovah Witnesses say about Jesus Christ being the co- creator of the World. They say that "all that exists was created by Jehovah; Jesus was the first to be created then God used Jesus as His working partner to create the rest of creation."
The apostle Paul writes in Colossians 1:15-16, referring to Jesus Christ: "He is the image of the invisible God, the first born over all creation. For by Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the first born from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy."
Jesus Christ - created or Creator?
So the subject here is the supremacy of Christ. When you read the verses here in context this is easily seen without trying to make it say something else . To do so would make it a perversion. If God is the creator of heaven and earth then Jesus Christ can be no lower than God . Genesis1:1; "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth" In Colossians 1 there are several important verses that Jehovah Witnesses twist to try to prove that Jesus was not eternal. That he was created. Colossi ans 1 in their New World Translation is differently interpreted to fit their "reasonable" beliefs. You will see the words "first born of all creation" but what do they mean?
Yes they most definitely refer to Jesus Christ but what is being said about Him here? The Greek word 'prototokos' does not mean created. as we may think but rather refers to sovereignty. Jesus was pre-eminent over all creation. I am given to understand that this Greek word 'prototokos' occurs 8 times in the New Testament and no where does it mean 'creation' If Paul had wanted to say that Jesus was created then he would have used a different word, 'protoktistos' Jehovah Witnesses have given the wrong meaning to the word 'first born' in this verse.
New World Translation embellishments!
Sadly I have to add that The New World Translation with no legitimate justification adds the word 'other' into Colossians 1:16; and into five other places in this first chapter of Colossians in an attempt to make it appear that Jesus was a created being , lesser than Jehovah.
- v16. "Because by means of Him all (other) things were created in the Heavens and upon the earth (NWT)
- v17 "Also He is before all 'other' things and by means of Him all (other ) things were made to exist."
- v20 "And through Him to reconcile again to Himself all (other) things."
There is no need for adding the word other to the texts here referred to. To do so destroys the natural context of the passage and improperly implies that Jesus Christ himself is a creature. Since Jehovah God created the heavens and the earth and all that is therein (Isaiah 44;24; Hebrews 3;4;) and Paul's letter to the Colossians calls Jesus Christ the Creator we can justifiably declare that Jesus Christ is Jehovah God.
The only conclusion we can come to when seeing what the translators have done here is that once again for them it is not reasonable to accept this truth as it does not fit into their "reasonable" thinking so they had to change it. It is clearly seen that The New World Translation is not the work of competent scholars bur rather the work of those who want to push the doctrines of the Watchtower.
New World Translation Inconsistencies
In the forward of the NWT it states "It is a very responsible thing to translate the Holy Scriptures from the original languages." We would agree very much to that but we wish they had lived up to that high principle. The word 'other' is in brackets in the NWT and the reason is given as follows "Brackets enclose words inserted to complete the sense in the English Text."
The truth is that the bracketed words alter the meaning of the text. Likewise in Revelation 3:14; the NWT translates that verse wrongly, referring again to Jesus having been created. A more accurate translation renders it this way "These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the Ruler of God's Creation."
As we draw to the close of this study may I say how deeply concerned I am to all those Jehovah Witnesses who have been led along a downward slippery path of deception. I meet in the same coffee house as they do twice a week and I know they believe what they do is right and believe in what they are told but if I try to show them a better way they have ears closed because they are taught they are the teachers and the only holders of truth. I persist as I know I in myself alone will never convince them of truth but by the power of the Holy Spirit and through prayer they may well come to the knowledge of the truth and be set free.
Is it any wonder that one who has come out from that organisation has written a book with a startling title "I was a Watchtower slave" That is how he saw himself and how they need deliverance and someone to tell them the simple plain gospel that "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners and that Christ is the only Saviour we need. No organisation can save. Jesus Christ said "I am The Way, the Truth and the life no one comes to the Father but by me. " He alone is worthy and trustworthy. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. Next time we shall be thinking about 'The New Birth, Life after death and Salvation .
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