Monday Feb 17, 2020
Think Spot 17 February 2020
Monday Feb 17, 2020
Monday Feb 17, 2020
Think Spot – 17 February 2020
Then was Jesus led up of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. Matthew 4:1.
Jesus was led up of the Spirit into the wilderness, that he might there fast and be tempted; but no one should imitate Christ's example of his own choice and make it a selfish and arbitrary fasting; but instead wait for the Spirit, who will send him enough fastings and temptations. For whoever, without being led by the Spirit, wantonly resorts to the danger of hunger or any other temptation, when it is truly a blessing of God that he can eat and drink and have other comforts, tempts God. We should not seek want and temptation, they will surely come of themselves ; we ought to act honestly, and always do our best. The text reads: Jesus was led up of the Spirit into the wilderness; and not: Jesus himself chose to go up into the wilderness. "As many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God." God gives his blessings that we may use them with thanksgiving, and not that we let them lie idle, and thus tempt him; for he wishes us to fast by the Spirit or by a need which we cannot avoid.
This narrative is written both for our instruction and admonition. For instruction that we should know how Christ has served and helped us by his fasting, hunger, temptation, and victory ; also that whosoever believes on Christ shall never suffer need, and that temptation shall never harm him, but that we shall have enough in the midst of want and be safe in the midst of temptation; because his Lord and Head triumphed over all these in his behalf, and of this he is assured. "Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."
This is written for our admonition, that we may in the light of his example also cheerfully suffer want and temptation for the service of God and the good of our neighbour, like Christ did for us, as often as necessity requires it, which is surely accomplished if we learn and confess God's Word. But we have practiced fasting as a good work, not to bring our flesh into subjection, but as a meritorious work before God to atone for sins and obtain grace. This has made our fasting a stench, a blasphemy, and a disgrace.
(An excerpt taken from "Devotional Readings From Luther's Works For Every Day Of The Year" By Rev. John Sander, L.H.D.) in the Public Domain.
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Saturday Feb 15, 2020
Saturday Story - Adele
Saturday Feb 15, 2020
Saturday Feb 15, 2020
Saturday Story
People meeting Jesus
The story of Adele from Australia...
We continue apace into the twentieth century and hear the story of a friend of mine. Her name is Adele and she is from my home country, Australia. Come on in, and listen to her story about her own Christian journey and the relevancy of Jesus Christ to her life! Come and listen to her story of faith...
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Friday Feb 14, 2020
Friday Prayers 14 February 2020
Friday Feb 14, 2020
Friday Feb 14, 2020
Partakers Friday Prayers!
We pray together and when Christians pray together, from different nations, different churches and different denominations - that reveals Church unity! Come! Let us pray together!
A prayer of Anselm (1033-1109)
Lord, because you have made me,
I owe you the whole of my love;
because you have redeemed me,
I owe you the whole of myself;
because you have promised so much,
I owe you my whole being.
Moreover, I owe you as much more love
than myself as you are greater than I,
for whom you gave yourself and to whom you promised yourself.
I pray you, Lord,
make me taste by love what I taste by knowledge;
let me know by love what I know by understanding.
I owe you more than my whole self,
but I have no more,
and by myself I cannot render the whole of it to you.
Draw me to you, Lord, in the fullness of your love.
I am wholly yours by creation;
make me all yours, too, in love.
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Thursday Feb 13, 2020
Pulp Theology 32
Thursday Feb 13, 2020
Thursday Feb 13, 2020
PulpTheology Book
"Glimpses Into Psalms: A Book Of Life"
G’day! The PulpTheology book this week is: “Glimpses into Psalms: A Book Of Life”.
All life can be found within the Psalms. Whatever our experiences, one of the Psalms will talk about it, reflect upon it and give wisdom in dealing with situation. This little book is but a mere glimpse of its innate riches which will hopefully give you an appetite to investigate the beauty and majesty of the Psalms.
Martin Luther said of the Psalms:
"Every Christian who would abound in prayer and piety ought, in all reason, to make the Psalms his manual." He adds "The Psalter has been lauded and loved by many holy fathers above the other books of the Scripture; and, indeed, the work itself does sufficiently praise its Author. Nevertheless, we also must utter our praise and thanks for it..."
Inside we look together at:
- Psalm 62 - A prayer of Trust
- Psalm 66 - A song of Joy
- Psalm 94 - A prayer of Anger.
Who amongst us has not experienced all three of these parts of life as a human? Come inside to see what the Psalms have to say, particularly in relation to living life for the glory of God! This book is part of the series 'Glimpses Into...'
Come on in! “Glimpses into Psalms: A Book Of Life”. Available on Amazon Bookshop and Pulp Theology.
"Psalms: A Book Of Life" available on Amazon and all good bookshops in paperback with ISBN: 978-1514858981
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Monday Feb 10, 2020
Think Spot 10 February 2020
Monday Feb 10, 2020
Monday Feb 10, 2020
Think Spot – 10 February 2020
Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering; forbearing one another, and forgiving one another. Colossians 3:12-13.
Observe the tender and sacred style of the apostle's admonition. He does not drive us with the law, but persuades by reminding us of the ineffable grace of God. He calls us the "elect of God," "holy," and "beloved." He desires to call forth in us the fruits of faith, wishing to have them yielded in a willing, cheerful and happy spirit. The individual who truly believes that he is beloved, holy and elect before God, will consider how he may sustain his honour and titles, and how he must conduct himself to be worthy of them. He will love God with a fervour that will enable him to do or omit, or suffer all things, and will ever think that he is not doing enough.
Paul here speaks of that sincere and whole-souled mercy, characteristic of a father or mother who witness the distress of their child for which they would readily expose their lives or give up all their possessions. The Christian heart and mind is constantly devoted to merciful deeds with an ardour so intense as to make him unaware that he is doing good and compassionate acts.
Paul condemns also the works and arbitrary rules of hypocritical saints, whose severity will not permit them to associate with sinners, and who exercise no mercy, but administer perpetual reproach, censure, criticism, blame and bluster. They are unable to endure imperfections in any, though they themselves are sinners and many are infirm. Christians reject none, and will bear with all. They are as sincerely interested in sinners as they are in themselves. They pray for them, teach, admonish, persuade, do all in their power to reclaim them. The virtues mentioned in the text become us better in the sight of God than pearls, precious stones, silk and gold become us in the eyes of the world. So Christ dealt with the adulteress, brought her to repentance and with gracious words suffered her to depart. So God in Christ has dealt with us and ever deals
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Friday Feb 07, 2020
Friday Prayers 7 February 2020
Friday Feb 07, 2020
Friday Feb 07, 2020
Partakers Friday Prayers 7 February 2020
We pray together and when Christians pray together, from different nations, different churches and different denominations - that reveals Church unity! Come! Let us pray together!
A prayer of John Wycliffe for faith and courage
That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. (2 Corinthians 12:10)
O loving Christ draw me, weak as I am, to your side,
for if you do not draw me, I can never follow you.
Give me a brave spirit,
so that it may always stand ready and strong.
And when my flesh is weak,
let your grace go before me,
come beside me,
and follow after me,
for without you, I can do nothing—least of all suffer pain or death.
Grant me a fearless heart,
a true faith, firm hope, and a perfect love,
so that for your sake I may lay down my life with patience and joy.
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Thursday Feb 06, 2020
Pulp Theology 31
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
PulpTheology Book
"Glimpses Into 1 & 2 Chronicles:
Books of History & Heritage"
G’day! The PulpTheology book this week is: “Glimpses into 1 & 2 Chronicles: Books of Heritage and History”.
1 & 2 Chronicles serves as a reminder to the ancient exiled nation of Israel their spiritual heritage, journey & history G'day! Welcome to this little book aiming to give a glimpse into the Books of 1 & 2 Chronicles.
Therefore this little book is not an exhaustive study into them but a mere glimpse of their innate riches which will hopefully give you an appetite to investigate it for yourself.
Together we look at King David's amazing final prayer, Solomon hears a voice in the night and an epic battle! This book is part of the series 'Glimpses Into...'
Come on in! "Glimpses into 1 & 2 Chronicles: Books of Heritage and History" available on Amazon in paperback with ISBN: 978-1516805075
You can purchase this book at Amazon USA on this link:
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Monday Feb 03, 2020
Think Spot 3 February 2020
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Think Spot – 3 February 2020
Now abides faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity (love). 1 Corinthians 13:13.
Paul's statement that love is greater than faith and hope is intended as an expression of the permanence, or eternal duration of love. Faith, being limited as to time in comparison with love, ranks beneath it for the reason of this temporary duration. With the same right I might say that the kingdom of Christ is greater upon earth than was Christ.
Thereby I do not mean that the Church in itself is better and of highef rank than Christ, but merely that, it covers a greater part of the earth than he compassed; for he was here but three years, and those he spent in a limited sphere, whereas his kingdom has been from the beginning and is coextensive with the earth. In this sense, love is longer and broader than either faith or hope. Faith deals with God merely in the heart and in this life, whereas the relations of love both to God and the whole world are eternal.
Nevertheless, as Christ is immeasurably better and higher and more precious than the Christian Church, although we behold him moving within smaller limits and as a mere individual, so is faith better, higher and more precious than love, though its duration is limited and it has God alone for its object.
Paul's purpose in thus extolling love is to deal a blow to false teachers and to bring to naught their boasts about faith and other gifts when love is lacking. He means to say: If ye possess not love (charity), which abides forever, all else of which you boast being perishable, ye will perish with it. While the Word of God and spiritual gifts are eternal, yet the external office and proclamation of the Word, and likewise the employment of gifts in their variety, shall have an end, and thus your glory and pride shall become as ashes.
So then faith justifies through the Word and produces love. But while both Word and faith shall pass away, righteousness and love, which they effect, abide forever; just as a building erected by the aid of scaffolding remains after the scaffolding has been removed. Love gives and blesses the neighbor, as a result of faith, and it shall never be done away.
(An excerpt taken from "Devotional Readings From Luther's Works For Every Day Of The Year" By Rev. John Sander, L.H.D.) in the Public Domain.
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Friday Jan 31, 2020
Friday Prayers 31 January 2020
Friday Jan 31, 2020
Friday Jan 31, 2020
Partakers Friday Prayers!
We pray together and when Christians pray together, from different nations, different churches and different denominations - that reveals Church unity! Come! Let us pray together!
A prayer of Thomas Aquinas (13th century)
O Almighty and all-knowing God,
Who is without beginning or end!
Who is the giver, preserver, and rewarder of all virtue!
Grant me to stand firm on the solid foundation of faith,
be protected by the invincible shield of hope,
and be adorned by the nuptial garment of charity.
Grant me by justice to obey you,
by prudence to resist the crafts of the Devil,
by temperance to hold to moderation,
by fortitude to bear adversity with patience.
Grant that the goods I have I may share liberally
with those who have not,
and the goods which I do not have I may seek with
humility from those who have.
Grant that I may truly recognise the guilt of the evil I have done,
and bear with equanimity the punishments I have deserved;
that I may never lust after the goods of my neighbour,
but always give thanks to you for all your good gifts.
Plant in me, O Lord, all thy virtues,
that in divine matters I might be devout,
in human affairs wise,
and in the proper needs of the flesh onerous to no one.
And grant that I may never rush to do things hastily,
nor balk to do things demanding,
so that I neither yearn for things too soon,
nor desert things before they are finished.
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Thursday Jan 30, 2020
Pulp Theology 30
Thursday Jan 30, 2020
Thursday Jan 30, 2020
PulpTheology Book
"Glimpses Into Acts: A Book of Action"
G’day! The PulpTheology book this week is:
“Glimpses Into Acts: A Book of Action”.
Luke wrote the book of Acts, so it is volume 2 of his history of the life of Jesus and the early Church. He records Jesus' return to be with the Father and the coming of the Holy Spirit to guide the Church and believers. The book of Acts is the record of the transition from when a nation was the people of God, to the age of the new people of God to whom all people of all nations and all time were, and are, welcome, the Church of Jesus' followers. The book of Acts includes the beginning, scattering, adjusting, expansion, and edification of the Church. Acts presents the development of the one body of Christ consisting of both believing Jews and Gentiles.
Jesus' resurrection from the dead was the catalyst for the mission of the church, which began with the disciples and has continued throughout history. Indeed, the growth and spread of the church, is evidence of the historical fact of Jesus' physical resurrection, or rising from the dead. However, Jesus has now ascended back to God.
What happened next? How did this small group of followers respond? Come inside for a glimpse into the Books of Acts - a book of action, dynamism and vitality!
Come on in! “Glimpses Into Acts: A Book of Action”. Available on Amazon and PulpTheology in Kindle or Paperback.
"Glimpses Into Acts: A Book of Action" available on Amazon in paperback with ISBN: 978-1515119227
You can purchase this book at Amazon USA on this link:
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