Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Testimony - Adele
Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Testimony - Adele
Christian testimony
The story of Adele, telling her story of how God rescued her from joining the Jehovah Witnesses cult. Thanks be to God!
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Monday Feb 14, 2022
Partakers Bible Thought 14 February 2022 - Love in Practise Romans 12
Monday Feb 14, 2022
Monday Feb 14, 2022
Romans 12 - Love in Practise
Paul is speaking a letter to the Church in Rome, those he calls “God's beloved”. He has not yet been to Rome and is currently in the great Greek city of Corinth, and it is about AD57-58. A man we know as Tertius is acting as his scribe and writing down what Paul is saying. Tertius would later go onto be a Bishop in Iconium.
So far in this letter, Romans 1 to 11, Paul has been drawing a word picture of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Gospel which demonstrates that God gets his hands dirty. The Gospel which tells us that God has done all He could do, in order that humanity could be saved, be in a living and dynamic relationship with Him, if they choose to be so. Paul then goes on to investigate in depth about this Gospel, the nation of Israel and the Gentiles.
That is where we are up to with the passage before us, Romans 12. Now, just as Romans 1-11 shows us that God got his hands dirty, in the life, death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ, so must all those who call themselves His followers and children. As we will hopefully see together, if you are a Christian, you also must put your faith into practice, exercising it as you do your muscles. If muscles aren’t exercised or used, they wither away. The same can be said concerning our faith. How we live our life as Christians, is to reflect the life and love of the God whom we declare openly that we follow and love.
This morning, we will look at this chapter before us in two sections. Firstly, in v1-8, then we will have a break for a song before concluding with our second section in v9-21
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Sunday Jan 16, 2022
Partakers Bible Thought 16 January 2022 - Peace
Sunday Jan 16, 2022
Sunday Jan 16, 2022
The world we live in, wants peace! The world is unified around the concept of peace! However, the peace the world wants requires the manipulation of circumstances. God's peace, however, comes regardless of circumstances. Peace Definition: 'Shalom' was the Hebrew word used in the Old Testament. It means a wholeness of well-being & mind; the total absence of conflict and turmoil evidenced by an untroubled mind and a heart that does not fear! It is total harmony with God, man, circumstances & self. That is true peace! come and listen to find out more about the Christian and peace!
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Friday Jan 14, 2022
Partakers Bible Thought 14 January 2022 - Joy
Friday Jan 14, 2022
Friday Jan 14, 2022
The Battle for Joy!
Hebrews 12:2 “Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising its shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
As Christians, we are all instruments in the orchestra of God's joy. Does that describe your experience of joy? Let us ask ourselves at the very beginning what is joy? Is joy merely a form of bloated happiness as many people believe, including those in the church? Can joy be seen as going around everywhere with a silly grin etched into your face? That kind of joy is dependent upon circumstances and feelings!
C.S. Lewis once wrote: "Joy is never in our power, and pleasure is. I doubt whether anyone who has tasted true joy would ever, if both were in his power, exchange it for all the pleasure in the world."
True joy is not to be confused with mere pleasure or feeling good! True joy is to be a way of life and it is to permeate every facet of the person and not just the emotions! True joy is to be a deeper, inner joy whereby the source, object and target is to be God and God alone!
What is joy and how can you experience such joy? Play or download the mp3 audio to hear more about joy and its place within the life of the Christian Disciple!!
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Saturday Nov 20, 2021
Bible Thought - Christ - WOW Word 14
Saturday Nov 20, 2021
Saturday Nov 20, 2021
WOW Word - Christ
Our WOW Word today is Christ! I wonder if you know what the word "Christ" means and where it comes from? The word Christ is the New Testament word for the Old Testament word, Messiah. So we look to the Old Testament first, in order to understand what the New Testament word Christ means! It was appended to His name in the New Testament, as a way of expressing who He was!
Play or download the Podcast to discover what Alphy the WOWChurch Cat has to say! Bless ya!
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Thursday Apr 08, 2021
WOW Word 15 - The Cross of Jesus Christ
Thursday Apr 08, 2021
Thursday Apr 08, 2021
WOW Word - Cross of Jesus Christ ~
Our WOW Word today is Cross! Cross, as in the Cross of Jesus Christ!
Mark 10:45 – “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."
Even a cursory look at the world around you, will tell you that the world is messed up. Is there any hope? Yes there is! That is why God sent Jesus! Jesus is the hope! Jesus came to serve rather than be served. That is why Jesus came to give His life, so humanity may have a hope! God made the world perfect and humanity was in a harmonious relationship with God. Humanity messed it up and broke the relationship bonds with God. When the time was right, God became human, in order to bring humanity back into relationship with Himself.
That man was Jesus Christ and it was His death on a Roman cross about 2000 years ago which was the act of a generous God reaching out to the world that he loves. Without Jesus’ death on the cross would there be no hope for the world! That He died is without doubt, but why did He have to die and what gain do we have as His Disciples?
Alphy the WOWChurch Cat explains the significance of Jesus' death on the cross for the sake of all humanity. Play or download the mp3 audio to discover what Alphy has to say! Bless ya!
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Thursday Aug 27, 2020
Pulp Theology 10
Thursday Aug 27, 2020
Thursday Aug 27, 2020
PulpTheology Book
An Ambassador in God's Orchestra of Joy
An Ambassador is an official and accredited representative of their own sovereign state to another place or country. The Ambassador speaks not for themselves but represents the ideals, thoughts and actions of the one who sent them and with their authority.All Christians, as Disciples of Jesus Christ, are Ambassadors for Jesus Christ into the world in which we live.
Therefore throughout this book, we use both words, Ambassador and Disciple, in relation to the Christian. As Ambassadors for Jesus Christ, we are to be His representatives here on earth. We are His Church, which is an Orchestra of Joy.The Christian Ambassador has a joyous message to present to people about how people can be reconciled with God. A message to all people, of all nations, of all time, without favouritism or corruption.
As Christian Ambassadors, we are sent by our Lord Jesus Christ, into the world, in order to live our lives for Him and Him alone. Inside this book, we look at 6 main characteristics of the life of the Christian Ambassador:
1. The Ambassador's Identification // 2. The Ambassador's Message
3. The Ambassador’s New Life // 4. The Ambassador's Serving Life
5. The Ambassador’s Devotional Life // 6. The Ambassador's Uncompromising Life
The Disciple of Jesus Christ, the Christian, is God's Ambassador, as exhorted by the Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 5:20-21:
20 We are therefore Christ’s Ambassadors, as though God were making His appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: be reconciled to God. 21 God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.
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Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Pulp Theology 20
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
PulpTheology Book
When Love Hits Town
Jesus Christ is the most important figure in human history. Almost everybody has an opinion about him. Inside this book, we explore the Gospels to discover who Jesus said that he was, who others said that he was and why it all matters to us today in the 21st century.
We then go on into the book of Acts, looking at the events following His departure. What, or rather, who gave the impetus for the early Church? What was the catalyst for the mission of the Church? A mission which began with the 12 disciples, spread throughout the known world and consequently down through history. We investigate how God used this small group of Jesus' followers, to cause the then known world to be changed so comprehensively?
The story continues until today. Jesus Christ, who was and is the Light of the World, has hit town. The lightning bolt of God’s love has come to the world in the person of history, we know as Jesus Christ. Let us explore the love of God together. A love exemplified and revealed in and through the life of Jesus Christ, and as evidenced in the early Church. Can you imagine what your town, your nation, this world would be like if Christians, in obedience to Jesus Christ, loved other people, as God loved people?
"When Love Hits Town" available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle with ISBN: 9781724867414
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Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Pulp Theology 01 - A Glimpse of God
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
PulpTheology Book
A Glimpse of God
The WOWFactor of Jesus Christ! It’s all there in black and white. To be agog is to be filled with excitement and expectation! Hence our title of this book exploring the man who splits history - Jesus Christ! Looking primarily at what the Bible says about him but also glimpsing briefly at the evidence from outside the Bible said about this most amazing of men! His birth we celebrate worldwide at Christmas and his death & resurrection we celebrate at Easter.
For many people today, as well as down through history, Jesus Christ is the most important figure in human history. Almost everybody has an opinion about him - whether positive, negative or indifferent. Come inside and let us explore together the primary documents about him, the Bible, who people say he was, what he did and the relevancy of Jesus Christ for you today! Suitable for those exploring Christianity as well as those who have been a Christian for a short while or for many years! come inside this book and find out more abuot this amazing God-man - Jesus Christ.
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Monday Jun 15, 2020
Think Spot 15 June 2020
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Think Spot – 15 June 2020
How long will you love vanity, and seek after lies? (Psalm 4:2)
To have vanity is not the greatest of evils, for every man is vain, and there is nothing new under the sun, and though it be an evil, it is bearable. For there is not one saint that does not hope, trust, desire, fear, love and hate, more or less, in a way and manner that he ought not. But this body of sin and death, these laws of sin, these vanities, he ought to hate, not to love, nor take pleasure in them. To use the comfort and help of a creature is not sin, nor wrong ; but to love them and rest in them alone, and from a love of them, not to trust in God, is an ungodly sin.
Hence, nothing more pestilential and destructive can be taught a Christian than moral philosophy and the decrees of men, if they be so set before him as to make him believe that he can walk in and by them so as to please God, For by such instruction it will come to pass that, relying on this wisdom, he will judge, condemn, and persecute whatever he sees is against him, and will thereby reject the cross of Christ and utterly despise the way of God, which is in its best and most prosperous state when we are following, as through a desert and wilderness, Christ in a pillar of fire.
But all these things are better understood by experience in time of suffering and adversity than they can possibly be described in words, or imagined by the heart. If the affections and thoughts of men are without faith in God, they are without the Word of God; if they are without the Word of God, they are without truth. Thus all things which are without faith are vanities and lies; for faith is truth by the Word of truth in which it believes and to which it cleaves by believing. The true meaning of this verse then is, that all are ungodly idolaters and polluters of the glory of God who under any tribulation draw back from faith, hope and love, to a confidence and comfort in created things.
(An excerpt taken from "Devotional Readings From Luther's Works For Every Day Of The Year" By Rev. John Sander, L.H.D.) in the Public Domain.
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