Wednesday Mar 18, 2015
Way of Wisdom - 18 March 2015
Wednesday Mar 18, 2015
Wednesday Mar 18, 2015
Way of Wisdom
with Regina Sanders
Land Is Desolate!
Today's Scripture readings are from the book of Isaiah...
Isaiah 1:7-10 "Your land is desolate, your cities burned with fire, your fields-strangers are devouring them in your presence; it is desolation, as overthrown by strangers. The daughter of Zion is left like a shelter in a vineyard, like a watchman's hut in a cucumber field, like a besieged city. Unless the Lord of hosts had left us a few survivors, we would be like Sodom, we would be like Gomorrah."
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Please join me next week for The Way of Wisdom with Regina Sanders. God bless you!
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Isaiah 1:7-10 "Your land is desolate, your cities burned with fire, your fields-strangers are devouring them in your presence; it is desolation, as overthrown by strangers. The daughter of Zion is left like a shelter in a vineyard, like a watchman's hut in a cucumber field, like a besieged city. Unless the Lord of hosts had left us a few survivors, we would be like Sodom, we would be like Gomorrah."
Download the mp3 using the links below or play the audio file to hear how Regina is helping you today from these Scriptures! Come on in! Then please do make a comment to Regina using the comments section below...
Please join me next week for The Way of Wisdom with Regina Sanders. God bless you!
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Wednesday Mar 11, 2015
Way of Wisdom - 11 March 2015
Wednesday Mar 11, 2015
Wednesday Mar 11, 2015
Way of Wisdom
with Regina Sanders
Celebrate the healer!
Today's Scripture readings are from the book of Proverbs...
Download the mp3 or play the audio file to hear how Regina is helping you today from these Scriptures! Come on in! Then make a comment to Regina using the comments section below...
Here is Regina's prayer for you today!
Father, I pray for each one under the sound of my voice. I pray that these words have brought healing and life to them through the power given to us through your Holy Spirit. Father, thank you for being our healer. We celebrate you today and we share the mighty ways you have removed the garments of illness from us and placed on us the garments of righteousness, health, and wholeness. In Jesus name we pray! Amen.
Please join me next week for The Way of Wisdom with Regina Sanders. God bless you!

- "With the fruit of a man's mouth his stomach will be satisfied; He will be satisfied with the product of his lips." Proverbs 18:20
- "The words of a man's mouth are deep waters; the fountain of wisdom is a bubbling brook." Proverbs 14:4
- "A divine decision is in the lips of the king; his mouth should not err in judgment." Proverbs 16:10
- "Righteous lips are the delight of kings, and he who speaks right is loved." Proverbs 16:13
Download the mp3 or play the audio file to hear how Regina is helping you today from these Scriptures! Come on in! Then make a comment to Regina using the comments section below...
Here is Regina's prayer for you today!
Father, I pray for each one under the sound of my voice. I pray that these words have brought healing and life to them through the power given to us through your Holy Spirit. Father, thank you for being our healer. We celebrate you today and we share the mighty ways you have removed the garments of illness from us and placed on us the garments of righteousness, health, and wholeness. In Jesus name we pray! Amen.
Please join me next week for The Way of Wisdom with Regina Sanders. God bless you!
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Wednesday Mar 04, 2015
Way of Wisdom - 4 March 2015
Wednesday Mar 04, 2015
Wednesday Mar 04, 2015
Way of Wisdom
with Regina Sanders
Victory Over Depression
Today's Scripture reading is Psalm 42: 5-11 (NKJV) "Why are you cast down, O my soul?...Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God; for I shall yet praise Him, the help of my countenance and my God."
Anyone can feel depressed, discouraged about life. Overwhelmed with problems. Impacted by world events. Each year nearly 15 million American adults experience a major depressive disorder. No one is immune, for this impacts the old and young. The US Census Bureau reports that the median age when depression disorders strike is 32, with women more likely to be victims than men.
Depression has been proven to be a significant byproduct for those with serious illnesses. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, more than half of eating disorder patients experience depression. But so do a high percentage of cancer patients, and those who have had strokes and heart attacks.
Christians are not immune from depression. We all face challenges and trials. We can be discouraged about our job, family, or marriage. We can be overwhelmed by financial needs, sicknesses, and disease. We can feel defeated by sin and mistakes we have made.
But God has given us the power to be free from depression. He told Isaiah that we might go through waters, rivers, and fire. But we are to realize that He is with us in every situation (Isaiah 43:1-2).
When we start to feel depressed, when we are cast down, the Bible urges us to focus on God, to remember we can hope in Him and trust Him no matter what we face.
If you feel overwhelmed by the weight of your burdens, turn to Him. Remember that you don't have to fear. He is with you, right by your side. Commit your needs to Him. And start praising and worshiping Him! You are His! And He has promised to take care of you!
Please repeat this prayer after me: Father, I entrust my life to You. Thank you that my life is in Your hands. Thank you for being with me and providing for me. I praise and worship You; in Jesus name, amen.
Anyone can feel depressed, discouraged about life. Overwhelmed with problems. Impacted by world events. Each year nearly 15 million American adults experience a major depressive disorder. No one is immune, for this impacts the old and young. The US Census Bureau reports that the median age when depression disorders strike is 32, with women more likely to be victims than men.
Depression has been proven to be a significant byproduct for those with serious illnesses. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, more than half of eating disorder patients experience depression. But so do a high percentage of cancer patients, and those who have had strokes and heart attacks.
Christians are not immune from depression. We all face challenges and trials. We can be discouraged about our job, family, or marriage. We can be overwhelmed by financial needs, sicknesses, and disease. We can feel defeated by sin and mistakes we have made.
But God has given us the power to be free from depression. He told Isaiah that we might go through waters, rivers, and fire. But we are to realize that He is with us in every situation (Isaiah 43:1-2).
When we start to feel depressed, when we are cast down, the Bible urges us to focus on God, to remember we can hope in Him and trust Him no matter what we face.
If you feel overwhelmed by the weight of your burdens, turn to Him. Remember that you don't have to fear. He is with you, right by your side. Commit your needs to Him. And start praising and worshiping Him! You are His! And He has promised to take care of you!
Please repeat this prayer after me: Father, I entrust my life to You. Thank you that my life is in Your hands. Thank you for being with me and providing for me. I praise and worship You; in Jesus name, amen.
Please join me next week for The Way of Wisdom with Regina Sanders. God bless you!
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Wednesday Feb 25, 2015
Way of Wisdom - 25 February 2015
Wednesday Feb 25, 2015
Wednesday Feb 25, 2015
Way of Wisdom
with Regina Sanders
Perspective and Praise
Welcome to The Way of Wisdom. I am Regina Sanders your host and I am so honored that you have decided to be with me today. Today's Scripture comes from Revelation 5:11, "I heard the voice of many angels around the throne and the living creatures and the elders; and the number of them was myriads of myriads, and thousands of thousands."
As The New York Times recently concluded, we live in "the age of big data." This reflects the growing capacity and speed of computers and the growing importance of the internet. Data now is exploding, more than doubling every two years. In his recent book on big data, Christopher Surdak explains that the world's yearly data traffic will reach 1.3 zettabytes by the year 2016. ("If a zettabyte of data was burned onto data CDs, the resulting stack of CDs would be 4.1 million kilometers high.")
Today, computers "talk" to each other, exchanging information. This (theoretically) can make life easier and better, but also raises serious concerns about privacy. More about our lives can be known, and possibly misused. When overwhelmed with these statistics, believers should remember that we serve a God who is much bigger than any computer or data. We see His bigness in Revelation where we see a picture of the vastness of Heaven and a great celebration. How many were there? "Myriads of myriads, and thousands of thousands." As far as John's eye could see, there were living creatures and angels.
This provides important perspectives for our lives. First, when we praise God, we are adding our voice to this myriad of myriads. We also need to realize that all of these people went through the struggles of life. They clearly realize that God is greater than any person, organization, or computer. He alone is worthy of praise. This vastness reminds us that God already knows everything about our lives. Even better, He loves us, and we can trust Him.
Today, praise and worship God the Father, and give Him thanks. Praise and worship Jesus, for He is worthy. Join the vast throngs of Heaven. Right now!
Please pray with me this Prayer: Father, I praise and worship You. Thank You that You know everything about my life. Help me to be pleasing in Your sight. I trust You! In Jesus name.
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Wednesday Feb 18, 2015
Way of Wisdom - 18 February 2015
Wednesday Feb 18, 2015
Wednesday Feb 18, 2015
Way of Wisdom
with Regina Sanders
Four Keys To Recognizing The Problems You Were Created To Solve
Welcome to The Way of Wisdom with Regina Sanders. I am Regina Sanders your host and I am so honored that you have decided to be with me today. I want to jump right in. Today we are going to discuss four keys to recognizing the problem that you were created to solve. Did you realize that you were created to solve a problem for someone? Well, you were! Everything is created to solve a problem. Computers solve a problem for being able to retrieve information. If you are blessed to have one in your home and have internet access then you have the whole world right there at your finger tips. It solves a problem for you. An ink pen solves a problem...you are able to communicate the old fashioned way; write a letter, write down notes, make a list. So I want to discuss with you four keys to recognizing the problem that you are created to solve.
The problem that infuriates you the most is often the problem that God has assigned you to solve. Anger is a passion. Anger is energy requiring an appropriate focus. Anger is always a necessary ingredient for uncommon change. What angers you is a clue to an existing problem God intends for you to solve. It is a signal from God to correct something that grieves Him. People often say, "Oh, we're not supposed to be angry." God created us with that emotion. He just did, and it is how we use it. You don't allow anger to sit there and fester and become a root of bitterness but you use it to promote life in the kingdom of God. Jesus was angry. He said, "Be angry but sin not. He came into the temple, the synagogue, and they had it set up like a marketplace He overturned the moneychangers and He told them to honor His father's house. It is about honor.
What you love the most is a clue to the problem you are gifted to solve. Do you love computers? That is where your wisdom will be. Do you love children? You probably possess an innate, intuitive ability to communicate and aid children. What do you love? What you love is going to be a clue to the problem that you are to solve. I love people and I have experienced such massive grief in my life having lost two children. There is nothing like burying your child. It is a hard thing...part of my passion is for parents who have lost children; but you see grief doesn't just surround us when we lose a loved one; we are encompassed with grief when our pets pass away or get lost, we are encompassed with grief when we lose a job, when our favorite car dies and it seems like there is no money we are encompassed with grief.
So grief is one area that God has called me to. That is a problem I can solve, because we can get stuck in grief. God has called me to help people walk through the journey of grief because King David said in the 23rd Psalm, "I walk through the valley of the shadow of death..." He didn't say he stopped, he didn't visit. He didn't linger and he certainly didn't set up residency, but he walked through it; and when he reached the other side his cup overflowed with joy! And that is my calling, to help people move through this process of grief.
What grieves your heart continually is a clue to a problem God wants you to solve. When you see television programs that make you weep for starving children that is a clue that God is linking you to something. I recently listened to Lisa Bevere give an interview and she has a wonderful book and study guide out "Lioness Awakening", and it is through this vision that God gave her that part of her ministry was birthed. She recalls sitting and reading a magazine about the trafficking of young women, selling them into slavery, and imprisoning them, and God placed it on her heart and opened the door, gave her a window of opportunity to be a part of rescuing these young women. He will put you there. What makes you weep? That's a sign, that's a clue to a problem you are to solve.
Your dominate gift is often a clue to the problem you are created to solve. Are you gifted with numbers? Do you work with children, administration and organization, music? Your gift is the bridge to the problem you are created to solve. You were created to solve a specific problem on the earth. You can't solve everybody's problem. You are not called to everybody, everywhere; but you are called to a specific geography; to a specific people, to solve their problems. In your job, you are there because your boss needs you.
There is a problem that he needs you to solve. Do your best, give your all, solve that problem with everything you've got; with minimal supervision. Allow him to see it. If he says, "Boy, I sure would like to have a glass of orange juice but we don't have any in the building..." be the first one to say, 'I'll be right back. I am going to get that orange juice for you. Do you want pulp in it or you want non-pulp?" Solve his problem and he will recognize you. Solve the problems that God has created you to solve and He will recognize and honor you. He qualifies you for the position that He has put you in.
Look at Joseph. Joseph had a dream as a child and he told it to his father and he was so happy. Then he told it to his brothers, and again, Joseph was so happy; but his father and brothers weren't happy! In fact, his brothers plotted to kill him! But one of them had mercy and a little fear of the Lord, and said, "We do not want his blood on our hands! We can't kill him! We will sell him! Let's sell him into slavery. Throw him in this pit until these Ishmaelites come by and we will sell him." And that is what they did. They sold him.
The Ishmaelites then sold him to the Egyptians. He landed in Potiphar's house, where he was over everything. God's favor was upon him. He was waiting for his dream, but he was in preparation. Preparation don't always feel good, but that is where he was. He supervised Potiphar's whole household, and had access to everything except Potiphar's wife. And when he refused her because he would not dishonor God and he would not dishonor Potiphar, then he was thrown in prison. Thrown in prison for choosing the right thing, making the right decision; but God's favor was upon him in that prison; and he was the supervisor over the prison. He solved a problem for the baker and the chief cup bearer. He interpreted their dreams and he asked them to remember him when they got out.
But you know, they forgot him for a long time, but then Pharaoh had a problem. He had a dream and nobody could tell him what it meant...he had a problem...and that is when they remembered, "Hey, you know what? When you threw me in jail...remember that way back when you threw me in jail? Well, I had this dream and I didn't know what it meant but there was one there and he told me what it meant. You should go get him. He is still there!" And what did Joseph do? Joseph prepared to go before the royalty. He bathed, changed his garments, and he shaved off his facial hair because Egyptians didn't like that. He prepared to go before the royalty.
He, with God's help, was able to tell Pharaoh what these dreams meant. He became second in command under Pharaoh. His father and his brothers bowed before him as he gave them grain in the famine. He prepared a place for them. His dream was finally fulfilled. It took 19 years. You know, when you pray for something and it don't happen immediately...don't get discouraged. Don't think, "Well, God said no..."maybe He's not saying no, but, "Wait! Let Me qualify you, and prepare you to walk in what I have called you." That is what He did with Joseph for 19 years! Keep your dream ever before you. That is what Joseph did, and he prepared each step of the way. And each step of the way in his preparation he was solving problems for somebody; whether it was Potiphar, somebody in the prison, or Pharaoh, or his own family; he was that problem solver. And you have that same design in you!
That's right, you, you are the next Joseph! Who are you called to? What problem are you called to solve? If you are not sure, i encourage you to dig deep into God's word. Stay ever present before Holy Spirit and ask! "Lord what problem is it that you want me to solve?" And be a willing vessel and tell him, "I am here. If there is anything I can do, use me." He will!
I thank you for being with me today. I want to close with prayer and I want to encourage you to come back and be with me next week in The Way of Wisdom with Regina Sanders. Father, God, I thank you for the message that you've brought forth today. I pray that it speaks life into everyone that listens to it. Father I thank you for Brother Dave who made this syndication possible, and I ask you to keep your hand upon him,anoint him, place your heavenly anointing upon him. Bless him. Let your favor rest upon him in everything that he does for the furtherance of your kingdom, God for his heart is to let the world know that you love them...that is his heart and I thank you for him. I thank you for each one that took the time to listen to this syndication this morning, and I pray that it spoke abundant life into them and that it was a guiding tool in helping them see what problems you have called for them to solve. I just thank you, Father, I just thank you for your love, for your hand which anoints us, provides for us, protects us and covers us. I thank you, Father. I thank you that you place us in the cleft of the rock, in the arms of Jesus, for our safety and our protection; and that you pour your mercy and your grace upon us. In Jesus name I pray! Amen.
My friend, if you don't know Jesus, if you don't have a personal relationship with him, then I ask you, will you make that decision today? Romans 10:9 teaches us that if we confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus, and we believe in our heart that God raised him from the dead, then we are saved. So, will you pray this prayer with me today? Dear Jesus, I believe that you died for me and you rose again on the third day. I confess that I am a sinner. I need your love and forgiveness. Come into my heart,forgive my sins, I receive your eternal life. Confirm your love by giving me peace, joy, and a supernatural love for others. Amen. Friend, if you prayed this prayer, you made this decision today, write into us, let us know so that we can celebrate with you; because you are the prodigal son or daughter returning to the loving arms of your father and he is preparing a great celebration for you...a great feast, and I want to rejoice with you, and brother Dave wants to rejoice with you, so let us know. If you don't have a church we will do everything we can to help you get in contact with a church so you can be connected with other believers...and I just thank God for you! God bless you! Have a good day!
The problem that infuriates you the most is often the problem that God has assigned you to solve. Anger is a passion. Anger is energy requiring an appropriate focus. Anger is always a necessary ingredient for uncommon change. What angers you is a clue to an existing problem God intends for you to solve. It is a signal from God to correct something that grieves Him. People often say, "Oh, we're not supposed to be angry." God created us with that emotion. He just did, and it is how we use it. You don't allow anger to sit there and fester and become a root of bitterness but you use it to promote life in the kingdom of God. Jesus was angry. He said, "Be angry but sin not. He came into the temple, the synagogue, and they had it set up like a marketplace He overturned the moneychangers and He told them to honor His father's house. It is about honor.
What you love the most is a clue to the problem you are gifted to solve. Do you love computers? That is where your wisdom will be. Do you love children? You probably possess an innate, intuitive ability to communicate and aid children. What do you love? What you love is going to be a clue to the problem that you are to solve. I love people and I have experienced such massive grief in my life having lost two children. There is nothing like burying your child. It is a hard thing...part of my passion is for parents who have lost children; but you see grief doesn't just surround us when we lose a loved one; we are encompassed with grief when our pets pass away or get lost, we are encompassed with grief when we lose a job, when our favorite car dies and it seems like there is no money we are encompassed with grief.
So grief is one area that God has called me to. That is a problem I can solve, because we can get stuck in grief. God has called me to help people walk through the journey of grief because King David said in the 23rd Psalm, "I walk through the valley of the shadow of death..." He didn't say he stopped, he didn't visit. He didn't linger and he certainly didn't set up residency, but he walked through it; and when he reached the other side his cup overflowed with joy! And that is my calling, to help people move through this process of grief.
What grieves your heart continually is a clue to a problem God wants you to solve. When you see television programs that make you weep for starving children that is a clue that God is linking you to something. I recently listened to Lisa Bevere give an interview and she has a wonderful book and study guide out "Lioness Awakening", and it is through this vision that God gave her that part of her ministry was birthed. She recalls sitting and reading a magazine about the trafficking of young women, selling them into slavery, and imprisoning them, and God placed it on her heart and opened the door, gave her a window of opportunity to be a part of rescuing these young women. He will put you there. What makes you weep? That's a sign, that's a clue to a problem you are to solve.
Your dominate gift is often a clue to the problem you are created to solve. Are you gifted with numbers? Do you work with children, administration and organization, music? Your gift is the bridge to the problem you are created to solve. You were created to solve a specific problem on the earth. You can't solve everybody's problem. You are not called to everybody, everywhere; but you are called to a specific geography; to a specific people, to solve their problems. In your job, you are there because your boss needs you.
There is a problem that he needs you to solve. Do your best, give your all, solve that problem with everything you've got; with minimal supervision. Allow him to see it. If he says, "Boy, I sure would like to have a glass of orange juice but we don't have any in the building..." be the first one to say, 'I'll be right back. I am going to get that orange juice for you. Do you want pulp in it or you want non-pulp?" Solve his problem and he will recognize you. Solve the problems that God has created you to solve and He will recognize and honor you. He qualifies you for the position that He has put you in.
Look at Joseph. Joseph had a dream as a child and he told it to his father and he was so happy. Then he told it to his brothers, and again, Joseph was so happy; but his father and brothers weren't happy! In fact, his brothers plotted to kill him! But one of them had mercy and a little fear of the Lord, and said, "We do not want his blood on our hands! We can't kill him! We will sell him! Let's sell him into slavery. Throw him in this pit until these Ishmaelites come by and we will sell him." And that is what they did. They sold him.
The Ishmaelites then sold him to the Egyptians. He landed in Potiphar's house, where he was over everything. God's favor was upon him. He was waiting for his dream, but he was in preparation. Preparation don't always feel good, but that is where he was. He supervised Potiphar's whole household, and had access to everything except Potiphar's wife. And when he refused her because he would not dishonor God and he would not dishonor Potiphar, then he was thrown in prison. Thrown in prison for choosing the right thing, making the right decision; but God's favor was upon him in that prison; and he was the supervisor over the prison. He solved a problem for the baker and the chief cup bearer. He interpreted their dreams and he asked them to remember him when they got out.
But you know, they forgot him for a long time, but then Pharaoh had a problem. He had a dream and nobody could tell him what it meant...he had a problem...and that is when they remembered, "Hey, you know what? When you threw me in jail...remember that way back when you threw me in jail? Well, I had this dream and I didn't know what it meant but there was one there and he told me what it meant. You should go get him. He is still there!" And what did Joseph do? Joseph prepared to go before the royalty. He bathed, changed his garments, and he shaved off his facial hair because Egyptians didn't like that. He prepared to go before the royalty.
He, with God's help, was able to tell Pharaoh what these dreams meant. He became second in command under Pharaoh. His father and his brothers bowed before him as he gave them grain in the famine. He prepared a place for them. His dream was finally fulfilled. It took 19 years. You know, when you pray for something and it don't happen immediately...don't get discouraged. Don't think, "Well, God said no..."maybe He's not saying no, but, "Wait! Let Me qualify you, and prepare you to walk in what I have called you." That is what He did with Joseph for 19 years! Keep your dream ever before you. That is what Joseph did, and he prepared each step of the way. And each step of the way in his preparation he was solving problems for somebody; whether it was Potiphar, somebody in the prison, or Pharaoh, or his own family; he was that problem solver. And you have that same design in you!
That's right, you, you are the next Joseph! Who are you called to? What problem are you called to solve? If you are not sure, i encourage you to dig deep into God's word. Stay ever present before Holy Spirit and ask! "Lord what problem is it that you want me to solve?" And be a willing vessel and tell him, "I am here. If there is anything I can do, use me." He will!
I thank you for being with me today. I want to close with prayer and I want to encourage you to come back and be with me next week in The Way of Wisdom with Regina Sanders. Father, God, I thank you for the message that you've brought forth today. I pray that it speaks life into everyone that listens to it. Father I thank you for Brother Dave who made this syndication possible, and I ask you to keep your hand upon him,anoint him, place your heavenly anointing upon him. Bless him. Let your favor rest upon him in everything that he does for the furtherance of your kingdom, God for his heart is to let the world know that you love them...that is his heart and I thank you for him. I thank you for each one that took the time to listen to this syndication this morning, and I pray that it spoke abundant life into them and that it was a guiding tool in helping them see what problems you have called for them to solve. I just thank you, Father, I just thank you for your love, for your hand which anoints us, provides for us, protects us and covers us. I thank you, Father. I thank you that you place us in the cleft of the rock, in the arms of Jesus, for our safety and our protection; and that you pour your mercy and your grace upon us. In Jesus name I pray! Amen.
My friend, if you don't know Jesus, if you don't have a personal relationship with him, then I ask you, will you make that decision today? Romans 10:9 teaches us that if we confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus, and we believe in our heart that God raised him from the dead, then we are saved. So, will you pray this prayer with me today? Dear Jesus, I believe that you died for me and you rose again on the third day. I confess that I am a sinner. I need your love and forgiveness. Come into my heart,forgive my sins, I receive your eternal life. Confirm your love by giving me peace, joy, and a supernatural love for others. Amen. Friend, if you prayed this prayer, you made this decision today, write into us, let us know so that we can celebrate with you; because you are the prodigal son or daughter returning to the loving arms of your father and he is preparing a great celebration for you...a great feast, and I want to rejoice with you, and brother Dave wants to rejoice with you, so let us know. If you don't have a church we will do everything we can to help you get in contact with a church so you can be connected with other believers...and I just thank God for you! God bless you! Have a good day!
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