Thursday Jan 30, 2020
Pulp Theology 30
Thursday Jan 30, 2020
Thursday Jan 30, 2020
PulpTheology Book
"Glimpses Into Acts: A Book of Action"
G’day! The PulpTheology book this week is:
“Glimpses Into Acts: A Book of Action”.
Luke wrote the book of Acts, so it is volume 2 of his history of the life of Jesus and the early Church. He records Jesus' return to be with the Father and the coming of the Holy Spirit to guide the Church and believers. The book of Acts is the record of the transition from when a nation was the people of God, to the age of the new people of God to whom all people of all nations and all time were, and are, welcome, the Church of Jesus' followers. The book of Acts includes the beginning, scattering, adjusting, expansion, and edification of the Church. Acts presents the development of the one body of Christ consisting of both believing Jews and Gentiles.
Jesus' resurrection from the dead was the catalyst for the mission of the church, which began with the disciples and has continued throughout history. Indeed, the growth and spread of the church, is evidence of the historical fact of Jesus' physical resurrection, or rising from the dead. However, Jesus has now ascended back to God.
What happened next? How did this small group of followers respond? Come inside for a glimpse into the Books of Acts - a book of action, dynamism and vitality!
Come on in! “Glimpses Into Acts: A Book of Action”. Available on Amazon and PulpTheology in Kindle or Paperback.
"Glimpses Into Acts: A Book of Action" available on Amazon in paperback with ISBN: 978-1515119227
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Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Pulp Theology 29
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
PulpTheology Book
"40 Days of Color: Coloring-In Devotional studies"
G’day! The PulpTheology book this week is:
“40 Days of Color: Coloring-In Devotional studies for adults (and maybe the kids too!)”.
This book will help you to interact with the Bible, your mind and your coloring skills! A devotional life is important for Christians. A time each day spent learning more about God and developing their relationship with Him. Most of the ways for the doing that are word-based. However an increasing number of people learn and engage more easily with the use of images. This is where this book can help you if that is you. Coloring-in for adults is a fun, relaxing way to engage your innate creativity with your devotional life.
Whether just starting a daily devotional life or you want a different way to refresh your daily time with God. Come inside with Alphy the WOWChurch Cat to see how these daily coloring-in devotionals can stimulate your imagination and develop your relationship with God! It is great for adults but also fabulous for family devotions, spending quality time having fun in this simple way while thinking about God. Over the 40 Days of Color, we cover Jesus' I AM statements, the Lord's Prayer, the Spiritual Armor and the Fruit of the Spirit.
Here are what a couple of reviews said:
1. I was looking for something to help me relax after a busy day at work. This book is ideal as I find the colouring in very therapeutic. And the suggestion of bible passages to read with space to write out what god says to you while you are colouring is very helpful.
2. 40 Days of Color is a great resource. It is fun and engaging. My 3 year old and I both learn from the devotion part and the coloring is a great way to spend some focused time in prayer. 40 Days of Color is good for individuals, couples or families.
Come on in! “40 Days of Color: Coloring-In Devotional studies for adults (and maybe the kids too!)”. Available on Amazon and PulpTheology.
"40 Days of Color: Coloring-In Devotional studies" available on Amazon in paperback with ISBN: 978-1514329214
You can purchase this book at Amazon USA on this link:
You can purchase this book at Amazon UK on this link:
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Thursday Jan 16, 2020
Pulp Theology 28
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
PulpTheology Book
"The Surprise of Grace - Exploring Romans 5"
G’day! The PulpTheology book this week is “The Surprise of Grace” with Alphy the WOWChurch Cat.
Have you ever been surprised by Grace? Grace is not only amazing, but it is also surprising! Alphy the WOWChurch Cat investigates Romans 5:1-11 and discovers what it means for the Christian to be living under the grace of God. In the book of Romans, the apostle Paul is logically stating his case about God and humanity. In Romans 1-3, Paul highlights humanity’s separation from God. What can be done about that? The answer to that comes in Romans 4! Paul declares that God has provided the very means for people to be justified – that is, for the person to be declared right before Him!
Paul’s argument is that people can be in a dynamic relationship with God, no longer separated from God, and it is by faith alone in God that is the key to having been justified by God. It is by faith in God alone, through God’s grace alone as to how people can be justified before God and be able to stand in His presence which is Paul’s argument. Being justified means the removal of guilt and the penalty of sin from the person while at the same time being declared right by God. How is that done? We will come to that shortly!
People choose to be in this relationship with God. They can avail themselves of it as many have done or simply ignore it as many people do. God does not force but He does compel. Love never forces but it does compel, urge and encourage! You have taken up that offer and now you are in a relationship with God? WOW! Awesome! Excellent! ! Good! So what? That is where Paul is with his argument in this letter to the Romans.
Now in Romans 5, Paul gives 8 different glimpses from different angles about the Christian living under and within grace – God’s unmerited favour to undeserving sinners. Paul here is creating a fabulous stained glass sphere depicting life for the Christian believer who is now under grace and has Jesus as their master and Lord. Come on in and see what Paul has to say about these blessings or consequences for those who have taken up God’s free offer of being justified by faith through God’s grace alone? Let’s investigate Romans 5:1-11 together.
Whether you have not started the Christian journey yet, you are just starting your journey as a Christian, or have been a Christian for a while, you can either learn afresh or be reminded about the Wonderful Surprise of Grace. Come on in!
"The Surprise of Grace" available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle with ISBN: 978-1793020857
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Thursday Dec 05, 2019
Pulp Theology 27
Thursday Dec 05, 2019
Thursday Dec 05, 2019
PulpTheology Book
"Read This Book To Learn More About Evangelism"
G’day! The book this week is "Read This Book To Learn More About Evangelism". Inside this little book, there is something for you to learn afresh or be reminded about that great subject of Evangelism, regardless of who you are.
Evangelism seems to be a scary word for a lot of Christians in the Church today. Perhaps even yourself. In what we call the Great Commission of Matthew 28:16-20, we see that before He ascends back to God the Father, Jesus issued this commandment to his disciples. They will do as Jesus commanded – go and tell the world about this Jesus and teach them to be his disciples.
Some 2,000 years later, we are the products of their obedience to Jesus. We also are to do likewise. Inside this little book, we seek to learn together more about Evangelism. We will endeavour to answer questions such as: What is evangelism? What does the Bible say about evangelism? What can evangelism look like? What is the message of evangelism? Who is evangelism for? Why do Christians evangelise? Come on in to learn afresh, or be reminded of, evangelism. Come, Church! Let's pray together!
Whether you have not started the Christian journey yet, you are just starting your journey as a Christian, or have been a Christian for a while, you can either learn afresh or be reminded about the prayer and your Devotional Life. Come on in!
"Read This Book To Learn More About Evangelism" available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle with ISBN: 978-1723440052
You can purchase this book at Amazon USA on this link:
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Thursday Nov 28, 2019
Pulp Theology 26
Thursday Nov 28, 2019
Thursday Nov 28, 2019
PulpTheology Book
"Developing Intimacy With God: A Little Book of 95 Prayers"
G’day! The book this week is "Developing Intimacy With God: A Little Book of 95 Prayers". Inside this little book, there is something for you to learn afresh or be reminded about, regardless of who you are.
Prayer is to be a sign of intimacy with God as it develops our relationship with Him. Prayer I have discovered, is to be an ongoing conversation with God.
Prayer is how we are energized and invigorated as we strengthen our relationship with Him. God is personal and He loves to hear us and talk to us. Prayers are not just the unprompted and spontaneous variety, but also the written form. Jesus Himself would have said scripted prayers as part of 1st century Jewish worship. In this little book, we have some prayers from the Bible as well as from the Church down through history. They are prayers which I have used in my own life - both personally and corporately.
This book is also as a way to celebrate that moment in time, when on 31 October 1517, Martin Luther, started what we know now as the European Reformation, when he nailed his 95 Theses to the door of Wittenberg Castle. Therefore, in this little book, to celebrate that momentous act in Church History, there are 95 prayers – prayers from Moses through to Martin Luther and onto to John Stott of our own century. Come, Church! Let's pray together!
Whether you have not started the Christian journey yet, you are just starting your journey as a Christian, or have been a Christian for a while, you can either learn afresh or be reminded about the prayer and your Devotional Life. Come on in!
"Developing Intimacy With God: A Little Book of 95 Prayers" available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle with ISBN: 978-1512136838
You can purchase this book at Amazon USA on this link:
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Thursday Sep 26, 2019
Pulp Theology 04
Thursday Sep 26, 2019
Thursday Sep 26, 2019
PulpTheology Book
HAHA - Heroes And Heretics Abound
I know what you are probably thinking! History is boring! Was I right? I have heard it a million times! I think history can be fascinating, particularly Church history. Why do I think that? Because how can anything with heroes and heretics be boring? More than that, the story of the Christian Church is your story! Yes! You, dear reader! Your story, regardless of where you are from and who you are. Your story, regardless of your belief or non-belief. Perhaps you know very little of it. No worries! This book is written with you in mind.
Before Jesus Christ ascended back to heaven, he commanded his 11 followers to go and tell others about Him and His work. They did, and we stand here today as a product of their obedience. But how did the Church get here today? Together we explore her birth, growth and development. Development to the point where today, she is worldwide and has at least 2 billion people who identify as a Christian, of one kind or another. All the while, striving to avoid the mistakes and embrace the joys of her history.
We also interact with some people of today, who tell about their relationship with the Church. Finally, we also interact with some of the great minds of Church history, looking at some of the prayers of the Church. As the Church of today and tomorrow, we can all learn something from this exciting story. Come on in!
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Thursday Sep 19, 2019
Pulp Theology 06
Thursday Sep 19, 2019
Thursday Sep 19, 2019
PulpTheology Book
Helping the Forgotten Church
Welcome to this little book, where together we will explore some details about who I call, the Forgotten Church. Not forgotten by God but generally by the Church itself.
Who are the forgotten Church? In every community, there are people who want to attend Church, be involved in a Church, and yet for what ever reason, they are unable to. The reasons may include the demands of work. debilitating illness, having to care for others or due to geographical isolation. This little book explores how we can help these people to enjoy and participate in an interactive Church worship service. All at a time and place which is convenient for them. After all, you may one day be in need of such help, if indeed you are not already.
This is what we will explore together in this book:
- Who are the Forgotten Church?
- Why help the Forgotten Church?
- Where can you help the Forgotten Church?
- What Can A Sample Church Service for the Forgotten Church look like?
- How Else can you help them use their gifts and talents?
- Some Guidelines
Whether you are somebody who is part of what I call the "forgotten Church" or you want to help somebody who is, there is something inside for you to either learn afresh or be reminded of. Come on in!
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Thursday Sep 12, 2019
Pulp Theology 24
Thursday Sep 12, 2019
Thursday Sep 12, 2019
PulpTheology Book
"Read this book to learn more about being a Christian"
G’day! The book this week is "Read this book to learn more about the Church" Welcome to this little book about being a Christian! This little book is volume 4 of our series, "Read this book". Inside there is something for you, regardless of who you are.
G’day! Welcome to this little book about the Church. Inside we look together at the amazing organism, the Church, investigatign questions such as:
- What are the origins of the Church?
- What does the word “Church” mean?
- Is the Church simply a building where people gather, or is it something more?
- What are the purposes, hallmarks and functions of the Church?
- What is the Church’s relationship with Jesus Christ?
- How can the Church claim to be one?
Come on in to learn afresh, or be reminded of, what it means to be a part of the amazing living organism, which is the Church...
Whether you have not started the Christian journey yet, you are just starting your journey as a Christian, or have been a Christian for a while, you can either learn afresh or be reminded about the Church. Come on in!
"Read this book if you want to learn more about Being A Christian" available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle with ISBN: 978-1517040765
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Thursday Sep 05, 2019
Pulp Theology 23
Thursday Sep 05, 2019
Thursday Sep 05, 2019
PulpTheology Book
"Read this book to learn more about being a Christian"
G’day! The book this week is "Read this book to learn more about being a Christian." Welcome to this little book about being a Christian! This little book is volume 3 of our series, "Read this book". Inside there is something for you, regardless of who you are.
Together we look, learn and investigate what being a Christian is all about. We seek to answer questions such as:
- What is a Christian?
- Why am I Christian?
- What happens now that I am a Christian?
- What does that big scary word "evangelism" really mean?
- How can I go on developing my intimate relationship with God?
Whether you have not started the Christian journey yet, you are just starting your journey as a Christian, or have been a Christian for a while, you can either learn afresh or be reminded about what it means to be a Christian in the 21st century. Come on in!
"Read this book if you want to learn more about Being A Christian" available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle with ISBN: 978-1975603120
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Thursday Aug 29, 2019
Pulp Theology 22
Thursday Aug 29, 2019
Thursday Aug 29, 2019
PulpTheology Book
Life Under Grace (What’s It All About, Alphy? Book 2)
In the book of Romans, the Apostle Paul is logically stating his case about God and humanity.
Paul argues is that a people can choose to be in a dynamic and intimate relationship with Almighty God. there is no need to be separated from God any longer. It is by God's amazing grace alone that people ca be declared right before God and able to stand in His presence.
Come inside with Alphy, the WOWChurch Cat and investigate the blessings of living life under Grace, as explained by the Apostle Paul in Romans 5.
"Life Under Grace (What’s It All About, Alphy? Book 2)" available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle with ISBN: 978-1793018007
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