Thursday Sep 21, 2023
Romans 12 - Living Life - Part 21
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
Thursday Sep 21, 2023

Romans 12: Living Life
Study 21: Bless and pray
Paul here seems to have had some teaching about what Jesus taught for here he echoes Jesus, who is now His master. (Matthew 5:43-44 and Luke 6:27-28.)
To bless means to show kindness and love. Do you have enemies – people who don’t like you or loathe you because you are a Christian or for some other reason? I know some people who have been totally disowned by their own families because they became Christians. How are we to react? Paul here, echoes Jesus, commands that we are to show kindness and love. That is what bless means here - seeking the welfare of those that would cause us harm. It is a challenge to us because our natural reaction is usually to fight back or to ignore - that is curse. But we are challenged to pray for those who would wish us harm. Praying for their welfare is showing love for those who wish us harm. How can this be done? It can only be done using the power and strength of the Holy Spirit within us rather than attempting to do it in our own strength.
Paul here is a good example. Just a few years ago, Paul was going around persecuting the church. The first Christian Martyr was Stephen, as told to us in Acts 7:59-60. “While they were stoning him, Stephen prayed, ‘Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.’ Then he fell on his knees and cried out, ‘Lord, do not hold this sin against them.’ When he had said this, he fell asleep.”
Saul was standing there watching. Saul who we know now became Paul – our writer! Shortly after this event, Saul was arrested by Jesus whom He was persecuting. Paul has changed! His motto now is “bless those who persecute you.” Whereas his motto before was “Love your neighbour but hate your enemy!” What a change under the power of the Holy Spirit!
This is of course a picture of the Gospel. God showed love for His enemies, by sending His Son Jesus to die, so that all of humanity could change from being enemies of God to being friends of God.
Go! Bless others who are against you. Go and also pray for the persecuted church around the world – for they are your Christian family.
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Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Psalm On Demand - Psalm 20
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Psalm 20
20:1 May Yahweh answer you in the day of trouble.
May the name of the God of Jacob set you up on high,
20:2 send you help from the sanctuary,
grant you support from Zion,
20:3 remember all your offerings, and accept your burnt sacrifice.
20:4 May He grant you your heart’s desire,
and fulfill all your counsel.
20:5 We will triumph in your salvation.
the name of our God, we will set up our banners.
May Yahweh grant all your requests.
20:6 Now I know that Yahweh saves his anointed.
He will answer him from his holy heaven,
with the saving strength of his right hand.
20:7 Some trust in chariots, and some in horses,
but we trust the name of Yahweh our God.
20:8 They are bowed down and fallen,
but we rise up, and stand upright.
20:9 Save, Yahweh! Let the King answer us when we call!
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Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Romans 12 - Living Life - Part 20
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023

Romans 12: Living Life
Study 20:
Here in verse 13, Paul is referring to helping other Christians in need, as and when we can. Note I said need and not want. By helping other needy people in the Church, such love reflects God’s love. As well as evangelism, the Church also has a social mission – to help cover the needs of those outside the Church.
Part of that need would be giving hospitality to people. We should be looking to pursue opportunities to give hospitality and not just when we want to. If I came to your door, cold, hungry and thirsty, would you feed me, give me a drink and put me near the heater? Jesus taught in the parable of the sheep and the goats from Matthew 25 that any act of love and mercy we do for others, was also an act of love and mercy toward Him.
When we provide the needs of others and practise hospitality we are reaching out to others – just as God reaches out to humanity with a free offer of salvation. Perhaps one of the great sins of our generation is the neglect to do good to others – doing good by supplying needs and practising hospitality. For you see, sin is not just doing bad things, it is also not doing good when we have the opportunity.
Over the last 2 months, my wife and I have been in need. Almost every day of those 2 months, somebody we know has helped us out in helping alleviate that need. We may well be in need for a little while longer, but it is a comfort to know that people care and will help us out at our point of need. Praise God for them!
We Christians show that we love God, by practically loving others. Helping the needy and doing hospitality, not as a means of salvation (for that is by grace alone) but as a means to show our salvation to those in need of embracing Jesus’ love for them. Go and help those in need and practise hospitality. Not just to your friends but also those you don’t know.
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Romans 12 - Living Life - Part 19
Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
Tuesday Sep 19, 2023

Romans 12: Living Life
Study 19: Persevere and Pray
v12 Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying.Another part of our hope is that God’s whole purpose for you is to transform you into the image of His Son, Jesus Christ. God may well use some form of temporal suffering in order to achieve it, but in the light of eternity, it will not be for long!
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Monday Sep 18, 2023
Psalm On Demand - Psalm 128
Monday Sep 18, 2023
Monday Sep 18, 2023
Psalm 128
A song of ascents for pilgrims ascending to Jerusalem.
128:1 Blessed is everyone who fears Yahweh, who walks in his ways.
128:2 For you will eat the labor of your hands. You will be happy, and it will be well with you.
128:3 Your wife will be as a fruitful vine, in the innermost parts of your house; your children like olive plants, around your table.
128:4 Behold, thus is the man blessed who fears Yahweh.
128:5 May Yahweh bless you out of Zion, and may you see the good of Jerusalem all the days of your life.
128:6 Yes, may you see your children’s children. Peace be upon Israel.
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Monday Sep 18, 2023
Romans 12 - Living Life - Part 18
Monday Sep 18, 2023
Monday Sep 18, 2023

Romans 12: Living Life
Study 18: Rejoice!
v12 Rejoice in our confident hope.
We rejoice by filling our minds with the hope of the glory to come! But as we looked at previously, don’t be so heavenly minded that you are of no earthly use! You are called to be growing and maturing in a process that is called discipleship. This will inevitable lead to your being asked the reason for which you have your hope in Jesus Christ. This hope is an unending hope, which will enable you to endure to the end and run the race marked out for you. How can you run this race? By having your focus set on Jesus Christ. Keep him in focus each day, by living each day for Him and let Him get all the glory and honour in all things you do!
Rejoicing doesn’t necessarily mean going around with a big silly grin on your face! Rejoicing is also have a quiet confident and sincere hope. Why can we be confident of this great hope? Because God is faithful and He is always true to His word! Just as Jesus Christ was raised from the dead with a new body 3 days after his death, so will all those who are Christian have new bodies! WOW! Go forward in this great hope you have with confident rejoicing! Thank you.
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Romans 12 - Living Life - Part 17
Sunday Sep 17, 2023
Sunday Sep 17, 2023

Romans 12: Living Life
Study 17: Enthusiastic Zeal
v11 Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically.
Paul here commands Christians not to be lazy but to work hard! Is Paul talking about work outside the church or is he referring to work for the church? Quite possibly he means both! Remember those gifts we looked at earlier in the series? How are you doing with them? Are you being lazy and neither developing or using them as you ought? Get up and use them and develop them – work hard at them ensuring your service of God is with great zeal and delight! Perhaps Paul had heard that some of them were just sitting around waiting for Jesus to come back again and were neglecting their care and duty to work - and therefore their families!. So Paul has had to command them to get about their work with due diligence and attitude.I wonder why you do, what you do and when you do it? In everything we do, we are to do it with zeal as we serve our God – regardless of what we do!
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Click on the appropriate link below to subscribe, share or download our iPhone AppSaturday Sep 16, 2023
Psalm On Demand - Psalm 126
Saturday Sep 16, 2023
Saturday Sep 16, 2023
Psalm 126
126:1 When Yahweh brought back those who returned to Zion,
we were like those who dream.
126:2 Then our mouth was filled with laughter,
and our tongue with singing.
Then they said among the nations,
"Yahweh has done great things for them."
126:3 Yahweh has done great things for us, and we are glad.
126:4 Restore our fortunes again,
Yahweh, like the streams in the Negev.
126:5 Those who sow in tears will reap in joy.
126:6 He who goes out weeping, carrying seed for sowing,
will certainly come again with joy, carrying his sheaves.
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Saturday Sep 16, 2023
Romans 12 - Living Life - Part 16
Saturday Sep 16, 2023
Saturday Sep 16, 2023

Romans 12: Living Life
Study 16: Be family!
Romans 12:10 Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honouring each other.
How is this genuine affection for each other seen? It is seen as each believer holds in honour all other believers. Honouring others is where the interest of others comes before self-interest. However, not just honouring but delighting in the other. Where there is family love and honour, there can be no division, arguments or strife! WOW!
Could that describe the group of believers you are attached to with your church or all the believers in your town? Are they a church or group of believers who all hold each other in genuine affection, devotion and honour? Are there believers know to you, that you are not loving with genuine affection and delighting honourably? Part of loving others is to hold them in high esteem – having their interests at heart and not your own. What are you doing for the fellowship of believers you are a part of? Are you jealous of somebody else who is getting more attention than you? Are you taking pride in your own work of ministry but looking down on the work of another believer? If you are, then you are not taking delight in them and honouring them!
Go! Love affectionately all believers – not just those who are your friends or those in your own church, but all believers everywhere and take great delight in honouring them above yourself!
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Psalm On Demand - Psalm 15
Friday Sep 15, 2023
Friday Sep 15, 2023
Psalm 15
15:1 Yahweh, who shall dwell in your sanctuary?
Who shall live on your holy hill?
15:2 He who walks blamelessly does what is right,
and speaks truth in his heart;
15:3 He who doesn’t slander with his tongue,
nor does evil to his friend,
nor casts slurs against his fellow man;
15:4 In whose eyes a vile man is despised,
but who honors those who fear Yahweh;
he who keeps an oath even when it hurts, and doesn’t change;
15:5 he who doesn’t lend out his money for usury,
nor take a bribe against the innocent.
He who does these things shall never be shaken.