Thursday Aug 30, 2018
Thursday Story - Janeice
Thursday Aug 30, 2018
Thursday Aug 30, 2018
Thursday Story
Janeice - Wisdom and giggles!
A story of Janeice from the USA... We continue apace into the twentieth century. Today I interview briefly a friend of mine, Janeice! Come and hear just what Janeice has to share with you today! Come and listen!
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Thursday Jul 19, 2018
Thursday Story - Jackie
Thursday Jul 19, 2018
Thursday Jul 19, 2018
Thursday Story
Jackie - God helps me overcome!
We continue apace into the twenty first century. Today, Jackie shares with you about her life and her inspirational relationship with God! Come, listen and be inspired!
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Thursday Jul 05, 2018
Thursday Story - Milly
Thursday Jul 05, 2018
Thursday Jul 05, 2018
Thursday Story
People meeting Jesus
The story of Milly from Mississippi, USA...
We continue apace into the twentieth century and hear the story of a friend of mine. Her name is Milly and she is from Mississippi in the USA! Come on in, and listen to her story about her own Christian journey and the relevancy of Jesus Christ to her life.
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Thursday Jun 07, 2018
Thursday Story - Heidi
Thursday Jun 07, 2018
Thursday Jun 07, 2018
Thursday Story
People meeting Jesus
The story of Heidi...
We continue apace into the twentieth century and hear the story of a friend of mine. Her name is Heidi and she is from England. Let's look together at how and why she started her Christian journey and the relevancy of Jesus Christ to her life! Come and listen to her story of faith...
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Thursday May 03, 2018
Thursday Story - Nancy
Thursday May 03, 2018
Thursday May 03, 2018
Thursday Story
Nancy - God hears my prayers!
A story of Nancy from the USA... We continue apace into the twenty first century.
Today I interview a friend of mine, Nancy! Come and hear just what she has to share with you today! Come and listen!
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Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Thursday Story - Adele
Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Thursday Story
People meeting Jesus
The story of Adele from Queensland, Australia...
We continue apace into the twentieth century and hear the story of a friend of mine. Her name is Adele and she is from my home country, Australia. Come on in, and listen to her story about her own Christian journey and the relevancy of Jesus Christ to her life! Come and listen to her story of faith...
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Thursday Apr 12, 2018
Thursday Story - Richard
Thursday Apr 12, 2018
Thursday Apr 12, 2018
Thursday Story
Richard meeting Jesus
A story of Richard
We continue apace into the twentieth century and hear the story of salvation and healing coming to the life of Richard.
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Sunday Nov 13, 2016
WOW Tour USA 2016 - Minnesota here we come to WOW!
Sunday Nov 13, 2016
Sunday Nov 13, 2016

WOW Tour USA 2016
Minnesota - let's go WOW!
We are in a series for these Sundays, whereupon I give some personal reflections on my recent 7 weeks tour of the the USA... During that time in the USA, I sought to enable and encourage others in their faith byteaching, training and most of all, WOWing for God! It is my prayer that I was able to do that for the glory and honour of God alone.
Today I talk briefly about my time in Minnesota - preaching, WOWChurching, making people's jaws drop in amazement and the newspaper reporter! Come on in to listen...
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Thursday Apr 21, 2016
Glimpses 56
Thursday Apr 21, 2016
Thursday Apr 21, 2016
Glimpses 56
My story starts with my birth as mine was rather traumatic. I was born in Aberdeen, north east Scotland. I was a very ill little baby. I was born three months early and weighed less than a bag of sugar. At some point before, during or after my birth my brain did not get enough oxygen. This caused brain damage so now I have cerebral palsy. I wasn’t supposed to live but my doctors decided to try to save me anyway.
There were many scary times; including an emergency operation when I was the smallest baby the surgeon had ever operated on. I also stopped breathing and had to be brought back to life a couple of times. But - people all over the UK were praying for me. I started to do things the doctors had said I would never be able to do, like walking, talking, and going to mainstream school, and secondary school.
I’ve been to university twice, and have a Master’s degree. It was at a Christian conference called Spring Harvest that I came to know Jesus for myself, as my saviour and friend, just before my ninth birthday. I had believers’ baptism at age 11. I remember it like it was yesterday. God used it to really encourage people.
I haven’t always been faithful to Jesus but he’s always been faithful to me. Since I became a Christian I had healthy teenage years but struggled with my faith and was rebellious. Now I wish I’d appreciated that time. When I was 19, and at university, I started becoming ill and had a few very painful hospital admissions. But God used me to witness to doctors, nurses and patients. I had a life changing operation when I was 25, in which I nearly died, and the surgeon said it’s one of the most difficult operations he’s done. I was really carried through that time and so many people were praying. Never ever underestimate the power of prayer!
Its four years since that operation and times have not been easy. A while ago my consultant said I have damaged my body from walking and I need to use an electric wheelchair full-time. I now also have carers in to help me and lots of hospital appointments. I am still unable to work and really struggle with that. God is showing me though that he does have a purpose for me. I am writing for The Big Bible Project blog once a month, and Bible Reflections have publish a few of my articles. I also have my own blog.
God is using my blog posts to help people. I also try to be a listener for my friends and others in need and am very much still learning how to do that. Somehow God is carving out a ministry for me. Am trying to hold onto all the God has done for me and what He is continuing to do. I hope telling my story this way helps someone to know how powerful God is and how much prayer can do. God is a solid rock and a refuge on whom I can rely. He can do the same for you too!
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Friday Apr 08, 2016
Friday Prayers 8 April 2016
Friday Apr 08, 2016
Friday Apr 08, 2016
Partakers Friday Prayers!
8th April 2016
We pray together and when Christians pray together, including across the internet and from different times, different nations, different churches and different denominations - that reveals Church unity!
Today we pray once more, a Morning Prayer from the Syrian Clementine Liturgy. This Liturgy, dates from the 4th century, and was celebrated in Syria and throughout the Church of Antioch. It is the oldest model known in Antioch, and is a liturgy is related to the Apostle James. Come pray!
Syria at the moment is in turmoil. Let us pray for peace in this ancient land... Pray particularly for the christian communities, not only in Syria but throughout the region.
'a very senior Christian leader in the region yesterday, he said “intervention from abroad will declare open season on the Christian communities”. They have already been devastated, 2 million Christians in Iraq 12 years ago, less than half a million today. These are churches that don’t just go back to St Paul but, in the case of Damascus and Antioch, predate him. They will surely suffer terribly (as they already are) if action goes ahead."'
Archbishop of Canterbury - See more of this speech by clicking here
A Morning Prayer from the 4th Century Syrian Clementine Liturgy
O God,
You are the unsearchable abyss of peace,
the ineffable sea of love,
the fountain of blessings,
and the bestower of affection.
O God,
You who sends peace to those that receive it;
open to us this day the sea of Your love,
and water us with the plenteous streams
from the riches of Your grace.
Make us children of quietness, and heirs of peace.
Kindle in us the fire of Your love;
sow in us Your fear;
strengthen our weakness by Your power!
Bind us closely to You
and to each other
in one firm bond of unity;
for the sake of Jesus Christ.