Thursday May 02, 2024
Christian Response to Mormonism 2
Thursday May 02, 2024
Thursday May 02, 2024
Mormonism - Part 2
Joseph Smith and the Beginnings of Mormonism.
Joseph Smith was the son of parents who were into selling blessings and fortune telling. Joseph himself had quite a reputation for telling tall stories. He was born in 1805 and at the age of fourteen was said to have had a divine visit from an angel and warned to have nothing to do with the established church.
Visit from Moroni!
Joseph was then supposed to have received a further visit from an angel whose name he said was Moroni. who gave him instructions to go to a certain place named Palmyra where he would receive a very special revelation from God. He would be told where to find some special gold plates with very special writing on. The writing would be in Egyptian so he would not have understood with out some kind of aid. Fortunately there just to the side of the gold plates were a pair of spectacles (glasses) and when Joseph looked through those glasses at the writing he would see it translated into his own language. In 1827 Joseph Smith began to dictate from behind a curtain to three men who acted as his scribes as he read from those gold plates using those special glasses I referred to earlier.
Beginnings of the Book of Mormon
When completed, these writings were formed into a book and when printed was called "The Book of Mormon." Then it is said that Moroni the angel returned, collected the plates as well as the glasses and disappeared again. In 1830 Joseph Smith started the Mormon Church or The Church of the Latter Day Saints as it is also known. It is only fair to point out at this stage that this book of Mormon which is given as high a place as the Bible in the Mormon Church was produced at the same time as a historic novel written by a man by the name of Spaulding. He had been a Presbyterian preacher who eventually died of consumption in a place named Conneaut in Ohio .
Before he died he made a great deal of money out of it it as it sold well. The book was called 'Forgotten Tales of the Monk Cyril and the Abbot Joachim'. It is believed that The Book of Mormon is actually the writings found in that book plus some added scriptures. If this is the case then it doesn't enhance the man Joseph Smith to us as a godly man who had said the writings came from God and received from an angel called Moroni. When his own father questioned him about the writings and wanted to look at the gold plates for himself, Joseph said it was unwise for if he were to look upon them he would surely die. His own wife Emma also helped in writing the book of Mormon as Joseph continued to dictate from the gold plates but never became a part of the Mormon church till many years later.
New Revelation
Several years on, Polygamy became a regular practice in the Mormon church. What was it that triggered that off you ask?. After all wasn't this Mormon church supposed to be morally sound, a godly fellowship of God's people? Joseph Smith gives us the answer himself. He said it came as a divine revelation to him. No one it seems was prepared to argue with him on that matter that prompted that action. Following Joseph Smith's death, Brigham Young took over as leader. During his lifetime the Mormon Church was forced to obey the laws of the country and not only follow their own rules and codes of practice. You will not be totally surprised to hear of the legacy Brigham Young left behind him when he died. He left 400,000 dollars, seventeen wives, and fifty six children. Polygamy continued to be expressed as the Mormon church said they were only following their interpretation of scriptures relating to Abraham who had many concubines during his life time. More about that in our next study where we will be looking specifically at some of the teachings of the Mormon church especially in relation to the book of Genesis and what they add to the scriptures as well as leave out!
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Wednesday May 01, 2024
Bible Reading - Psalm 36
Wednesday May 01, 2024
Wednesday May 01, 2024
Psalm 36
36:1 An oracle is within my heart about the disobedience of the wicked:
There is no fear of God before his eyes.”
36:2 For he flatters himself in his own eyes,
too much to detect and hate his sin.
36:3 The words of his mouth are iniquity and deceit.
He has ceased to be wise and to do good.
36:4 He plots iniquity on his bed.
He sets himself in a way that is not good.
He doesn’t abhor evil.
36:5 Your loving kindness, Yahweh, is in the heavens.
Your faithfulness reaches to the skies.
36:6 Your righteousness is like the mountains of God.
Your judgments are like a great deep.
Yahweh, you preserve man and animal.
36:7 How precious is your loving kindness, God!
The children of men take refuge under the shadow of your wings.
36:8 They shall be abundantly satisfied with the abundance of your house.
You will make them drink of the river of your pleasures.
36:9 For with you is the spring of life.
In your light shall we see light.
36:10 Oh continue your loving kindness to those who know you,
your righteousness to the upright in heart.
36:11 Don’t let the foot of pride come against me.
Don’t let the hand of the wicked drive me away.
36:12 There the workers of iniquity are fallen.
They are thrust down, and shall not be able to rise.
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Wednesday May 01, 2024
Christian Response to Mormonism 1
Wednesday May 01, 2024
Wednesday May 01, 2024
Mormonism - An Introduction
The Church of Jesus Christ Latter-Day Saints.
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My first introduction to Mormonism was when visiting some homes in the Bournemouth area on behalf of a local evangelical church. Knocking on one particular door I received an extremely warm welcome. I was politely invited into a nice, well kept home and was made at home instantly. My first thoughts were "Wow! Surely here is a Christian home!" So what led me to that conclusion?"
You may well ask, for surely there are polite atheists living in our district aren't there?. It wasn't because of their high interest in the Bible for that was surely evident.. No, I was perhaps thinking that way because the words they used concerning the things of God were very very similar. They seemed to use all the jargon that many Christians use. Yes, they talked like Christians yet there was something odd about them. Why do I say that?
Because when I brought up in the conversation something about Jesus shedding his precious blood to deliver us from our guilt of sin I thought they would be totally in agreement with me. When I talked of this as evidence of Jesus great love for us they became tense and I sensed an awkwardness coming into our conversation. It wasn't flowing. It was at that point I realised or maybe the Holy Spirit inside of me gave me witness, that these dear people were looking for salvation in a completely different direction!. Yes, they were kind, friendly religious people but they were not born again Christians.
My second introduction to Mormon missionaries was when visiting some backsliding Christians who were having difficulty holding onto their Christian faith. They had agreed to have two Mormon missionaries visit them in their own home with a audio/ visual presentation of Mormonism and what it was all about. I was invited as a friend to be there at this meeting. Two Mormon Elders arrived with a video/audio equipment to teach people the Mormon doctrines. I was introduce as a frind and so we all sat down to watch and listen. Following the presentation we entered into discussion and it was all very polite and lots of smiles.
"Have you any questions? we were asked. I answered "Yes I do have an important May I ask you what you teach concerning the difference between two very important Bible words. Please explain to me your understanding of the words grace and mercy in the Bible." They seemed to fumble with their answer saying "Sorry we have not got our Webster book of words with us" "May I then help you?" I offered. "Why Yes " they replied. I simply said "God's grace is God giving to us that which we do not deserve and God's mercy is God withholding from us that which we do deserve."
Silence reigned before they made a hurried retreat to the door saying they had another immediate engagement. The home in which this conversation took place with Mormon elders (their own definition of their office) was owned by two young Christians who were obvious targets as they were not very well taught in the Christian faith. The Mormons missionaries were clean,tidy and indeed smart in their clothing as well as in their manner and clear conversation and attractive to the gullible Christians whom they may meet by going from house to house. So what do you know about the Mormons?
I want to help you grasp some fundamental truths concerning them if you are confronted by them on your own front door step or have them approach you in a busy shopping centre which you frequent regularly. They are regularly see in our towns and approach us in a polite and friendly way and can catch us off guard. So having introduced Mormonism next time I want to talk about their founder, Joseph Smith, and how they came into being.
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Tuesday Apr 30, 2024
Issues Facing Christians Today - Worship
Tuesday Apr 30, 2024
Tuesday Apr 30, 2024
I often hear people say that their church has the best worship and that other church worship services are inferior! Or I hear that a person has moved churches, because the experience is different and better there! What are we to think as Christians in the twenty first century about biblical worship?
The Psalmist writes in Psalm 105:1-6: "Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim his greatness. Let the whole world know what he has done. Sing to him; yes, sing his praises. Tell everyone about his wonderful deeds. Exult in his holy name; rejoice, you who worship the Lord. Search for the Lord and for his strength; continually seek him. Remember the wonders he has performed, his miracles, and the rulings he has given, you children of his servant Abraham, you descendants of Jacob, his chosen ones."
Today there are many different churches using different worship styles to worship the one True and Living God! We can even think of different churches in the New Testament worshipping differently, such as the church of Philippi church being more liturgical and ordered, while the church of Corinth is more free and less controlled! As His followers and His worshippers, we are required to worship God and to worship Him publicly and with others! There is a meaning of worship, whereby our very life is to be a spiritual act of worship according to Paul in Romans 12. Paul meant that every aspect of our life is to be an act of worship, where our life is to be for the majesty and honour of God! However, the definition of worship I want to talk about today is about public acts of worship, such as in a church or chapel service. Where worshipping is to give respect, honour and glory to God! When this is done in reverence, in truth and in submission to the Lord Jesus Christ, then the Christian Disciple continues to mature and grow spiritually. Let us look at the what, why and how of Biblical worship!
What is worship?
Worship is, by way of act, attitude, or thought, a way of giving supreme honour and reverence to God! As Christian Disciples, God Almighty alone is worthy of our reverence, submission and worship. There are many other things that are worshipped and thus are ‘gods', with a small ‘g'. Money, careers, possessions, other people are 21st century examples of things which are worshipped by humans. Thus the threat of materialism is a huge danger to Christian Disciples, because the worship of material possessions takes the supreme place of worship to God, and some Christian Disciples have been duped by it! But the Bible clearly states that God alone is to be worshipped. For God is to carry the worshipping Christian Disciple, and not the Christian Disciple to carry the god.
Why worship?
Perhaps the greatest reason that we worship is because God commands it! The 10 Commandments (Exodus 21v1-3) insist that God alone is worshipped, adored and paid homage to! As humans we are made in His image and as Christian Disciples, He owns us because we claim Jesus to be our Lord and Master! So it is right and just that we give worship to this God who paid the penalty for sin, so that we may be His children, and wants us to call Him Father! As Christian Disciples, we discover an inner personal satisfaction when God is worshipped and adored, both for the present and in the future (Romans 12v2; Col 3v24)! Another reason to give worship is that God deserves our worship! All of God's attributes demand that we revere and worship Him! His holiness, goodness, love, mercy and providence are but a beginning as to why He, and He alone, is worthy of our worship. It is by His grace, and through His grace alone, that we worship Him!
How are we to worship?
In some church services, a general confession of sin comes at the start. This is because before engaging in exultant praise, Christian Disciples should approach with penitence and examine their inner selves just as Isaiah did in Isaiah 6. We also gather in expectation of meeting God and that He will receive the worship! Worship services should consist of more than just singing songs. The church is 2000 years old and in that time a lot of resources can be found to help people worship, apart from singing songs! There are items like responsive prayers and psalms, whereby prayers and psalms are spoken between the congregation to each other and to the leader!
There are times of silence, or times of spoken liturgy where truths of God are both spoken and heard. Saying the Apostles Creed or Nicene Creed help build the body in affirming their belief in an awesome God worthy of worship! Times of worship should be more diverse than just singing songs and should express the cultural and personality diversity of the people worshipping! Remember, Jesus and certainly the early church participated in services which would certainly have contained liturgy, Scripture reading and songs! Other core parts of some worship services are the Holy Communion and Baptism!
These were fundamental in churches in the New Testament period and are just as important today!
- Holy Communion is where we as Christian Disciples remember Jesus' death for our sin, acceptance of His death for us, and our dependence on Him for our spiritual life.
- Baptism is where Christian Disciples identify with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
- The third element of worship is the reading and preaching of the Bible! This where God's word is read in public! This is where God's Word is preached so as to that God's word can be applied to the hearer's lives!
- Sermons can be the pinnacle of a worship service as God's revealed word is expounded, talked about and explained! Yet, sadly, for a lot of people its not considered worship! It most certainly is!
The whole of a church worship service should be where the spiritually comfortable are discomforted and those spiritually uncomfortable are comforted! From 1 Corinthians 14:25, worship should be where non-Christians present can proclaim, "God is really among you". So often our church worship services are flat, feeble and weak spiritually. At one extreme in churches, we have worship services that are flippant and no consideration to make worship an awe-inspiring time of devotion to an awesome God! At the other extreme, we have worship services where everybody looks like they have been sucking on lemons and where grace is obviously lacking. Somewhere in between, is where public worship should be.
In the broad spectrum of being neither trivialized nor grace-less, is where our church worship services should be! Sometimes we need to worship, even if we don't feel like it and pray for God to help us worship Him. Over all this, is 1 Corinthians 14v26, which plainly states: "Everything that is done must be useful to all and build them up in the Lord".
Public worship is for the encouragement of the gathered worshipping group of believers and not for the individual worshipper. The modern construct of only worshipping when its enjoyable or because the experience feels right is not a biblical construct. When you find yourself in a worship service with others, as long as what is being said and sung is biblical, keep worshipping. Even if the style or method is not to your own personal taste! Just because the church down the road from you worships in a different style to you, doesn't make their worship in valid! We have a God worthy of all types of worship!
Don't grieve the Holy Spirit by trying to validate your own style over a different style, by saying your church worships better than any other! The Holy Spirit works in different places in different ways! Stop limiting the Holy Spirit! Through the energy and power of the Holy Spirit, any and all acts of church worship are done in reverence, in truth and in submission to the Lord Jesus Christ. Done regardless of our own personal taste, enjoyment level or experience. Main thing is to worship in Spirit and in truth, and that is surely to be a cause of joy, regardless of worship style! Let us use the diversity of worship styles to worship the One True Living God!
For more to think about please do read 1 Corinthians 14v26-39.
Ask yourself the following questions, writing them down if you can, and see how you respond or react to them. Then why not share your answers with your spouse or a close friend, so that you can pray over any issues together.
Q1. When I attend worship services, is it for the encouragement of others or just for myself?
Q2. What are my favourite elements of worship and how should I react to those elements I don't like?
Q3. Does my life of following Jesus Christ, match the words I sing and words I speak in church worship services?
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Monday Apr 29, 2024
Bible Reading - Psalm 65
Monday Apr 29, 2024
Monday Apr 29, 2024
Psalm 65
For the Chief Musician. A Psalm by David. A song.
65:1 Praise waits for you, God, in Zion. To you shall vows be performed.
65:2 You who hear prayer, to you all men will come.
65:3 Sins overwhelmed me, but you atoned for our transgressions.
65:4 Blessed is one whom you choose, and cause to come near, that he may live in your courts. We will be filled with the goodness of your house, your holy temple.
65:5 By awesome deeds of righteousness, you answer us, God of our salvation. You who are the hope of all the ends of the earth, of those who are far away on the sea;
65:6 Who by his power forms the mountains, having armed yourself with strength;
65:7 who stills the roaring of the seas, the roaring of their waves, and the turmoil of the nations.
65:8 They also who dwell in faraway places are afraid at your wonders. You call the morning's dawn and the evening with songs of joy.
65:9 You visit the earth, and water it. You greatly enrich it. The river of God is full of water. You provide them grain, for so you have ordained it.
65:10 You drench its furrows. You level its ridges. You soften it with showers. You bless it with a crop.
65:11 You crown the year with your bounty. Your carts overflow with abundance.
65:12 The wilderness grasslands overflow. The hills are clothed with gladness.
65:13 The pastures are covered with flocks. The valleys also are clothed with grain. They shout for joy! They also sing.
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Sunday Apr 28, 2024
No Longer A Baby - 8. Jesus’ Relationship With The Christian
Sunday Apr 28, 2024
Sunday Apr 28, 2024

Jesus Christ - No longer a baby
8. Jesus’ Relationship With The ChristianSo you have just become a Christian, been a Christian for a while, or are just interested in what this relationship with Jesus business is all about. I am sure you are aware that what you believe, affects what you do. Children behave like children, because that is what they are. Adults behave like adults, because that is who they are. So by remembering who we are as Christians, then we should also therefore behave like followers of Jesus Christ.
- You died with Jesus. Jesus not only died for you, but you have died with him. The reason for this is that Jesus Christ’s death on the cross also broke sin’s power over you. You are in Christ and one with Christ. Baptism, is a strong act of identification of this because it symbolizes your death with Jesus.
- You are raised with Jesus. It is an exciting fact that you are raised with him and you rule with him, seated at the right hand of the Father because of your strong identification with him. Isn’t that amazing! It is a WOW of being a Christian! Because Jesus rose from the dead, which is an historical fact, his followers are raised with Him!
- You live with Jesus. If you are a Christian, Jesus is to be your life and your eternal life is Jesus Christ. You are to be dead to sin, yet alive to Christ. (Those last 3 points are all found in Romans 6:1–14.)
- You are hidden with Jesus. You belong to Jesus Christ and you no longer belong to this world! That is not to say you are to neglect your earthly duties and responsibilities, but your motives and strengths are to come from Him, and him alone.
- You will be glorified with Jesus. When Jesus Christ comes again, you will see him face to face, and he will take you home to eternal glory. When Christ is revealed in glory, you too will be revealed in glory. One day the full extent of this glory will be revealed! (The last 2 points are both found in Colossians 3:1-4).
What does all of this mean? It means that you are to stop being disobedient to God, which means to stop sinning in activity and in attitude. If you remember who you are in Jesus Christ, this will help you be an overcomer of sin and temptation!
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Saturday Apr 27, 2024
No Longer A Baby - 7. How To Be Assured You Are A Christian
Saturday Apr 27, 2024
Saturday Apr 27, 2024

Jesus Christ - No longer a baby
7. How To Be Assured You Are A ChristianJesus, the Son of God, promised you a life of abundance here on earth and a future in eternity! This is called ‘eternal life’ and it is a life of quality not only for your future home in heaven, but for your present home on earth. Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father in heaven where he continually prays for us. We may indeed struggle here on earth but our future is secure. Our present life is in him and therefore of a quite different quality. As you became a follower of Jesus, a Christian Disciple, God started living within you! You became a part of the universal church of Jesus Christ. This means that your faith and belief are now firmly anchored in a God of mercy and love! This is despite sometimes not feeling particularly spiritual or special.
When you became a follower of Jesus, a Christian (if you are one) you experienced the deep joy of a quiet inner confidence that only comes from the Spirit. Paul experienced this when he found Himself in prison (Philippians 4) and he was able to draw on the help of his fellow believers. We can do that too in our own circumstances!
Perhaps the greatest testimony of you having become a Christian, a child of the living God, is seeing how your life has changed! You didn’t need to change a thing to become a Christian except the direction in which you were heading. Look back and see how you have changed and been transformed! This is the greatest evidence that you have, of being an assured Christian Disciple.
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Friday Apr 26, 2024
No Longer A Baby - 6. Becoming a Christian
Friday Apr 26, 2024
Friday Apr 26, 2024

Jesus Christ - No longer a baby
6. How Do You Become A Christian - a follower of Jesus?
If you want to turn to God there is no need for delay. God is ready and willing to take you as his own right now. You only have to ask him to forgive you and to give you help on the journey ahead which he will do by giving you the gift of the Holy Spirit. It is a nurturing and personal partnership between God and yourself.
The act of deciding to change course in mid-life, is what is called conversion. You may also know it as being born again, or deciding to be a Christian. When you place your faith in Jesus, becoming utterly dependent upon Him, you turn to God. That means that you have changed your intentions in the way you are going to live in future.
However once you have made that decision, you leave behind your spiritual isolation and rebellion against him. As you live each day, becoming more involved with Jesus day by day, you will discover you are changing. You will find yourself doing things that please Jesus and developing your relationship with him. How is that relations developed
Until you enter into a personal relationship with God, sin (all that which alienates you from God), controls your rebellion against him. This sin is seen in your attitudes and your activities. God asks you to accept his management and guidance of your life. When you do that, God’s point of view and his strength become your point of view and your source of strength. You turn your mind, will and heart to him for all you do.
If you want to become a Christian there are three simple steps to take:
- Admit that you have done wrong against God and his ways and turn away from those attitudes.
- Believe and trust in Jesus as your Saviour from the consequences of the anger of God towards you and your tendency to sin. Call on Him, receive, trust, obey and worship Him, recognizing him for who he is and what he has done.
- Accept the Holy Spirit of God into your life as the major motivating force for what you do. Once sin has been confessed, Jesus is believed in and trusted as Saviour and the Holy Spirit has entered your life, then you are a Christian.
All these things happen together instantly as you turn to God, being ready to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus! More about this in Part 7 tomorrow. if
Two questions for you to ponder:
- Why is guidance from God needed?
- What is stopping me from becoming a Christian?
If you have made this decision to become a Christian, please to make a comment below or use the contact us form on this website! It will be great to hear your news!
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Thursday Apr 25, 2024
No Longer A Baby - 5. Was Jesus Christ Simply Just A Good Moral Teacher?
Thursday Apr 25, 2024
Thursday Apr 25, 2024

Jesus Christ - No longer a baby
5. Was Jesus Christ Simply Just A Good Moral Teacher?
Today we have another question? Was Jesus Christ simply a good moral teacher, and nothing more? It is often a statement often associated with Jesus Christ, that he was simply a good moral teacher. Nothing more. Nothing less. This thinking is also untenable and unworkable. How so? We start by asking ourselves, if Jesus’ teaching reflects a good way to live, and if they do, what did he teach?
Jesus’ moral code, revolving around the part of the Bible we call the Old Testament, can be summarized as “do to others, what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” (Matthew 7:12). Some people refer to this as the “Golden Rule“.
However, Jesus with greater insight went further than anybody else. He goes on to say that it is not only the outward actions of a person that makes them morally good, it is also the internal attitude behind it (Matthew 15:17–20).
People often think Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount is the most wonderful teaching and therefore think Jesus was a great teacher (Matthew 5-7). But they have not understood what he was saying, and why he said it.
Therefore, while this may indeed be the best-known teaching of Jesus, it is quite possibly also the most misunderstood. It is most certainly the least obeyed of all his teaching. Again, how is that so?
Quite often today Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount is seen as mostly a call not to react violently even when faced with direct provocation. However this was never Jesus intention. It was never meant to be a group of general guidelines for our comfort to wallow in. Nor was it designed to give us boundless joy in how good we are being! Upon reading this teaching of Jesus, we see that Jesus’ original intention for this teaching was that it was to reflect the values, standards and priorities of God’s Kingdom. This is what Jesus was talking about when he gave the “Sermon on the Mount”.
Certainly Jesus was a good moral teacher! Moreover, was he simply a good moral teacher or was he more than this simple claim? To assert that Jesus was merely a good moral teacher, nothing more and nothing less, is a foolish thing to think or express. Nobody could do or say the things that Jesus did, and not be who he said and showed he was: Almighty God.
Two Questions To Ponder:
1. Why do you think that Jesus would be more than just a good moral teacher?
2. Have I ever failed my own moral code?
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Wednesday Apr 24, 2024
No Longer A Baby - 4. Why did God become a human?
Wednesday Apr 24, 2024
Wednesday Apr 24, 2024

Jesus Christ - No longer a baby
4. Why Would God Become Human?
A natural question now follows. Why would God become human? God Himself has taken on the responsibility for our sins. Jesus when he died on the cross bore our sins. Although he was sinless, he therefore became sin for us. By doing this, we are drawn to him in a personal way. God has shown that he loves us and wants us in a relationship with himself.
God is one and therefore there could only be one incarnation - that is God taking on a human form – fully God and fully human. By doing away with the incarnation, could God’s salvation plan be fulfilled? No way! If Jesus was not fully God, then he would be part of the problem and therefore need to be redeemed himself! That would not work as there then would be no possibility of redeeming humanity so that they could have relationship and fellowship with God.
God Himself has bridged the gap between the supernatural and the natural, the infinite and the finite. God did this to show humanity what he is like. Jesus as God in person gives us a focal point to respond to.
God does not force people to love Him, for that would not be love. His love is compelling but it is not coercive. God does invite all into a dynamic relationship with him. Clarification can be seen through reading the Bible.
For example, Jesus, the Son of God came as a man to:
humble Himself (Philippians 2:8)
reveal God the Father (John 1:18, 14:9)
become our advocate before God (1 John 2:1)
destroy satan’s work (Hebrews 2:14, 1 John 3:8)
give an example of a perfect life (1 Peter 2:21)
prepare for creation’s redemption (1 John 2:2)
We also know Jesus’ full glory was hidden during his time on earth (John 17:6) and that he lived on the resources of his Father (John 5:19-20 & 30, 14:10). Jesus emptied Himself (Philippians 2:5-7) and was made like us (Philippians 2:7) when he became human (John 1:4).
If Jesus Christ was not fully God and fully human, then he would be part of the problem. Therefore he would need to be redeemed himself! Simply put, that is untenable and unworkable! Jesus whilst being fully God, didn’t lose any of his divinity when he became human. Instead Jesus Christ gained humanity and we call this divine and human nature unity - a ‘hypostatic union‘.