Wednesday Dec 06, 2017
Jehovah Witnesses 04
Wednesday Dec 06, 2017
Wednesday Dec 06, 2017
Part 4 - Beliefs about Jesus Christ
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It is common among many different religions and cults that all apart from Christianity fall short in giving Jesus Christ His rightful place and giving Him the due honour to His name. In this study we shall look closely at His person and His work. Jehovah Witnesses I need to remind you speak of 7 principles which they impress upon us that they stand by. Let me remind you of the first three. They say that they:
- Exalt Jehovah as the true God
- Recognise Jesus vital role in Jehovah's purpose
- Adhere closely to God's Word
Because they say they exalt the Scriptures, Jesus Christ and Jehovah God they should have no difficulty in agreeing with me as I go directly to The Word of God to substantiate these facts. So lets first look at what Jehovah Witnesses say about Jesus Christ in their own writings:
- Christ was the created archangel Michael and although a 'god' and a 'mighty one' yes He was not Jehovah. (Watchtower Feb.15th 1979 p31.)
- 'Despite a virgin birth, Jesus was no more than a perfect mortal man while on earth. Two things happened at His baptism - he was born again and He became the Christ or Messiah.'
May I suggest to you that they have no grounds whatsoever for those statements. Where do you find Jesus described as an angel called Michael in the Bible (unless you slip it in yourself) In fact the scriptures make it crystal clear that Jesus was not an angel. Hebrews 1:5,8: "For to which of the angels did God ever say, "You are my Son?" "But about the Son He says "Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever....Or again in verses 10-12 in the same chapter these words are applicable to Jesus Christ "In the beginning O Lord you laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands" (Interestingly you will find those same words are a quote from Psalm 102: 25-27;) Why is that? Because the writer (probably Paul) writing under the inspiration and authority of God clearly saw they referred to Jesus Christ. In His human nature Jesus was filled with The Holy Spirit. Matthew 3:16; & Luke 4:1; refer to this. But born again at his baptism? There is no record of that in fact we know that He was already The Messiah from his very birth into this world. The promised Messiah of The Old Testament. Hear what Luke writes concerning the amazing virgin birth of Jesus Luke 2:11; "Today in the city of David a Saviour has been born to you, a Saviour who is CHRIST THE LORD" Paul the apostle writing to the church at Colossae writes in chapter 2:9; "For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form." This particular verse is perhaps the strongest affirmation of Christ's deity in all the Scriptures. What is clearly pointed out to us here is that in Jesus of Nazareth, God was uniquely and bodily among us. Since the power of Christ rested in Jesus Christ, Christ overcomes all other powers. Jesus Christ is the complete revelation of God to humanity. In Revelation 1:8; we have a description of Jesus Christ as what? The Almighty! "The Alpha and Omega Who is, and Who was and Who is to come. It is abundantly clear this description can only be given to One Being God Himself. Yes I am aware that Jehovah Witnesses find it difficult to believe in the Trinity of which Jesus is One of the Persons within the Trinity. God in three persons blessed Trinity. Remember God is unique and is able to do anything. You only have to go as far as the very first chapter in Genesis and discover the Trinity. The name for God there in the Hebrew is Elohim. Elohim is composed of three component parts. 'El' meaning one, 'O' added makes the name plural and 'him' finally added makes the word mean more than two. In that same chapter God says concerning the making of man in verse 26 "Let us make man in our image" Who is the Creator? God you reply. Quite right . So here is a conversation going on between the three persons within the Trinity. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. All are involved in Creation All are distinct from each other with distinctive work to do but all vital and necessary. From eternity God knew man would need a redeemer, a Saviour and planned to come to earth in His own Son to do this vital work.
What do Jehovah Witnesses say about the work of Jesus upon the cross?
"Jesus atoned only for the sin of Adam and not for our personal sins. His death provided an exact payment for what Adam lost, namely, perfect human life in Eden. This ransom sacrifice was not a finished work. Rather it is the basis from which individuals work to provide their own salvation.('You may survive Armageddon' p39 )
What does The Bible have to say about the work of Jesus upon the cross at Calvary?
The central theme in the Apostle Paul's letter to the Romans is Justification. (How can a man get right with God) Paul shows how impossible it is for man to get right with God. He cannot earn his own salvation by just deeds. Paul explains it is a gift. (Romans 6:23;) In his letter to the Ephesians he wrote "For by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast for we are His workmanship created unto good works which God has before ordained that we should walk in them." Only through Christ's work of atonement can a man stand justified before God. It had to be achieved by a perfect righteous Person is and to be received through faith and repentance towards God (our part) So going back to where we started this fourth study as to what Jehovah Witnesses believe and teach. Do they explain the Bible truth about Jesus Christ like this? Do they explain his vital role in the purpose of God to redeem us? It was not for Adam's sin only that Christ died but for the sins of the world. His sacrifice was sufficient and efficient to save anyone from their sins. (John 3:16; ) Christ's death upon the cross did not only remove sin inherited from Adam but includes every sin committed during the believers life both before conversion as well as afterwards. Romans 5:9; "Much more then having been justified(past tense) by his blood we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him (it has nothing to do with a believers work added to Christ's work which Jehovah's witnesses advocate.) Much more having been reconciled we shall be saved (absolute assurance) by His life". 1 John 1:7; The blood of Jesus Christ God's Son cleanses us from all sin" Next time we shall see how important the resurrection of Jesus Christ is to the believer and I do mean a bodily resurrection.
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** Disclaimer: The author of this article, Jim Allis, is a guest podcaster and Partake Ministries may or may not agree with his opinions and writings, either in their entirety or part thereof.
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Monday Dec 04, 2017
Think Spot 4 December 2017
Monday Dec 04, 2017
Monday Dec 04, 2017
Think Spot 4 December 2017
"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things." Philippians 4:8
Isn’t it great to be a believer? Or maybe yesterday’s meetings at Church were not much of an inspiration to you as you begin a new week? You just didn't get much from the services yesterday. You listened but other thought you allowed to crowd in. Concerns for certain family members, friends or neighbours. So you have not started the week with gusto. Even your morning quiet time today didn’t go well. Your prayer life hit rock bottom. Your prayers, you thought didn’t get any higher than the ceiling. You had to not only drag yourself out of bed but also through your devotions. "Is this what the Christian life is all about?" you ask yourself. Am I not meant to be a joyful triumphant Christian?
Our minds are fertile ground and must be guarded and guided. They are open to all kinds of infiltrations and our part is to guard our minds and put useful good healthy thoughts in. The key is to ask ourselves the question "What would Jesus have me do?" "What can I do for His Kingdom and name sake?" "Is there someone today I could meet up with and encourage? Someone to offer financial help to? Someone who needs my sympathy? Someone who needs a car lift to hospital? We need to take our minds off of our own needs and focus on others and their needs.
Minds can soak up all kinds of useless stuff if we let them. Jesus took time to prepare himself for each day. He began with several hours in prayer. Maybe we should see Him as our example as well as reading a good Christian biography, including a commentary on a passage from the Bible each morning and pray it in. If we did we might have a much better day. It’s our relationship with Jesus that will determine our state of mind throughout the day. Think on these things .Have a great day and a great week!
Dear Lord, take care of my mind and do not allow those awful thoughts to continue in my mind. Help me think upon good useful thoughts that are sweet and helpful to building others up which will glorify God. I am sorry for allowing such rubbish to fill my mind. Instead, fill my mind with thoughts such as "How would Jesus think about this situation where I have anger, jealousy or even hatred. The truth is I want to be like You Lord." In Jesus name.
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Saturday Dec 02, 2017
Gems in Revelation - Part 124
Saturday Dec 02, 2017
Saturday Dec 02, 2017
Part 124 - Revelation 1:5-6
To complete his great statements of the worth of Jesus in these first few verses of his book John describes something of what Jesus has done and is still doing. He lists 4 things he does or did: he loves them, he gave his life blood to free them from their sins, he welcomed them into his kingdom and he established them as his priests.
He loves us. The word ‘love’ appears only 3 times in the whole of this book as something about his attitude towards us. But … if a mother does not tell her very young baby that she loves it but spends her whole day looking after it, feeding it, cleaning it, rocking it to sleep etc. would we say she did not love it? Of course not. Her actions speak of her love louder than words. So it is with the Lord Jesus towards us.
He gave his life blood that we might be freed from our sins just as the ancient Israelites were set free from Egypt that they might travel through the wilderness to the promised land. We call that redemption. We have been the subjects of redemption and have a journey to make and a wonderful destination to look forward to.
He has made the world’s most unlikely kingdom out of us! Yes, we, you and I, are citizens of the Lord’s own kingdom. We have(at least) 2 passports. One is that of the country in which we live; the other is a passport for heaven. We do not need a visa to go there; we cannot be refused entry for the king of the kingdom will vouch for us at the point of entry. Finally for his fourth attribute John says we are now priests. All of us - not just those that wear special coloured clothes and funny high hats. We have direct access to the Lord of all. We do not have to go through any intermediary, no one is a superior being with better access to Jesus and Father God than us.
To confirm his ability to confer these glorious things upon little you and me John describes him as the Cloud Rider (1:7). That was an Old Testament description of the Lord God himself. King David describes God that way in Psalm 18:6, 9 - 13. Isaiah describes the Lord as ‘riding on a swift cloud’ (19:1). In his prophetic vision of Jesus Daniel sees him that way in his 7:13. What a God we have in the person of Jesus - to him be glory and power for ever and ever! (1:6)
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Friday Dec 01, 2017
Friday Prayers 1 December 2017
Friday Dec 01, 2017
Friday Dec 01, 2017
Friday Prayers
1 December 2017
A prayer of John Wycliffe
A prayer for the presence of Jesus
Luke 24:29 - But they urged him strongly, ‘Stay with us, for it is nearly evening; the day is almost over.’ So he went in to stay with them.
My Lord, from here on never leave me,
but stay and dwell with me;
for your presence is my only comfort and consolation,
just as your absence is my only sorrow.
O Holy Spirit, come into my heart,
and draw me so near to God,
that the things of the world may be as nothing to me.
Inflame my heart with your love,
and there let it burn without ceasing.
Come, I pray, for you are my true joy,
my only desire,
and my sweetest love.
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Wednesday Nov 29, 2017
Jehovah Witnesses 03
Wednesday Nov 29, 2017
Wednesday Nov 29, 2017
3 - Organization and God’s Word
At the end of our last study we looked at their own assessment of what a Godly organisation should be like in character and were they true in saying they adhere closely to God's Word. I couldn't agree more that they should but do they in fact keep strictly to God's Word? This we shall look at more closely in a moment but first
Here is an outline of how they operate as an organisation:
They stress:
(a) Door to door visitation They say that they are the only organisation going from house to house. This is not true as many churches do a great deal of outreach and meet people where they are. We recognise them at our front door as they give themselves away by their dress and manner.
Never do they start with the line "we are Jehovah Witnesses."
Why do they go from house to house? To present the good news of the gospel? Wow!! if it were true. Or is it out of fear of displeasing their organisation if they fail to do so?
What Good News do they bring to the householder? Its all about their own organisation and offering a Book study group to join. Note a book study not a Bible study. Again we do not see them going directly to the Bible and certainly not the NIV or New King James Versions not even the King James Authorised Version but their very own version which they have manufactured HAVING REMOVED OR ADDED TO PARTS OF THE BIBLE THEY ARE IN DISAGREEMENT WITH.
They say categorically "No one is allowed to criticise the hierarchy of the movement. " I quote " We should meekly go along with the Lord's theocratic organisation"(The Watchtower November 15th 1981 page 80.)..."What is your attitude towards directives from the faithful and discreet slave? Loyalty should move you to be ready to obey." (Watchtower Dec. 1st 1981)
One ex Jehovah Witness referring to her previous experience in the movement said...."I hated every minute, every hour of being a witness. But I thought it was the only way to survive Armageddon and live on Paradise earth. Many times over the years I would have left if someone had only presented the gospel to me." I have heard a good number of similar testimonies from those who feared the movement which had such a strong hold over them. This tight reign prevents them leaving the organisation especially if their close friends are going to ostracise them which the organisation insist they do..
(b) What kind of meetings do they hold each week? Usually it amounts to five meetings per week. Four of them require audience participation. Included also is a study of their weekly journal 'The Watchtower' by means of questions and answers. Prior to the study a public talk is given from its outline. On another evening the ministry school trains every Jehovah Witness how to present their beliefs and overcome objections. Witnesses are expected to prove their faithfulness by attending all the meetings. Each witness must spend a minimum of ten hours per month in door to door visitation. Others known as auxiliary and special pioneers spend many more hours knocking on doors.
Last year I attended by invitation their annual communion service. Yes only once a year. We were told the elements were only to be taken by those who were 'born again' Who are the born again in their eyes? Did the speaker point us to Nicodemus in John 3:3; no way, not a mention of it! .Instead we were pointed to a couple of references in the book of Revelation including one in chapter 14.
Here there is reference to great multitudes of people worshipping and praising God in Heaven. Included in that number, ( for it goes on to stress there are so many people there they cannot be numbered from all nations on the earth) is the number 144000. We were told by the presiding elder that the 144000 were the particular born again Jehovah Witnesses who were pure, undefiled, ransomed, redeemed and follow the Lamb closely.
So there were two classes we were told. One to inherit paradise and all other Jehovah Witnesses would have the lesser blessing in eternity of spending it on the renewed earth. So only Jehovah Witnesses who considered themselves in the 144000 group would be allowed to participate and take the bread and wine that night. I had been invited by an Witness elder who was sitting next to me . As the dry crackers and wine were being passed from hand to hand I quickly asked the elder whether I was expected to eat it straight away or wait till all were served. He replied "no its only for the "Born Again" I replied quickly as the elements drew closer to where we were sitting "But I am born again"
As it happened I never got much of a chance to take either as they were passed swiftly along and it appeared that no one was participating! Afterwards I asked my friend "Did he know of any "born again Jehovah Witnesses" in the congregation (there were 200 people there) He said "no not personally but I think there are one or two living in the county." I think the Holy Spirit was grieved that night at a meeting which should have been filled with the knowledge of Jesus Christ and His redeeming work on Calvary and his words to his disciples "take eat, do this in remembrance of Me"
However, He was virtually cut out of the meeting which he brought into being. I was told it was left to the individual to take but with such a warning, who would? To be born again was for the elite Jehovah Witness. My Bible tells me it is for sinners, repentant sinners who trust only in Jesus righteousness and His shed blood to redeem an deliver us from our sins. And through that sacrifice we can be cleansed from all sin and be welcomed into heaven (all of us who repent and believe)1 Corinthians 11:23-26: Romans 3:23; 5:1-3: and verses 8ff
When I began this third study I referred to the Jehovah Witness principles which they said they said they adhered to. One was "We recognise Jesus' vital role in Jehovah's purpose." I am certain they do not. Jesus Christ is central in the Christian faith and in my next study we shall focus on what place Jehovah Witnesses teaching does give to Jesus Christ and contrast it with what the Bible clearly teaches and I can assure you there is a vast difference and one that greatly affects the true way to God through The Lord Jesus Christ, We shall see Who He truly is and what He did achieve at Calvary for all who will believe on Him.
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Monday Nov 27, 2017
Think Spot 27 November 2017
Monday Nov 27, 2017
Monday Nov 27, 2017
Think Spot - 27 November 2017
Here we are Monday again. Are you pleased? Are you ready for a new day at the office, or at college or in the factory or at a desk? You are a Christian right? So what are you thinking as you resume where you left off last week?
Did you pray before you left home? Great for that's the best way to start off. You spent a little time with the Lord in His Word and have sought his leading through the day. That is also commendable. Have you sought protection from the Lord also? Have you realised there is someone who is anxious that you don't triumph in Christ today. That of course is satan. He is someone who wants to safeguard his territory and his prisoners – those who are already under his control.
So look at this day as an exciting day with all kinds of great prospects. If you are walking and talking with God you couldn't be in better company or stronger. He will be your shield and refuge a very present help in time of trouble. He is at your right hand and will be in control as you yield yourself confidently to His direction through the day. Ok a lot of routine stuff but do it as well as you can and cheerfully. But you don't know my boss?
No but God does and he has you there in that place for a reason never doubt. You may not see anything terrific happen today no miracles but you are a light shining for Jesus and will make an impact upon someones day today as you come into contact just your presence in the same room. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify God in Heaven.
Trust in the Lord and be not afraid. Watch your behaviour and enjoy God's presence with you. You are in the centre of his will and its going to be a great Monday. Our confidence is in the Lord.
Psalm 23 reads “He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake” Believe and act upon those words spoken by David and at the end of day you may well be able to also say with him “My cup runs over”
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Saturday Nov 25, 2017
Gems in Revelation - Part 123
Saturday Nov 25, 2017
Saturday Nov 25, 2017
Part 123 - Revelation 1:5
Who Jesus was and is
Unlike the other writers of New Testament epistles John does not have to direct the bulk of his writing to the problems in a church - with the exceptions of the seven letters to individual churches in his chapters 2 and 3. So he concentrates on Jesus tackling many things the other writers do not.
Here he is interested in describing the Messiah with 3 strong and powerful descriptive phrases: faithful witness, first born from the dead and ruler of the kings of the earth. Thus we have a great gem cut with 3 faces.
He is the faithful witness. ‘Witness’ translates a Greek word from which we get the English word ‘martyr’. The only other person who died for his faith named in this book is Antipas (2:13) and he also is called a ‘faithful witness’. He is uniquely identified with Jesus, having given the ultimate witness to the most important event of all that Jesus did here on earth.
What an accolade! There is nowhere in scripture the faintest suggestion that we should seek martyrdom. Yet if it becomes a strong possibility or a certainty for us we are not to do anything other than to welcome it. That is a tough statement to make. Our attitude towards it will depend very much on where we live and the implications of the culture and society we are in. some of us, living in a safe and secure environment, will never really have come to terms with the possibility - and why should we? Others, living in an unsafe environment will have been forced to confront the possibility and probably be shocked that there are those of us who never have! We can only live where we live and it is not sensible to try and do otherwise than face to problems of our place. If we are safe as can be, let us rejoice. If we live in a very unsafe part of the world and are unable to get out or have deliberately decided that we should not do so because of the work we are able to do for the kingdom and its Lord then let us live on, trusting in him, whatever the future may hold for us.
The second title John gives to Jesus is ‘firstborn from the dead’. This is a statement of both time precedence and status seniority. Isaac bought the birthright from his elder brother Esau and then tricked him out of their father’s blessing. Thus he secured a larger share of the estate when Isaac, their father, died. We do not know quite how it worked in those very early days. It was formalized later so that the senior son took a double share of the estate on the death of the father (Deuteronomy 21:15-17). Jesus has the time precedence. The Jews thought, on the basis of Ezekiel 37:11-14 and Daniel 12:1-2 that all the Lord’s people would eventually be resurrected. What they did not expect was that one person would be resurrected ahead of everyone else, thus demonstrating that it would happen when the end of the age came.
Jesus was the first born from the dead. We shall eventually be resurrected as he was at some unknown date in the future. WOW! The third title John gives to Jesus is ‘ruler of the kings of the earth’ which clearly means he will one day rule all this earth of ours and all who live on it. This is very much in line with the things that the other New Testament writers say. For instance Paul says, “that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” (Philippians 2:10-11).
John has taken the idea from Psalm 89:27 “I will appoint him to be my firstborn, the most exalted of the kings of the earth.” Such things seem to be strange things to say when only a tiny minority of the current kings, emperors and presidents of the nations of the earth would allow Jesus any place in their decisions. But this is no surprise. Ethan the Ezrahite, who wrote the psalm, complains that not all is going well for the king of David’s line that he is prophesying about. He says “You have exalted the right hand of his foes; you have made all his enemies rejoice. Indeed, you have turned back the edge of his sword and have not supported him in battle. You have put an end to his splendour and cast his throne to the ground. You have cut short the days of his youth; you have covered him with a mantle of shame. How long, LORD? Will you hide yourself forever? How long will your wrath burn like fire?” (Psalm 89:42-46).
We must remember 2 things: first that the sort of rule that Jesus founded and rejoiced in was never a rule of power and might and domination but one of modesty, humility and love. That sort of power is slowly making its way across the world even in these days. Second that one day this world will come to an end. When it does Jesus will come to the fore and then he will be the king of all the world. Oh, for that day!
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Wednesday Nov 22, 2017
Jehovah Witnesses 02
Wednesday Nov 22, 2017
Wednesday Nov 22, 2017
Part 2 - Beliefs and teachings
Already we have seen how the movement began and also we have noted sadly how the founder Charles Russell moved away from the Orthodox Christian Faith which he learned from His father and mother who were Congregationalists.
When confronted concerning one particular doctrine, eternal punishent, he found himself floundering in his own beliefs and succumbed to unbelief and began to form a new set of teachings after his own likings.
Later we found similarly the Movement did not like using the King James Authorised Bible as it differed from their thinking in certain areas of doctrine so they composed their own Bible: "The New World Translation". They did this supposing they had more knowledge of the original Greek and Hebrew than those fully trained who had brought the King James Authorised into being. So when you begin in this way is it surprising when they go even further astray as we shall see in today's study.
Recently I put a question to four Witnesses to give you an idea of their thinking. I asked "If you were visiting a home where someone was very unwell in fact dying and only had a short time to live what would be the most important Bible Truth to share with them?
One said "Well I would turn them to Isaiah where we read that Jehovah is the name of God." "Interesting" I replied. The second man who was also an elder (teacher) within the ranks of Jehovah Witnesses had little to say. The new trainees with them both said "Its a good question , what is the one you would share with them?"
Now remember this person is shortly leaving this world and he needs to be prepared for eternity. I went to the story of the conversion of the Philippian Jailer and when he asked Saul and Silas "What must I do to be saved ?" received a straight answer" Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved" (Acts 16:31;) The result? That same night not only the jailer but his whole family were saved and baptised having taken the short step in faith and obeyed the Scriptures way of salvation.
I am convinced the only faith the witnesses had that I spoke to were trusting in the fact they belonged to an organisation who alone profess to hold the truth and being equipped to understand and teach the Bible. However if you ask them if they have an assurance of hope in eternal l life they will reveal they do not have it.
What do Jehovah Witnesses believe?
1. First they tell us they are the only organisation that are directed by God's Spirit
To them alone they say God reveals His sacred truth. They are equipped with apparent gifted evangelists, shepherds and teachers. I quote..."There is no other organisation that is doing the divine will of God or is educating people for life everlasting." (from the Watchtower..1st July 1973 pp 402, 404 , 406) How gifted were they to help a man who was dying to show him the way to heaven? Why didn't John 14:6; come to mind easily? It is so clear isn't it? Jesus said "I am the way the truth and the life no man comes to the Father but by Me"
2. Secondly they tell us the Bible is of no private interpretation . "The Bible is an organisation book. It belongs to the organisation not to individuals regardless how sincere they believe they cannot interpret the Bible without the aid of Watchtower notes." (W.T. 1st October 1967, page 587)
So whatever we say to them about what the Bible says, because it is someone telling them outside of their own organisation they will not receive it but close their ears even if we quote directly from the Bible they are conditioned not to take it in.
3. Thirdly you must join the organisation in order to receive salvation. "Any person who wants to survive into God's righteous new order urgently needs to come into the right relationship with Jehovah and his earthly organisation now." (W.T. 15th November 1981 pp16-17)
So what they are saying is whatever church you belong to , whatever faith you say you have in God's Word and its teachings and promises, whatever experience you have of The Holy Spirit working in your lifer it is of no good to you unless you join the Jehovah Witness organisation.
4. Finally in ending this lesson just listen to what they say about their organisation and to the marks of an organisation which they say is true to God. They are saying " we fulfil all these requirements." Here are their seven principles Think carefully as you read or listen and see if you can believe they do keep to those principles.
- (a) Exalt Jehovah as the True God
- (b) Recognise Jesus vital role in Jehovah's purposes.
- (c) Adhere closely to God's Word.
- (d) Keep separate from the world
- (e) Maintain a high level of moral cleanliness.
- (f) Preach the Good News.
- (g) Cultivate the fruits of The Spirit (Life)
5. Anyone who rejects their organisation having once begun in it is in fact shunning God. Such people will be shunned by all other Jehovah witnesses and will not receive the reward of eternal life (W.T. September 15th 1981 pp25,29). Next time we shall see "Why no one is allowed to question Watchtower policy. " and what The Bible has to say about that!!
- Do they really exalt Jehovah as The One True God?
- Do they really recognise Jesus vital crucial role in the purpose of Jehovah to save his people from their sins?
- Do they really adhere closely to God's Word or only the words they have included to justify their own teachings. Doesn't the Bible warn people about tampering with His Word and either adding or subtracting from it?
- Do they preach the Good News as found in Romans 1:16; where Paul the Apostle writes "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is God's power working unto salvation (for deliverance from eternal death) to everyone who believes with a personal trust and a confident surrender and firm reliance, to the Jew first and also to the Greek." Amplified Version)
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Monday Nov 20, 2017
Think Spot 20 November 2017
Monday Nov 20, 2017
Monday Nov 20, 2017
Think Spot 20th November 2017
Jesus, our Master, said in Matthew 12:36-37 But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgement for every empty word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.”
Jesus took words and thoughts extremely seriously. Jesus’ words encouraged others gently towards paths of right living. He spoke words of love, kindness, rebuke, forgiveness, encouragement and blessing upon and to others. Jesus is to be our guide and Master in the use of thoughts and words.
In Matthew 5:21-22, Jesus equates calling somebody a fool with the physical act of murder. Murder has its beginning in anger developing into uncontrollable rage. Improper attitudes, words and thoughts can lead you and I to sin if we don’t stop their destructive use quickly. May the words we communicate and think about, be like those of Jesus – “full of grace”. How is your WOW factor of Jesus now?
When Jesus Christ called you to follow Him, He called you to follow Him wholeheartedly and be committed to only Him. Jesus calls you and I, to love God and be totally committed to Him.
Here is a brief prayer to help us into the new week.
Father, help us this week to be totally committed to you in all aspects of our lives. May those we live with, work with and interact with, know we are your child by the words we speak. We ask this, through the mighty name of your Son, Jesus and in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
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Saturday Nov 18, 2017
Gems in Revelation - Part 122
Saturday Nov 18, 2017
Saturday Nov 18, 2017
Part 122 - Revelation 1:1–3
Jesus - when will it all happen?
We have an immediate problem with the question - when is it all going to happen? John starts straight off with “what must soon take place” and “the time is near”. The full quote is “The revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, 2 who testifies to everything he saw—that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. 3 Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near”.
But here we are nearly 2000 years later and it still has not happened. If IT is the end of the age as we shall soon see that in John’s thinking it is, it has not happened. And, as you may well know, the idea that the return of Jesus to this world as a conquering king is a common idea throughout the New Testament writings and almost always expected ‘soon’.
On the other hand you will probably also be all too well aware that there are many people prepared to make forecasts of when it will all end. In the 1980s I heard a preacher who confidently predicted that Jesus would return within the next 12 months. Then I heard that our church had booked him to come and speak next year!!! That was all too much of an amusing story but the difficult part was that there was a lad in our church about to go to university who was asking what the point was if Jesus was coming so soon. That is the danger of such things said by irresponsible preachers who have never come to terms with Jesus saying “about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” Mark 13: 32.
Let me share my own vision of how this can be: as we progress through life we are moving along a long and comparatively narrow tunnel which is this world. Outside it, almost visible through the thin walls of the tunnel is the kingdom of God. In the far distance, showing as only a small blob of light is the end of the tunnel, which is the end of the world in which we are in. but the walls of the tunnel are so thin it is obvious that we could break out, or the kingdom could break in at any moment. Indeed one day we shall break out as we die and go to be with the Lord. Because of the thinness of the tunnel walls it is entirely reasonable to use words like ‘soon’ and ‘near’ for that moment of breakout. We think, but we do not know, that the end is the point of light so far away at the end of the tunnel
I hope that picture will help you.
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