Friday Sep 20, 2019
Friday Prayers 20 September 2019
Friday Sep 20, 2019
Friday Sep 20, 2019
Partakers Friday Prayers
20 September 2019
Come and join in praying for the world and yourself, offering praises to God through Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit!
Order of Service
Opening prayer
Psalm 65
Prayers for Churches and Christians worldwide
Prayers for others
Silent time (Prayer for your own concerns)
Prayers for the world
Prayer of Benedict of Nursia
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Thursday Sep 19, 2019
Pulp Theology 06
Thursday Sep 19, 2019
Thursday Sep 19, 2019
PulpTheology Book
Helping the Forgotten Church
Welcome to this little book, where together we will explore some details about who I call, the Forgotten Church. Not forgotten by God but generally by the Church itself.
Who are the forgotten Church? In every community, there are people who want to attend Church, be involved in a Church, and yet for what ever reason, they are unable to. The reasons may include the demands of work. debilitating illness, having to care for others or due to geographical isolation. This little book explores how we can help these people to enjoy and participate in an interactive Church worship service. All at a time and place which is convenient for them. After all, you may one day be in need of such help, if indeed you are not already.
This is what we will explore together in this book:
- Who are the Forgotten Church?
- Why help the Forgotten Church?
- Where can you help the Forgotten Church?
- What Can A Sample Church Service for the Forgotten Church look like?
- How Else can you help them use their gifts and talents?
- Some Guidelines
Whether you are somebody who is part of what I call the "forgotten Church" or you want to help somebody who is, there is something inside for you to either learn afresh or be reminded of. Come on in!
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Monday Sep 16, 2019
Think Spot 16 September 2019
Monday Sep 16, 2019
Monday Sep 16, 2019
Think Spot 16 September 2019
Matthew 17:1-8 - After six days Jesus took with him Peter, James and John the brother of James, and led them up a high mountain by themselves.2 There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light. Just then there appeared before them Moses and Elijah, talking with Jesus. Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good for us to be here. If you wish, I will put up three shelters—one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.” While he was still speaking, a bright cloud covered them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him.” When the disciples heard this, they fell facedown to the ground, terrified. But Jesus came and touched them. “Get up,” he said. “Don’t be afraid.” When they looked up, they saw no one except Jesus.
The Jesus I see is full of majesty and awe. He is not simply a king with a crown on his head. He is the King of all Kings and the Lord of Lords. This Jesus Christ did not decay in the grave - He overcame death in the grave and was raised again majestically.
As Paul said that Jesus is “the first-born from among the dead”. Paul writes later in Colossians 2:3, that “in Jesus Christ, all the majestic treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden.” Jesus Christ the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, who with unparalleled majesty, is the head of His body, the church. If Jesus did not rise from the dead, the church would not be in existence 2,000 years later, let alone 2 years after his death. Jesus’ majesty meaning I can depend upon Him for all matters of life.
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Friday Sep 13, 2019
Friday Prayers 13 September 2019
Friday Sep 13, 2019
Friday Sep 13, 2019
Partakers Friday Prayers!
13 September 2019
We pray together and when Christians pray together, from different nations, different churches and different denominations - that reveals Church unity! Come! Let us pray together!
May God the Father,
And the eternal High Priest Jesus Christ,
And the indwelling Holy Spirit
Build us up in faith and truth and love,
And grant us our portion among the saints
With all those who believe on our Lord Jesus Christ.
We pray for all saints,
for kings and rulers,
for the enemies of the cross of Christ,
And for ourselves
we pray that our fruit may abound
and we may be made perfect
in Christ Jesus our Lord.
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Thursday Sep 12, 2019
Pulp Theology 24
Thursday Sep 12, 2019
Thursday Sep 12, 2019
PulpTheology Book
"Read this book to learn more about being a Christian"
G’day! The book this week is "Read this book to learn more about the Church" Welcome to this little book about being a Christian! This little book is volume 4 of our series, "Read this book". Inside there is something for you, regardless of who you are.
G’day! Welcome to this little book about the Church. Inside we look together at the amazing organism, the Church, investigatign questions such as:
- What are the origins of the Church?
- What does the word “Church” mean?
- Is the Church simply a building where people gather, or is it something more?
- What are the purposes, hallmarks and functions of the Church?
- What is the Church’s relationship with Jesus Christ?
- How can the Church claim to be one?
Come on in to learn afresh, or be reminded of, what it means to be a part of the amazing living organism, which is the Church...
Whether you have not started the Christian journey yet, you are just starting your journey as a Christian, or have been a Christian for a while, you can either learn afresh or be reminded about the Church. Come on in!
"Read this book if you want to learn more about Being A Christian" available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle with ISBN: 978-1517040765
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Monday Sep 09, 2019
Think Spot 9 September 2019
Monday Sep 09, 2019
Monday Sep 09, 2019
Think Spot 9 September 2019
What we say, as well as what we don’t say, as Christians is very important. The Bible is very clear on that.
1 Peter 2:1 “Therefore rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy and slander of every kind.”
James 4:11-12 “Brothers do not slander one another...who are you to judge your neighbour?” The definition of slander is words falsely spoken that damage the reputation of another or an abusive attack on a person's character or good name or to attack the good name and reputation of someone.So next time you go to say anything negative about someone or to criticise their actions, think again, you might be disobeying God and breaking a command.
The Apostle James powerfully shows how a small thing such as the tongue is able to cause much damage. He says that the tongue is a world of evil that corrupts the whole person ...and is itself set on fire by hell (James 3:3-8).
Christians are very good at gossiping but disguising it as prayerful concern. We pass on a juicy bit of information about someone and then ask the person to pray about the situation. As Christians we should not pass on any information about anyone else unless the person concerned has asked us to. It is not our place to do so even if it is for prayer.
However, sometimes it is also what we don’t say that causes problems. We stay silent when in fact we do need to give that word of love, encouragement, rebuke or kindness. Social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook can be fabulous sites if used properly. How often to we stay silent when we should say something kind? We get a message from a friend and we don't reply to it. How often do we say something when we should stay silent instead of slandering, complaining, gossiping or bickering?
Now, a prayer to help you into this new week. Father, we thank you for words. We thank you that we can communicate words of life to other people. Help us to use words wisely as we interact, communicate and deal with other people, especially our loved ones and work colleagues. May the Holy Spirit, guide, rebuke and counsel, as we use the amazing gift of words to us, as we seeks to live a life worthy of Jesus Christ. Amen.
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Friday Sep 06, 2019
Friday Prayers 6 September 2019
Friday Sep 06, 2019
Friday Sep 06, 2019
Partakers Friday Prayers!
We pray together and when Christians pray together, from different nations, different churches and different denominations - that reveals Church unity! Come! Let us pray together!
A prayer for those in authority You, O Lord,
have given the authority of the kingdom to them through Your almighty and unspeakable power,
so that we, knowing the estimation and honour given to them by You,
might submit ourselves to them, in no way opposing Your will;
to whom give, O Lord, health, peace, concord, stability,
so that they may discharge the rule given to them by You without offence;
For you, heavenly Master, King of the ages,
give to the sons of men glory and honour and authority over those upon the earth.
Lord, direct their plans according to what is good and pleasing in your sight,
so that by devoutly administering in peace and gentleness
the authority which you have given them they may experience your mercy.
You, who alone are able to do these and even greater good things for us,
we praise through the high priest and guardian of our souls, Jesus Christ,
through whom be the glory and the majesty to you both
now and for all generations and for ever and ever.
(A prayer of Clement of Rome, taken from 1 Clement 61.1-3)
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Thursday Sep 05, 2019
Pulp Theology 23
Thursday Sep 05, 2019
Thursday Sep 05, 2019
PulpTheology Book
"Read this book to learn more about being a Christian"
G’day! The book this week is "Read this book to learn more about being a Christian." Welcome to this little book about being a Christian! This little book is volume 3 of our series, "Read this book". Inside there is something for you, regardless of who you are.
Together we look, learn and investigate what being a Christian is all about. We seek to answer questions such as:
- What is a Christian?
- Why am I Christian?
- What happens now that I am a Christian?
- What does that big scary word "evangelism" really mean?
- How can I go on developing my intimate relationship with God?
Whether you have not started the Christian journey yet, you are just starting your journey as a Christian, or have been a Christian for a while, you can either learn afresh or be reminded about what it means to be a Christian in the 21st century. Come on in!
"Read this book if you want to learn more about Being A Christian" available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle with ISBN: 978-1975603120
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Monday Sep 02, 2019
Think Spot 2 September 2019
Monday Sep 02, 2019
Monday Sep 02, 2019
Think Spot - 2 September 2019
When we are going through a difficult time, as we all do at one time or another, it is sometimes hard to believe that you are the apple of Gods eye. God gave me a picture once. I asked God what I was worth. God tied a tag round my neck with a piece of string, the kind of price tag that they have in old fashioned shops. The tag read £10, then he removed the tag and replaced it with one that read £100, then he removed that one and replaced it with one that had £1000 on it. He replaced the £1000 price tag with one that read £100,000 and then replaced that one with a million pound price tag. The final price tag simply had "ONE LIFE" written on it.
I find it mind blowing that God chose to let His Son die a hideously painful death so that I can enjoy a personal relationship with him that I am so valuable that even if I was the only human being that existed, God would have allowed Jesus to die on a cross for me. Remind yourself of this fact frequently and you will get a glimpse of your father's heart. He loves you to bits and is proud of you no matter what you have done in the past - if you have said sorry and meant it - it is forgotten. The slate is completely clean.
To learn more about this most fascinating of topics and commands, download the mp3 using the link below.
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Friday Aug 30, 2019
Friday Prayers 30 August 2019
Friday Aug 30, 2019
Friday Aug 30, 2019
Partakers Friday Prayers!
30 August 2019
We pray together and when Christians pray together, from different nations, different churches and different denominations - that reveals Church unity! Come! Let us pray together!
In The Name of The Father , Son, and Holy Spirit,
Lord, deprive me not of Your heavenly and eternal blessings.
Lord, deliver me from everlasting torments.
Lord, if I have sinned in word or deed, in mind or spirit, forgive me.
Lord, deliver me from all distress, ignorance, forgetfulness, laziness and stony hardness of heart.
Lord, deliver me from all temptations and spiritual abandonment.
Lord, enlighten my heart which has been darkened by evil desire.
Lord, being human, I sin; but You, being God, have mercy on me.
Lord, take heed of the weakness of my soul,
and help me with Your grace that Your holy name may be glorified in me.
Lord Jesus Christ,
inscribe the name of Your servant in the book of life,
granting me a blessed end.
Lord my God, I have done nothing good;
yet by Your compassion help me to make a new beginning.
Lord, refresh my heart with the dew of Your grace.
Lord, God of heaven and earth, remember me,
who am sinful, wretched, evil and impure, in Your kingdom,
according to Your steadfast love.
Lord, receive me in repentance and do not forsake me.
Lord, put me not to the test.
Lord, grant me good thoughts.
Lord, grant me tears of repentance,
remembrance of death and contrition.
Lord, grant me sincere confession of my thought.
Lord, grant me humility, deliverance from my own will and obedience.
Lord, grant me patience, forbearance and meekness.
Lord, implant in me Your holy fear, the source of all blessings.
Lord, enable me to love You with all my soul,
my mind and my heart; and my neighbour as myself.
Lord, protect me from evil people and demons,
from impure passions and all unseemly things.
Lord, as you commanded;
Lord, as You know all things;
Lord as You desire I desire Your goodness;
let Your will be done in me. Lord, l
et Your will, not mine,
for You are blessed forever.
A prayer of John Chyrsostom
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