Monday Mar 26, 2012
Think Spot
Monday Mar 26, 2012
Monday Mar 26, 2012
26th March 2012
G'day and welcome to Partakers ThinkSpot on Monday, the 26th of March 2012. Play the audio and see how Jim and Joy are challenging you to live your faith out this week!
You may well have heard the song 'Love Changes Everything' made famous by Michael Ball several years ago. One of the lines reads Life will never be the same again.
Certainly when a young man meets a girl and like turns to love and from once a week the scene changes and they cannot see enough of each other. In fact t they do not want to be out of each others company and marriage takes place and they become One. Life will never be the same for them ever again.
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Likewise when a person realises who Jesus Christ is and what Jesus Christ has done for them they see that in God not only do have they a Saviour but see that a vital part of their life has been missing and God has a plan for their life. Having dealt with their sin problem through atonement and now He wants them to love and serve Him. Again think of the line of that hymn. Life will never be the same.
Isn't it sad that God often has to use shock tactics to get through to us. How many have been brought to that crisis point through a tragedy or some kind of conflict in their life where they have to face up to their need of God. They discover they are now insufficient of themselves. They see that life is not a bowl of cherries (another song title I think) That Life if to be lived with a capital L must have Someone bigger than themselves at the helm. Someone who knows the pathway through. Someone who knows and is indeed the Way, Truth and Life, even Jesus
Recently in the UK we have had an incident in our national game of football where a man suddenly drops to the ground during a match, an important cup tie and those around him suddenly are made aware of a man dying. A young man with a whole life ahead of him in his early twenties not breathing, a cardiac arrest.
Medics and doctors rush on to the pitch, players stand around absolutely shocked and the game of football which had been so very important up to that 41st minute now completely forgotten for here is a matter of life and death.
A Specialist heart Surgeon in the large crowd of spectators rushes down onto the pitch and begins to give directions to the medics and decide which hospital to take the player to. (The fact that he supports the other team has no significance now for here is a much more important matter to be dealt with, A matter of life and death. ) The crowd whoever they supported doesnt matter any more are silenced also shocked what is about to happen? Will he make it to the hospital in time to give special treatment to bring him back ot life? They want the man to live..
We are told later that the young fiancee of the dying man is a believer in God and has said "We must not worry God is in control here."
On the pitch they were thumped the man's chest but could not bring him back to life. He is hurried to a waiting ambulance and soon he is heading for that special hospital. There a team of specialist doctors are already alerted and waiting to get the man's heart working again. Players from both teams are now coming to the hospital. They are so concerned for this young man. Future games are postponed. Life will never be the same for any of those who had taken part in this cup tie nor the same for the spectators either. Those moments will not want to be experienced again. They were very frightening. On national news the whole country were elerted and went to prayer and other countries also. Now people die every day but this was a drama on national view through television and many tears flowed and many many prayers were prayed. But it had to take a tragedy to strike, a crisis to bring people to view a glimpse of eternity. Supposing it were them would they be ready to face God? They had seen it can happen so suddenly. They had seen it can happen to the most unlikely person, a young athletic man., They could see it could happen at any moment!! Deat5h in the midst of life.
My friends do you see Someone has made provision for you to be ready at such a similar time when God says "Now is the hour" Would we be ready?
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whosoever believes on Him should not perish but have the gift of eternal life" John 3:16;
Talking to two members of a cult a few days ago I asked the question "Do you love the Lord Jesus Christ?" They looked shocked as I had cut right into their planned speech for the day. A speech to be copied from their leaders. Do you see why we should love Jesus? I enquired further. They were struggling when I said He is The Lord Jesus Christ. He is God. He came in the flesh to suffer bleed and die for you. That is why you should love Him.
Come back to that Football Stadium in London. Picture the scene again. This time see the invisible angels standing by in support. See the Lord Himself drawing near. Feel the atmosphere as you look into the crowds faces. There is fear and other mixed emotions. Tears are unashamedly shed. If they could look into their own hearts at that moment would there have been faith there to be seen, a confidence that if anything similar happened to them, would they feel safe and comforted in the knowledge they were going to a beautiful secure place in heaven?
Love changes everything as you look much closer at Jesus Christ and see what great rthings He has done for you. Dont let a tragedy have to strike suddenly for you to make the wise decision to receive Christ the Saviour into your hearts. Now is the day of Salvation do not lets yours catch you unawares. Time may not be on your side . Make your decision now. Get right with God and be sure of your allotted place in eternity labelled for you at present. May God draw you to Himself
Joys Prayer
Dear Loving Heavenly Father
We have been made aware that life can change so suddenly. We can fall in love suddenly, but we can be suddenly in a crisis which is not so pleasant as someone suffers and is about to die. It could be a close family member or a work colleague or a church friend or a neighbour. In the midst of life there is death. Lord make us fully conscious of the way paved for us so that we have no need to fear the consequences after death.
Lord Jesus Christ You loved us enough to die for each one of us that we may be saved from our sins and receive a home in heaven and the gift of eternal life and joy. If we are unsure or blinded by other things of no consequence help us Lord to see the straight path ending in glory. We can waste so much time chasing our tails so help us to deliberately seek after You Lord and to follow You unwaveringly and relentlessly keeping our minds and hearts focussed on Jesus our Saviour Lord and King. Help us to be shining lights for You in a dark world and a place where materialism has a stronghold. Help us to proclaim Him Who is altogether lovely and full of mercy 'and grace.
In Jesus Name
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