Friday Sep 04, 2020
Friday Prayers 4 September 2020 - Corona Virus Pandemic
Friday Sep 04, 2020
Friday Sep 04, 2020
Friday Prayers 4 September 2020
Today on Partakers, we are continue our prayers specifically regarding the CoronaVirus Pandemic which is affecting us all globally... Come and pray with us! One of our prayers is:
O God, we pray into this situation regarding the CoronaVirus pandemic.
O God our Father, help and heal all those who have this virus
and give wisdom to those working on a vaccine or cure.
We are bereft of the number of people suffering from this,
yet we know you are in control.
We trust in you and we worship you alone. Amen
Father, from your twin wellsprings of grace and mercy,
hear these cries of our hearts and take the burdens we carry...
Come and listen to other prayers for you to pray along with us by downloading the mp3 or listening to the Podcast...
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Friday Aug 28, 2020
Friday Prayers 28 August 2020
Friday Aug 28, 2020
Friday Aug 28, 2020
Partakers Friday Prayers
28 August 2020
For the Persecuted Church Worldwide
We are praying together today for the Persecuted Church worldwide. When Christians pray together, from different nations, different churches and different denominations - that reveals Church unity! Come! Let us pray together!
God of all comfort, for those who are tortured both in body and mind, give them the grace to endure and to see their suffering as part of following in Christ’s footsteps. Merciful God, for those asked to pay the ultimate price; who are martyred because of their love for you, may they truly know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death.
Father God, for those who are widowed and orphaned may they know the comfort that comes from your promised presence even when they walk through the valley. May they be strengthened by your Spirit, enabling them to rejoice with the psalmist as they proclaim that the LORD will not abandon them in death.
Heavenly Father, we ask that you would make us ever mindful of our brothers and sisters around the world who need us to stand with them as they suffer in your name. Teach us what it means to overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony; we pray that we would not love our lives so much as to shrink from death.
We ask these things O Father, through the name of Your Son, Jesus
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Friday Aug 21, 2020
Friday Prayers 21 August 2020 - Corona Virus Pandemic
Friday Aug 21, 2020
Friday Aug 21, 2020
Friday Prayers 21 August 2020
Today on Partakers, we are continue our prayers specifically into the CoronaVirus Pandemic which is affecting us all globally... Come and pray with us! One of our prayers is:
O God, we pray into this situation regarding the CoronaVirus pandemic.
O God our Father, help and heal all those who have this virus
and give wisdom to those working on a vaccine or cure.
We are bereft of the number of people suffering from this,
yet we know you are in control.
We trust in you and we worship you alone. Amen
Father, from your twin wellsprings of grace and mercy,
hear these cries of our hearts and take the burdens we carry...
Come and listen to other prayers for you to pray along with us by downloading the mp3 or listening to the Podcast...
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Friday Aug 14, 2020
Friday Prayers 14 August - Corona Virus Pandemic
Friday Aug 14, 2020
Friday Aug 14, 2020
Friday Prayers 14 August 2020
Today on Partakers, we are continue our prayers specifically into the CoronaVirus Pandemic which is affecting us all globally... Come and pray with us! One of our prayers is:
O God, we pray into this situation regarding the CoronaVirus pandemic.
O God our Father, help and heal all those who have this virus
and give wisdom to those working on a vaccine or cure.
We are bereft of the number of people suffering from this,
yet we know you are in control.
We trust in you and we worship you alone. Amen
Father, from your twin wellsprings of grace and mercy,
hear these cries of our hearts and take the burdens we carry...
Come and listen to other prayers for you to pray along with us by downloading the mp3 or listening to the Podcast...
Click or Tap here to listen to or save this as an audio mp3 file
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Friday Aug 07, 2020
Friday Prayers 7 August 2020 - Corona Virus Pandemic
Friday Aug 07, 2020
Friday Aug 07, 2020
Friday Prayers 7 August 2020
Today on Partakers, we are continue our prayers specifically into the CoronaVirus Pandemic which is affecting us all globally... Come and pray with us! One of our prayers is:
O God, we pray into this situation regarding the CoronaVirus pandemic.
O God our Father, help and heal all those who have this virus
and give wisdom to those working on a vaccine or cure.
We are bereft of the number of people suffering from this,
yet we know you are in control.
We trust in you and we worship you alone. Amen
Father, from your twin wellsprings of grace and mercy,
hear these cries of our hearts and take the burdens we carry...
Come and listen to other prayers for you to pray along with us by downloading the mp3 or listening to the Podcast...
Click or Tap here to listen to or save this as an audio mp3 file
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Friday Jul 31, 2020
Friday Prayers 31 July 2020 - Corona Virus Pandemic
Friday Jul 31, 2020
Friday Jul 31, 2020
Friday Prayers 31st July 2020
Today on Partakers, we are continue our prayers specifically into the CoronaVirus Pandemic which is affecting us all globally... Come and pray with us! One of our prayers is:
O God, we pray into this situation regarding the CoronaVirus pandemic.
O God our Father, help and heal all those who have this virus
and give wisdom to those working on a vaccine or cure.
We are bereft of the number of people suffering from this,
yet we know you are in control.
We trust in you and we worship you alone. Amen
Father, from your twin wellsprings of grace and mercy,
hear these cries of our hearts and take the burdens we carry...
Come and listen to other prayers for you to pray along with us by downloading the mp3 or listening to the Podcast...
Click or Tap here to listen to or save this as an audio mp3 file
Click or tap on the appropriate link below to subscribe, share or download our iPhone App!
Friday Jul 24, 2020
Friday Prayers 24 July 2020 - Persecuted Church Globally
Friday Jul 24, 2020
Friday Jul 24, 2020
Partakers Friday Prayers
24 July 2020
For the Persecuted Church Worldwide
We pray together and when Christians pray together, from different nations, different churches and different denominations - that reveals Church unity! Come! Let us pray together!
God of all comfort, for those who are tortured both in body and mind, give them the grace to endure and to see their suffering as part of following in Christ’s footsteps. Merciful God, for those asked to pay the ultimate price; who are martyred because of their love for you, may they truly know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death.
Father God, for those who are widowed and orphaned may they know the comfort that comes from your promised presence even when they walk through the valley. May they be strengthened by your Spirit, enabling them to rejoice with the psalmist as they proclaim that the LORD will not abandon them in death.
Heavenly Father, we ask that you would make us ever mindful of our brothers and sisters around the world who need us to stand with them as they suffer in your name. Teach us what it means to overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony; we pray that we would not love our lives so much as to shrink from death.
We ask these things O Father, through the name of Your Son, Jesus
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~You can now purchase our Partakers books! Please do click or tap here to visit our Amazon site!
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Friday Jul 17, 2020
Friday Prayers 17 July 2020 - Corona Virus Pandemic
Friday Jul 17, 2020
Friday Jul 17, 2020
Friday Prayers 17th July 2020
Today on Partakers, we are praying a series of prayers specifically inviting God to step into the CoronaVirus Pandemic which is affecting people globally... Come and pray with us! Here is one prayer we are praying together
O God, we pray into this situation regarding the CoronaVirus pandemic.
O God our Father, help and heal all those who have this virus
and give wisdom to those working on a vaccine or cure.
We are bereft of the number of people suffering from this,
yet we know you are in control.
We trust in you and we worship you alone. Amen
Father, from your twin wellsprings of grace and mercy,
hear these cries of our hearts and take the burdens we carry...
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Friday Jul 10, 2020
Friday Prayers 10 July 2020
Friday Jul 10, 2020
Friday Jul 10, 2020
Partakers Friday Prayers
10 July 2020
We pray together and when Christians pray together, from different nations, different churches and different denominations - that reveals Church unity! Come! Let us pray together! Today we are praying prayers of the 14th century man of Christian faith, John Wycliffe...
A prayer for grace.
James 3:17 - But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.
Lord, give me grace to hold righteousness in all things,
that I may lead a clean and blessed life, and wisely flee evil.
Help me to understand the treacherous deceit of the devil,
so that I may not be fooled by any of his lies.
Make me mild, peaceable, considerate, and self-controlled,
so that I may act sincerely for the good of others.
And make me steadfast and strong.
Finally, Lord, let me be quiet in words,
so that I may not speak foolishly, but only what is appropriate.
A prayer for the presence of Jesus
Luke 24:29 - But they urged him strongly, ‘Stay with us, for it is nearly evening; the day is almost over.’ So he went in to stay with them.
My Lord, from here on never leave me,
but stay and dwell with me;
for your presence is my only comfort and consolation,
just as your absence is my only sorrow.
O Holy Spirit, come into my heart,
and draw me so near to God,
that the things of the world may be as nothing to me.
Inflame my heart with your love,
and there let it burn without ceasing.
Come, I pray, for you are my true joy,
my only desire,
and my sweetest love.
A prayer for faith and courage
2 Corinthians 12:10 - That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
O loving Christ draw me, weak as I am, to your side,
for if you do not draw me, I can never follow you.
Give me a brave spirit, so that it may always stand ready and strong.
And when my flesh is weak,
let your grace go before me,
come beside me,
and follow after me,
for without you, I can do nothing—least of all suffer pain or death.
Grant me a fearless heart,
a true faith, firm hope, and a perfect love,
so that for your sake I may lay down my life with patience and joy.
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You can now purchase our Partakers books! Please do click or tap here to visit our Amazon site!
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Friday Jul 03, 2020
Friday Prayers 3 July 2020
Friday Jul 03, 2020
Friday Jul 03, 2020
Friday Prayers 3rd July 2020
Today on Partakers, we are praying specifically into the CoronaVirus Pandemic which is affecting us all globally... Come and pray with us!
O God, we pray into this situation regarding the CoronaVirus pandemic.
O God our Father, help and heal all those who have this virus
and give wisdom to those working on a vaccine or cure.
We are bereft of the number of people suffering from this,
yet we know you are in control.
We trust in you and we worship you alone. Amen
Father, from your twin wellsprings of grace and mercy,
hear these cries of our hearts and take the burdens we carry...
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