Friday Oct 20, 2017
Friday Prayers 20 October 2017
Friday Oct 20, 2017
Friday Oct 20, 2017
Partakers Friday Prayers!
We pray together and when Christians pray together, from different nations, different churches and different denominations - that reveals Church unity! Come! Let us pray together!
A prayer of John Calvin from the 16th century
Almighty God,
since under the guidance of Your Son,
I have been united together in the body of Your Church,
which has been in the past, often scattered and torn apart,
O grant that I may continue in the unity of faith,
and perseveringly fight together
against all the temptations of this world,
and never deviate from the right course,
whatever new troubles may daily arise;
let me not be seized with fear,
such as may quench every hope in my heart;
but may I, on the contrary,
learn to raise up my eyes and mind
and all my thoughts to Your great power alone,
by which You quicken the dead,
and raise from nothing things which are not,
so that, though I be daily exposed to ruin,
our souls may ever aspire to eternal salvation,
until You at length really show Yourself
to be the fountain of life,
when I shall enjoy that endless joy,
which has been obtained for me
only by the blood of Your begotten Son,
my Lord Jesus Christ.
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Friday Oct 13, 2017
Friday Prayers 13 October 2017
Friday Oct 13, 2017
Friday Oct 13, 2017
Partakers Friday Prayers!
We pray together and when Christians pray together, from different nations, different churches and different denominations - that reveals Church unity! Come! Let us pray together!
Almighty, eternal and merciful God,
whose Word is a lamp to my feet
and a light to my path,
open and illuminate our minds,
that I may purely and perfectly understand Your Word
and that my life may be conformed
to what I have rightly understood,
that in nothing I may be displeasing to Your majesty,
through Jesus Christ my Lord.
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Friday Oct 06, 2017
Friday Prayers 6 October 2017
Friday Oct 06, 2017
Friday Oct 06, 2017
Partakers Friday Prayers
6 October, 2017
for the Persecuted Church Worldwide
We pray together and when Christians pray together, from different nations, different churches and different denominations - that reveals Church unity! Come! Let us pray together!
God of all comfort, for those who are tortured both in body and mind, give them the grace to endure and to see their suffering as part of following in Christ’s footsteps. Merciful God, for those asked to pay the ultimate price; who are martyred because of their love for you, may they truly know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death. Amen
Father God, for those who are widowed and orphaned may they know the comfort that comes from your promised presence even when they walk through the valley. May they be strengthened by your Spirit, enabling them to rejoice with the psalmist as they proclaim that the LORD will not abandon them in death. Amen
Heavenly Father, we ask that you would make us ever mindful of our brothers and sisters around the world who need us to stand with them as they suffer in your name. Teach us what it means to overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony; we pray that we would not love our lives so much as to shrink from death.
We ask these things O Father, through the name of Your Son, Jesus and in the power of the Holy Spirit who lives within us.
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Friday Sep 29, 2017
Friday Prayers 29 September 2017
Friday Sep 29, 2017
Friday Sep 29, 2017
Partakers Friday Prayers!
29th September 2017
We pray together and when Christians pray together, from different nations, different churches and different denominations - that reveals Church unity! Come! Let us pray together!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A Prayer of Thomas a'Kempis (1380-1471)
Grant me, O Lord,
to know what I ought to know,
To love what I ought to love,
To praise what delights thee most,
To value what is precious in thy sight,
To hate what is offensive to thee.
Do not suffer me to judge
according to the sight of my eyes,
Nor to pass sentence
according to the hearing of the ears of ignorant people;
But to discern with a true judgement
between things visible and spiritual,
And above all,
always to inquire
what is the good pleasure of Your will.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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Friday Sep 22, 2017
Friday Prayers 22 September 2017
Friday Sep 22, 2017
Friday Sep 22, 2017
Partakers Friday Prayers!
We pray together and when Christians pray together, from different nations, different churches and different denominations - that reveals Church unity! Come! Let us pray together!
Lord Jesus Christ,
You are the gentle moon and joyful stars,
and watch over the darkest night.
You are the source of all peace,
reconciling the whole universe to the Father.
You are the source of all rest,
calming troubled hearts,
and bringing sleep to weary bodies.
You are the sweetness that
fills our mind with quiet joy,
and can turn the worst nightmares
into dreams of heaven.
(A prayer of Erasmus from the 16th century)
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Friday Sep 15, 2017
Friday Prayers 15 September 2017
Friday Sep 15, 2017
Friday Sep 15, 2017
Friday Prayers~
15 September 2017
Opening Prayer:
Father, as we commence,
let our hearts and minds be right and still before you.
May your everlasting mercy, grace and love be shown
in hearing these petitions!
Prayer of Praise:
Praise to God the Father sing,
praise to God the Son, our king,
praise to God the Spirit be
now and through eternity.
Time for you to give praise to God
Time for petitions and requests to God
Closing Prayer:
O Father!
May it be that your love takes over our lives
That we follow you faithfully,
Giving you alone praise in all circumstances we face together.
We ask all these things, O Father,
through the majestic name of Your Son, Jesus Christ
and in the power of the Holy Spirit who lives inside us!
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Friday Sep 08, 2017
Friday Prayers 8 September 2017
Friday Sep 08, 2017
Friday Sep 08, 2017
Partakers Friday Prayers
8 September 2017
for the Persecuted Church Worldwide
We pray together and when Christians pray together, from different nations, different churches and different denominations - that reveals Church unity! Come! Let us pray together!
God of all comfort, for those who are tortured both in body and mind, give them the grace to endure and to see their suffering as part of following in Christ’s footsteps. Merciful God, for those asked to pay the ultimate price; who are martyred because of their love for you, may they truly know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death.
Father God, for those who are widowed and orphaned may they know the comfort that comes from your promised presence even when they walk through the valley. May they be strengthened by your Spirit, enabling them to rejoice with the psalmist as they proclaim that the LORD will not abandon them in death.
Heavenly Father, we ask that you would make us ever mindful of our brothers and sisters around the world who need us to stand with them as they suffer in your name. Teach us what it means to overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony; we pray that we would not love our lives so much as to shrink from death.
We ask all these things O Father, through the name of Your Son, Jesus and in the power of the Holy Spirit who lives within us.
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Friday Sep 01, 2017
Friday Prayers 1 September 2017
Friday Sep 01, 2017
Friday Sep 01, 2017
Partakers Friday Prayers!
1st September 2017
We pray together and when Christians pray together, including across the internet and from different times, different nations, different churches and different denominations - that reveals Church unity!
My Heavenly Father,
I thank You,
through Jesus Christ, Your beloved Son,
that You kept me safe from all evil and danger last night.
Save me, I pray, today
as well, from every evil and sin,
so that all I do and the way that I live will please you.
I put myself in your care, body and soul and all that I have.
Let Your holy Angels be with me,
so that the evil enemy will not gain power over me.
(A Morning Prayer of Martin Luther)
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Friday Aug 25, 2017
Friday Prayers 25 August 2017
Friday Aug 25, 2017
Friday Aug 25, 2017
Partakers Friday Prayers!
25th August 2017
We pray together and when Christians pray together, including across the internet and from different times, different nations, different churches and different denominations - that reveals Church unity!
You, Lord, through your works have revealed the everlasting structure of the world.
You, Lord, created the earth.
You are faithful throughout all generations,
righteous in your judgments,
marvellous in strength and majesty,
wise in creating and prudent in establishing what exists,
good in all that is observed and faithful to those who trust in you,
merciful and compassionate;
forgive us our sins and our injustices, our transgressions and our shortcomings.
Do not take into account every sin of your servants,
but cleanse us with the cleansing of your truth,
and "direct our steps to walk in holiness and righteousness and purity of heart,"
and "to do what is good and pleasing in your sight"
and in the sight of our rulers.
Yes, Lord, "let your face shine upon us" in peace "for our good,"
that we may be sheltered "by your mighty hand"
and delivered from every sin "by your uplifted arm";
deliver us as well from those who hate us unjustly.
Give harmony and peace to us and to all who dwell on the earth,
just as you did to our fathers when they reverently "called upon you in faith and trust,"
that we may be saved,
while we render obedience to your almighty and most excellent name,
and give harmony and peace to our rulers and governors on earth.
(Taken from Clement of Rome in a letter to the church in Corinth around AD96)
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Friday Aug 18, 2017
Friday Prayers 18 August 2017
Friday Aug 18, 2017
Friday Aug 18, 2017
Friday Prayers
O all-transcendent God
what other name describes You?
What words can sing Your praises?
No word at all denotes You.
What mind can probe Your secret?
No mind at all can grasp You fully.
Alone beyond the power of speech,
all people can speak of springs from You.
Alone beyond the power of thought,
all people can think of stems from You.
All things proclaim You – things that can speak, things that cannot.
All things revere You – things that have reason, things that have none.
The whole world's longing and pain mingle about You.
All things breathe You a prayer,
a silent hymn of Your own composing.
All that exists You uphold,
all things in concert move to Your orders.
You are the end of all that is,
You are one, You are all;
You are none of the things that are,
You are not a part and not the whole.
All names are at Your disposal;
how shall I name You, the only unnameable?
What mind's affinities with heaven
can pierce the veils above the clouds?
Mercy, all-transcendent God,
what other name describes You?
A prayer of Gregory Nazianzus (329 – 390)
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