Wednesday Dec 13, 2017
Jehovah Witnesses 05
Wednesday Dec 13, 2017
Wednesday Dec 13, 2017
Part 5 - Jesus Christ' Resurrection and the Holy Spirit
Please keep that point in mind as we continue to study the Person and work of Jesus Christ and when we come to see what they say concerning the Person of The Holy Spirit. Yes, I said Person not energy source which they call it. We shall see clearly from Scripture that The Holy Spirit is a Person. A He not an it.
1. What do Jehovah Witnesses believe about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ?
Note the title of their book "Reasoning from the Scriptures". So if we find verses of Holy Scripture that conflict with their 'reasoning' ,which takes preference? Are they not saying that all that is in the Bible is not God's Holy Word to be accepted by faith? Only if it is reasonable to our way of thinking is it to be accepted? Please bear that in mind as we continue.
Resurrection of Jesus Christ
There is clear testimony of Jesus appearing in human form after his resurrection. Jesus came to his fearful disciples after his resurrection and appears to them. Initially they first could not believe their eyes and supposed they were seeing a ghost. But Jesus assured them he was not a spectre. He said to them "See my hands and my feet that it is I myself, touch me and see, for a spirit (spectre) does not have flesh and bones as you see I have" (Luke 24:39-40) You cannot touch a ghost but you can a physical body.
Much earlier in his ministry Jesus had forecast that He would die and then rise from the dead. Speaking to his enemies who wanted him dead he said "Destroy this temple(body) and I will raise it up" (John 2:12;) If you are saying he was speaking about the physical temple Jesus knew people would think that way so he added these words to clarify what he meant. "But The Temple he spoke of was His body" (John 2:21;)
The Bible teaches that the atoning death of Christ and the bodily resurrection of Christ are the two main pillars on which the Christian faith stands. We read in Romans 4:25; "Jesus Christ was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised again for our justification."
Again in 1 Corinthians chapter 15 verses 1-5 (the great resurrection chapter), a very long chapter ,where Paul makes it abundantly clear that Jesus was raised from the dead and not only Him but all shall be raised from the dead. There in that chapter Paul makes a special point of saying that these two major doctrines are of first importance (verse 3) "That Christ died for our sins. He was buried. He was raised on the third day. He appeared to Peter and to the twelve and to five hundred on one occasion!!!
Jehovah Witnesses say it is not important what happened to the body of Jesus after His resurrection yet the Apostle Paul went to such lengths to prove the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
In John chapter 21 Jesus , following his death and resurrection not only appeared to his disciples by the sea of Tiberius but also provided breakfast for them. Is The Bible true? Every word of it. So why do Jehovah Witnesses deny such clear evidence? Because it conflicts with what they are taught by Jehovah Witness Leaders. And for good measure the resurrected Jesus performed another miracle in causing a great number of fish to come into the nets of Peter and his other fishermen friends.
Finally on the day He ascended into Heaven his disciples witnessed the event
and were told by two angels as you see Jesus taken up into heaven so one day people will see His descent from heaven in similar fashion. (Acts 1:9-11;)
2. What do Jehovah Witnesses say about The Holy Spirit?
The Person of The Holy Spirit
In Acts 5:1-3 we read the account of a man and wife who lie about a business transaction concerning the sale of some land. Peter having received from God the gift of discernment rebukes them saying "How is it that Satan has so filled your hearts that you have lied to The Holy Spirit...you have not lied to men but to GOD."
Further on in the book of Acts in 8:29; The Holy Spirit SPEAKS to Philip giving him instructions and directions in his work as an evangelist as he is brought into contact with the Ethiopian Eunuch.
In chapter 13 The Holy Spirit is instrumental in setting apart Barnabas and Saul for a special work of ministry.
In Acts 16:17; The Holy Spirit actually prevents Paul and Silas going in one direction and re-routing them in the direction of Europe and Macedonia. Paul then says and these words are so important as to Who The Holy Spirit is.."We concluded that God had called us to preach the gospel unto them"
May I again say we are each one responsible to study to show ourselves approved unto God so search The Scriptures and see if not what I have put to you is true. I am a mere mortal but God is immortal and always speaks The Truth. Search the Word diligently and it will reward you with understanding that will bring you great joy , satisfaction and peace. Jesus is God and The Holy Spirit is God and they are joined to a loving Heavenly Father, blessed Trinity.
Next time we shall look more closely at the Jehovah Witness translation of the New World Translation and see why it cannot be trusted.
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Wednesday Dec 06, 2017
Jehovah Witnesses 04
Wednesday Dec 06, 2017
Wednesday Dec 06, 2017
Part 4 - Beliefs about Jesus Christ
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It is common among many different religions and cults that all apart from Christianity fall short in giving Jesus Christ His rightful place and giving Him the due honour to His name. In this study we shall look closely at His person and His work. Jehovah Witnesses I need to remind you speak of 7 principles which they impress upon us that they stand by. Let me remind you of the first three. They say that they:
- Exalt Jehovah as the true God
- Recognise Jesus vital role in Jehovah's purpose
- Adhere closely to God's Word
Because they say they exalt the Scriptures, Jesus Christ and Jehovah God they should have no difficulty in agreeing with me as I go directly to The Word of God to substantiate these facts. So lets first look at what Jehovah Witnesses say about Jesus Christ in their own writings:
- Christ was the created archangel Michael and although a 'god' and a 'mighty one' yes He was not Jehovah. (Watchtower Feb.15th 1979 p31.)
- 'Despite a virgin birth, Jesus was no more than a perfect mortal man while on earth. Two things happened at His baptism - he was born again and He became the Christ or Messiah.'
May I suggest to you that they have no grounds whatsoever for those statements. Where do you find Jesus described as an angel called Michael in the Bible (unless you slip it in yourself) In fact the scriptures make it crystal clear that Jesus was not an angel. Hebrews 1:5,8: "For to which of the angels did God ever say, "You are my Son?" "But about the Son He says "Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever....Or again in verses 10-12 in the same chapter these words are applicable to Jesus Christ "In the beginning O Lord you laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands" (Interestingly you will find those same words are a quote from Psalm 102: 25-27;) Why is that? Because the writer (probably Paul) writing under the inspiration and authority of God clearly saw they referred to Jesus Christ. In His human nature Jesus was filled with The Holy Spirit. Matthew 3:16; & Luke 4:1; refer to this. But born again at his baptism? There is no record of that in fact we know that He was already The Messiah from his very birth into this world. The promised Messiah of The Old Testament. Hear what Luke writes concerning the amazing virgin birth of Jesus Luke 2:11; "Today in the city of David a Saviour has been born to you, a Saviour who is CHRIST THE LORD" Paul the apostle writing to the church at Colossae writes in chapter 2:9; "For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form." This particular verse is perhaps the strongest affirmation of Christ's deity in all the Scriptures. What is clearly pointed out to us here is that in Jesus of Nazareth, God was uniquely and bodily among us. Since the power of Christ rested in Jesus Christ, Christ overcomes all other powers. Jesus Christ is the complete revelation of God to humanity. In Revelation 1:8; we have a description of Jesus Christ as what? The Almighty! "The Alpha and Omega Who is, and Who was and Who is to come. It is abundantly clear this description can only be given to One Being God Himself. Yes I am aware that Jehovah Witnesses find it difficult to believe in the Trinity of which Jesus is One of the Persons within the Trinity. God in three persons blessed Trinity. Remember God is unique and is able to do anything. You only have to go as far as the very first chapter in Genesis and discover the Trinity. The name for God there in the Hebrew is Elohim. Elohim is composed of three component parts. 'El' meaning one, 'O' added makes the name plural and 'him' finally added makes the word mean more than two. In that same chapter God says concerning the making of man in verse 26 "Let us make man in our image" Who is the Creator? God you reply. Quite right . So here is a conversation going on between the three persons within the Trinity. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. All are involved in Creation All are distinct from each other with distinctive work to do but all vital and necessary. From eternity God knew man would need a redeemer, a Saviour and planned to come to earth in His own Son to do this vital work.
What do Jehovah Witnesses say about the work of Jesus upon the cross?
"Jesus atoned only for the sin of Adam and not for our personal sins. His death provided an exact payment for what Adam lost, namely, perfect human life in Eden. This ransom sacrifice was not a finished work. Rather it is the basis from which individuals work to provide their own salvation.('You may survive Armageddon' p39 )
What does The Bible have to say about the work of Jesus upon the cross at Calvary?
The central theme in the Apostle Paul's letter to the Romans is Justification. (How can a man get right with God) Paul shows how impossible it is for man to get right with God. He cannot earn his own salvation by just deeds. Paul explains it is a gift. (Romans 6:23;) In his letter to the Ephesians he wrote "For by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast for we are His workmanship created unto good works which God has before ordained that we should walk in them." Only through Christ's work of atonement can a man stand justified before God. It had to be achieved by a perfect righteous Person is and to be received through faith and repentance towards God (our part) So going back to where we started this fourth study as to what Jehovah Witnesses believe and teach. Do they explain the Bible truth about Jesus Christ like this? Do they explain his vital role in the purpose of God to redeem us? It was not for Adam's sin only that Christ died but for the sins of the world. His sacrifice was sufficient and efficient to save anyone from their sins. (John 3:16; ) Christ's death upon the cross did not only remove sin inherited from Adam but includes every sin committed during the believers life both before conversion as well as afterwards. Romans 5:9; "Much more then having been justified(past tense) by his blood we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him (it has nothing to do with a believers work added to Christ's work which Jehovah's witnesses advocate.) Much more having been reconciled we shall be saved (absolute assurance) by His life". 1 John 1:7; The blood of Jesus Christ God's Son cleanses us from all sin" Next time we shall see how important the resurrection of Jesus Christ is to the believer and I do mean a bodily resurrection.
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** Disclaimer: The author of this article, Jim Allis, is a guest podcaster and Partake Ministries may or may not agree with his opinions and writings, either in their entirety or part thereof.
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Wednesday Nov 29, 2017
Jehovah Witnesses 03
Wednesday Nov 29, 2017
Wednesday Nov 29, 2017
3 - Organization and God’s Word
At the end of our last study we looked at their own assessment of what a Godly organisation should be like in character and were they true in saying they adhere closely to God's Word. I couldn't agree more that they should but do they in fact keep strictly to God's Word? This we shall look at more closely in a moment but first
Here is an outline of how they operate as an organisation:
They stress:
(a) Door to door visitation They say that they are the only organisation going from house to house. This is not true as many churches do a great deal of outreach and meet people where they are. We recognise them at our front door as they give themselves away by their dress and manner.
Never do they start with the line "we are Jehovah Witnesses."
Why do they go from house to house? To present the good news of the gospel? Wow!! if it were true. Or is it out of fear of displeasing their organisation if they fail to do so?
What Good News do they bring to the householder? Its all about their own organisation and offering a Book study group to join. Note a book study not a Bible study. Again we do not see them going directly to the Bible and certainly not the NIV or New King James Versions not even the King James Authorised Version but their very own version which they have manufactured HAVING REMOVED OR ADDED TO PARTS OF THE BIBLE THEY ARE IN DISAGREEMENT WITH.
They say categorically "No one is allowed to criticise the hierarchy of the movement. " I quote " We should meekly go along with the Lord's theocratic organisation"(The Watchtower November 15th 1981 page 80.)..."What is your attitude towards directives from the faithful and discreet slave? Loyalty should move you to be ready to obey." (Watchtower Dec. 1st 1981)
One ex Jehovah Witness referring to her previous experience in the movement said...."I hated every minute, every hour of being a witness. But I thought it was the only way to survive Armageddon and live on Paradise earth. Many times over the years I would have left if someone had only presented the gospel to me." I have heard a good number of similar testimonies from those who feared the movement which had such a strong hold over them. This tight reign prevents them leaving the organisation especially if their close friends are going to ostracise them which the organisation insist they do..
(b) What kind of meetings do they hold each week? Usually it amounts to five meetings per week. Four of them require audience participation. Included also is a study of their weekly journal 'The Watchtower' by means of questions and answers. Prior to the study a public talk is given from its outline. On another evening the ministry school trains every Jehovah Witness how to present their beliefs and overcome objections. Witnesses are expected to prove their faithfulness by attending all the meetings. Each witness must spend a minimum of ten hours per month in door to door visitation. Others known as auxiliary and special pioneers spend many more hours knocking on doors.
Last year I attended by invitation their annual communion service. Yes only once a year. We were told the elements were only to be taken by those who were 'born again' Who are the born again in their eyes? Did the speaker point us to Nicodemus in John 3:3; no way, not a mention of it! .Instead we were pointed to a couple of references in the book of Revelation including one in chapter 14.
Here there is reference to great multitudes of people worshipping and praising God in Heaven. Included in that number, ( for it goes on to stress there are so many people there they cannot be numbered from all nations on the earth) is the number 144000. We were told by the presiding elder that the 144000 were the particular born again Jehovah Witnesses who were pure, undefiled, ransomed, redeemed and follow the Lamb closely.
So there were two classes we were told. One to inherit paradise and all other Jehovah Witnesses would have the lesser blessing in eternity of spending it on the renewed earth. So only Jehovah Witnesses who considered themselves in the 144000 group would be allowed to participate and take the bread and wine that night. I had been invited by an Witness elder who was sitting next to me . As the dry crackers and wine were being passed from hand to hand I quickly asked the elder whether I was expected to eat it straight away or wait till all were served. He replied "no its only for the "Born Again" I replied quickly as the elements drew closer to where we were sitting "But I am born again"
As it happened I never got much of a chance to take either as they were passed swiftly along and it appeared that no one was participating! Afterwards I asked my friend "Did he know of any "born again Jehovah Witnesses" in the congregation (there were 200 people there) He said "no not personally but I think there are one or two living in the county." I think the Holy Spirit was grieved that night at a meeting which should have been filled with the knowledge of Jesus Christ and His redeeming work on Calvary and his words to his disciples "take eat, do this in remembrance of Me"
However, He was virtually cut out of the meeting which he brought into being. I was told it was left to the individual to take but with such a warning, who would? To be born again was for the elite Jehovah Witness. My Bible tells me it is for sinners, repentant sinners who trust only in Jesus righteousness and His shed blood to redeem an deliver us from our sins. And through that sacrifice we can be cleansed from all sin and be welcomed into heaven (all of us who repent and believe)1 Corinthians 11:23-26: Romans 3:23; 5:1-3: and verses 8ff
When I began this third study I referred to the Jehovah Witness principles which they said they said they adhered to. One was "We recognise Jesus' vital role in Jehovah's purpose." I am certain they do not. Jesus Christ is central in the Christian faith and in my next study we shall focus on what place Jehovah Witnesses teaching does give to Jesus Christ and contrast it with what the Bible clearly teaches and I can assure you there is a vast difference and one that greatly affects the true way to God through The Lord Jesus Christ, We shall see Who He truly is and what He did achieve at Calvary for all who will believe on Him.
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Wednesday Nov 22, 2017
Jehovah Witnesses 02
Wednesday Nov 22, 2017
Wednesday Nov 22, 2017
Part 2 - Beliefs and teachings
Already we have seen how the movement began and also we have noted sadly how the founder Charles Russell moved away from the Orthodox Christian Faith which he learned from His father and mother who were Congregationalists.
When confronted concerning one particular doctrine, eternal punishent, he found himself floundering in his own beliefs and succumbed to unbelief and began to form a new set of teachings after his own likings.
Later we found similarly the Movement did not like using the King James Authorised Bible as it differed from their thinking in certain areas of doctrine so they composed their own Bible: "The New World Translation". They did this supposing they had more knowledge of the original Greek and Hebrew than those fully trained who had brought the King James Authorised into being. So when you begin in this way is it surprising when they go even further astray as we shall see in today's study.
Recently I put a question to four Witnesses to give you an idea of their thinking. I asked "If you were visiting a home where someone was very unwell in fact dying and only had a short time to live what would be the most important Bible Truth to share with them?
One said "Well I would turn them to Isaiah where we read that Jehovah is the name of God." "Interesting" I replied. The second man who was also an elder (teacher) within the ranks of Jehovah Witnesses had little to say. The new trainees with them both said "Its a good question , what is the one you would share with them?"
Now remember this person is shortly leaving this world and he needs to be prepared for eternity. I went to the story of the conversion of the Philippian Jailer and when he asked Saul and Silas "What must I do to be saved ?" received a straight answer" Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved" (Acts 16:31;) The result? That same night not only the jailer but his whole family were saved and baptised having taken the short step in faith and obeyed the Scriptures way of salvation.
I am convinced the only faith the witnesses had that I spoke to were trusting in the fact they belonged to an organisation who alone profess to hold the truth and being equipped to understand and teach the Bible. However if you ask them if they have an assurance of hope in eternal l life they will reveal they do not have it.
What do Jehovah Witnesses believe?
1. First they tell us they are the only organisation that are directed by God's Spirit
To them alone they say God reveals His sacred truth. They are equipped with apparent gifted evangelists, shepherds and teachers. I quote..."There is no other organisation that is doing the divine will of God or is educating people for life everlasting." (from the Watchtower..1st July 1973 pp 402, 404 , 406) How gifted were they to help a man who was dying to show him the way to heaven? Why didn't John 14:6; come to mind easily? It is so clear isn't it? Jesus said "I am the way the truth and the life no man comes to the Father but by Me"
2. Secondly they tell us the Bible is of no private interpretation . "The Bible is an organisation book. It belongs to the organisation not to individuals regardless how sincere they believe they cannot interpret the Bible without the aid of Watchtower notes." (W.T. 1st October 1967, page 587)
So whatever we say to them about what the Bible says, because it is someone telling them outside of their own organisation they will not receive it but close their ears even if we quote directly from the Bible they are conditioned not to take it in.
3. Thirdly you must join the organisation in order to receive salvation. "Any person who wants to survive into God's righteous new order urgently needs to come into the right relationship with Jehovah and his earthly organisation now." (W.T. 15th November 1981 pp16-17)
So what they are saying is whatever church you belong to , whatever faith you say you have in God's Word and its teachings and promises, whatever experience you have of The Holy Spirit working in your lifer it is of no good to you unless you join the Jehovah Witness organisation.
4. Finally in ending this lesson just listen to what they say about their organisation and to the marks of an organisation which they say is true to God. They are saying " we fulfil all these requirements." Here are their seven principles Think carefully as you read or listen and see if you can believe they do keep to those principles.
- (a) Exalt Jehovah as the True God
- (b) Recognise Jesus vital role in Jehovah's purposes.
- (c) Adhere closely to God's Word.
- (d) Keep separate from the world
- (e) Maintain a high level of moral cleanliness.
- (f) Preach the Good News.
- (g) Cultivate the fruits of The Spirit (Life)
5. Anyone who rejects their organisation having once begun in it is in fact shunning God. Such people will be shunned by all other Jehovah witnesses and will not receive the reward of eternal life (W.T. September 15th 1981 pp25,29). Next time we shall see "Why no one is allowed to question Watchtower policy. " and what The Bible has to say about that!!
- Do they really exalt Jehovah as The One True God?
- Do they really recognise Jesus vital crucial role in the purpose of Jehovah to save his people from their sins?
- Do they really adhere closely to God's Word or only the words they have included to justify their own teachings. Doesn't the Bible warn people about tampering with His Word and either adding or subtracting from it?
- Do they preach the Good News as found in Romans 1:16; where Paul the Apostle writes "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is God's power working unto salvation (for deliverance from eternal death) to everyone who believes with a personal trust and a confident surrender and firm reliance, to the Jew first and also to the Greek." Amplified Version)
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Wednesday Nov 15, 2017
Christian Response to Jehovah Witnesses 1
Wednesday Nov 15, 2017
Wednesday Nov 15, 2017
There are a number of major cults which attract large numbers but remember the Bible speaks of a wide road leading to destruction and a narrow road that leads to eternal life. In this series I shall give seven studies concerning "Jehovah Witnesses: right or wrong?" Each day I come across people I want to introduce to Jesus Christ and I have a certain place I visit most days of the week to meet such people. I often come across Jehovah Witnesses after they have concluded their morning's diligent visitation from house to house. They arrive for their coffee break and I sometimes have the opportunity to speak with one or more of them. It will take several lessons to put you in knowledge of their beginnings, their teachings and what the Bible has to say about their doctrines.
Part 1 - Early Beginnings
This particular cult was founded by a wealthy draper from Pittsburgh USA. His name was Charles Taze Russell. His birth was in 1852 and he was born to parents who were members of a Congregational church in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Until the age of sixteen he followed his parents teachings and beliefs unquestionably. One day, however, while he was still sixteen he tried to explain the doctrine of eternal punishment to his friend. On hearing this truth he turned on Charles and ridiculed him for believing such 'unreasonable doctrine' This confrontation to his own beliefs had drastic consequences.
Within weeks he had rejected the orthodox Christian faith and began a search for a more reasonable and acceptable creed. Two years later he received the stimulus and encouragement he was looking for. When attending a Seventh day Adventist meeting he was delighted to hear the speaker advocating the annihilation of unbelievers at death and scorning the doctrines of hell. Just as intriguing for him was to learn of attempts to fix the precise date of The Lord Jesus Christ's return Russell was happy to join this new group for a while until differences emerged on other issues and he left to begin studying other religions such as eastern religions including Buddhism.
Later he returned to the study of the Bible and began producing Bible Study Notes in a magazine called "Food for thinking Christians" This later became the "Watchtower". In 1879 he founded the "Watchtower Society" He sold his business and founded this new sect. One important event needs to be mentioned concerning this man and his character. He got himself into trouble when selling what he described as "miracle wheat" he said it would outgrow other seed by as much as five times. He lost a libel case action against a newspaper which levelled charges against his claims. This was checked out at the highest level and his claim was found not to be justified. He also claimed to be a competent student of Greek.
However in court under oath, it was discovered that he was ignorant of the Greek Language. He knew nothing and not even the letters of the Greek alphabet. He also made a prediction that Christ's return would take place in 1914 but it would be invisible! Is this the kind of man you could trust? Someone you could trust your soul's destiny to? Again would you want to put your trust in an organisation which to this day in 2011 has made many forecasts and predictions which have not taken place. Russell died in 1916. Rutherford followed him as leader, predicting the end of the world in 1925.
In 1931 the official name of the movement was then changed to "Jehovah Witnesses". Rutherford died in 1942 and he was succeeded by Nathan Knorr. Between 1950 and 1961 he produced the "New World Translation of The Holy Scriptures" aided by Frank Franz, Albert Schroeder and George Gangas. This production was so arranged as to support their theology in crucial areas that had posed problems for earlier witnesses using the King James Authorised Bible.
(It wasn't the old fashioned language that caused the problem it was certain fundamental teachings they could not agree with.) Under Nathan Knorr the movement took shape and grew more rapidly. He died in 1977 from a cancerous tumour. Like Russell before him and Rutherford he did not see the end of the world predicted in 1975. So we have seen the early beginnings of the Jehovah Witness Movement. Tomorrow I shall explain and show how their teaching conflicts with the Bible on vital issues.
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** Disclaimer: The author of this article, Jim Allis, is a guest podcaster and Partakers Ministries may or may not agree with his opinions and writings, either in their entirety or part thereof.
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