Saturday Sep 09, 2023
Romans 12 - Living Life - Part 09
Saturday Sep 09, 2023
Saturday Sep 09, 2023

Romans 12: Living Life
Study 09: Gift of Teaching
How is your church doing at teaching the Gospel truths? How, if you are a teacher, going about it? Teaching is different from preaching. Are you aware of that? While preaching is expressing the mind of God to people, teaching is also training and taking a person or people on a journey from one point to another. That could be a teacher in Bible college, a Sunday School, a home group or other small group as well as one to one discipleship. Teaching is leading people into understanding God’s word.
Calvin describes a bible teacher somebody “who forms and builds the Church by the word of truth.” Does that signify your experience of teaching – by others you hear or even yourself?
Teaching is part of the Great Commission expressed by Jesus in Matthew 28:18-20. So everybody who is a Christian is at some point is to do some kind of teaching - as that is part of evangelism. Evangelism is for all Christians to do – of one kind or another.
Of course some preaching can also be teaching. Teaching is interpreting the Bible to make it understood to both the individual and a group of people. That is expository Bible teaching which is also preaching…
But just because somebody is a gifted teacher, or indeed also a preacher, we are to test the Bible for ourselves. Even if you think that Bible teacher is amazing, test what that person says. Analyse it for yourself and don’t be afraid to disagree with the teacher. Even the finest of Bible teachers would want you to be like that! If a teacher insists that they are right, and there is no discussion about it, then be very wary. In Romans 16:7, Paul writes this about teachers “I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them.”
Conversely, how about next time going up to a teacher, talking to them and giving them some encouragement. But more about encouragement in our next study!
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Friday Sep 08, 2023
Romans 12 - Living Life - Part 08
Friday Sep 08, 2023
Friday Sep 08, 2023

Romans 12: Living Life
Study 08: Gift of Serving
Did you know serving is a gift? Wow! Is this serving only a gift for some people or for all people? Some people do have a gift of serving and are particularly adept at doing it! However, serving is for all Christians – whether they specifically have this gift or not!
This serving is by offering assistance to other and in that way, we also serve God. We are to serve wholeheartedly, not just other Christians, but all others including our enemies – those that despise and ridicule us. Serving others is a way of loving others. Serving is love in action. Serving is love getting it’s hands and feet dirty in service of others.
When we as Christians serve and help others, we are emulating of course the greatest servant of all, Jesus Christ. For it is through serving, that the Christian Disciple reflects the greatest servant of all - Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ came to serve and to give his life for others.
As Jesus said in Mark 10:45 For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.
The Christian life is not to be static or inactive, but rather it is to be dynamic and active. The word ‘servant’ is used at least 500 times in its various derivations. Spiritual growth comes from serving, rather than being served. This is because what ever is given in service of God and others, faith grows and Jesus Christ gives back even more. Serving others is a sign that you, as a Christian Disciple, trust God and are having faith in Him.
When you, as a disciple and partaker of Jesus Christ, serve in any capacity, then God’s honour is released. This is done because service shows the beauty and glory of Jesus Christ to those being served and to those watching. That is to be our motive for service. Serving is never about what you can get out of it. When that is the motive, God is patently not glorified. God’s glory and supremacy is the goal of all those who would call themselves a Christian Disciple.
So go … serve. As Christians, we are all commanded to serve God.
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Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Romans 12 - Living Life - Part 07
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Thursday Sep 07, 2023

Romans 12: Living Life
Study 07: Gift of Prophecy
Now Paul comes to the expression of the Roman Christians faith – their gifts! First of all we have prophecy! Much debate is made of what Paul means here by this word “prophecy!”
Calvin’s opinion is that Paul means any one skilfully and wisely performed the office of an interpreter in explaining the will & mind of God. For example, preaching. That is in his own words “hardly anything else than the right understanding of the Scripture, and the peculiar faculty of explaining it, inasmuch as all the ancient prophecies and all the oracles of God have been completed in Christ and in his gospel.”
Others insist that prophecy is the prediction of future events as pre-thought by the mind of God, such as occurred at the beginning of the church and recorded for us in the New Testament. Yet others, would insist that prophecy was only those writing what we have as the New Testament today, and that this gift of prophecy has expired and is no longer in use for today.
I am of the mind that it is both the correct explanation of God’s mind in preaching and the speaking of future events… Whether we preach or predict, we prophecy and Paul exhorts his readers, the original and also us today, to use our faith to speak God’s mind and will. That is what the prophets of the Old Testament did – revealed God’s mind and will to the people.
That is our job today too – revealing God’s mind and will to people – not just in preaching and in prophecy, but also in evangelism – telling others what Jesus, the Son of God, did in his birth, life, death, resurrection and ascension. Preaching and prophecy are gifts from God and are the outworks of faith of the believers who have those gifts.
Tomorrow – another gift - serving!!
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Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
Romans 12 - Living Life - Part 06
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023

Romans 12: Living Life
Study 06: Gifted Graciously!
As we saw in our previous study, part of the Christian life is that each of us has special abilities and gifts! Paul uses the illustration of the human body! Your body is made up of many parts, each with a distinct purpose and function! So it is with the Church – Christ’s body! We have these gifts, each of us, because of God’s amazing grace toward us!
All Christian Disciples have Spiritual Gifts, for “in his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well.” (Romans 12:6). God the Holy Spirit, through His infinite wisdom, mercy and grace bestows these gifts that belong to Him, upon Christian Disciples! What is the purpose of these gifts? These gifts are to be used primarily to bring glory to God and to extend His Kingdom here on earth! They are opportunities for Christian Disciples to serve other people. If these gifts are not being used for God’s purposes, then they are meaningless.
If each of us is serving as we ought, using the gifts and talents that God has given, then God is being praised and His kingdom here on earth being extended. We are one body – the Church! We belong to each other – even if we don’t particularly want to be! That is connected with our previous study about each person thinking of themselves appropriately – not too highly and not too lowly.
So each of us has gifts, given by God freely to those who are following Him. We have them due to His generous grace upon each of us. WOW!
We start looking at each of the gifts in this list in our next study! See you then!
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Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Romans 12 - Living Life - Part 05
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023

Romans 12: Living Life
Study 05: Be Warned
Perhaps when Paul says “Don’t think you are better than you really are”, Paul is looking back at how he used to be! He was then a man called Saul, a proud and zealous man for God, a Jew of Jews! A man eager to please God by persecuting these Christians! No more though! Now called Paul, he was an apostle and emissary sent by God to preach the Gospel throughout the world! Just as he was told at his conversion just a few short years ago when he was on the road to Damascus to pursue and persecute the early church. It is not only privilege and authority from where Paul speaks from, but also grace – grace from God… It is grace alone that Paul was changed from the path of being the persecutor to being one of the persecuted.
We must not think too highly of our selves, our skills, our abilities over-estimating or exaggerating either our strengths or our weaknesses. We are to think of ourselves with honesty and with self-accountability! That is why it is also good to be accountable to others. That could be a good friend, or your home bible study group.
As Christians, we are to think of ourselves rightly – not be so high and mighty that we can fall off our own perch. We are to think of ourselves appropriately and not with lustful pride! Faith here means a special gift which God has given everybody who is following His Son, Jesus Christ. But we start to talk about gifts in our next study!
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Monday Sep 04, 2023
Romans 12 - Living Life - Part 04
Monday Sep 04, 2023
Monday Sep 04, 2023

Romans 12: Living Life
Study 04: Transformation
When you became a Christian, if you are one, is that God is transforming you into the image of Jesus Christ. That is part of what the Apostle Paul has been saying and in the preceding verse 1, had encouraged them in response to this news, to worship God with all their minds and their bodies. It is transformation of mind and body! That is worship! How do we do that, you may ask? It is a fundamental of living a Christian life – transformation! WOW! The process of transformation starts with the Holy Spirit who lives within you, who is your seal of salvation and is the agent of change in your life. This transformation starts in the mind through reading the Bible and praying! Listening to God is part of prayer! Are you aware of that?
Of course the world we live in has many different values to that of the Christian or indeed the universal church. People will try to get you to not change and get you to compromise and adopt or maintain habits and behaviours that are distinctly not Christian. But we, as the Church, are to resist this. We can resist in the power of the Holy Spirit. Because if we resist in our strength and confidence in ourselves, then we are destined to fail. But by using the power of the Holy Spirit, who lives within you remember, we can prevail, overcome temptations and be transformed into the image of God the Son, Jesus Christ…
What are you personally struggling against? What is your church struggling with? Accede to the impulse of the Holy Spirit who is quietly urging you, prompting you and encouraging you. Then as you learn to listen to His urges, you will as Paul acknowledges, know what God’s will is for you in your life – not only transformation but also what you are to do and how you are to go about it to the praise and glory of God – Father, Son and Spirit.
We hand not just our bodies over to worship Jesus, but also our minds! What you input to your mind will dominate your mind! Sins start in the mind, then transfer to your will. Remember, if you are struggling with sin, confess it quickly to the God and ask to be continually filled and controlled by the Spirit! If the church were to be a lighthouse to the world, this world would be changed to the glory of God and God alone! Worship God – body, mind and will. Part of living life wholly for God in the 21st century.
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Sunday Sep 03, 2023
Romans 12 - Living Life - Part 03
Sunday Sep 03, 2023
Sunday Sep 03, 2023

Romans 12: Living Life
Study 03: Worship and service
Romans 12:1 And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him.
Here in this first verse of chapter 12, of that magnificent letter of Romans in the New Testament section of the Bible. As they are now Christians, their old life and old bodies have gone! That is what the letter writer Paul has been leading up to and saying. Paul, that great Apostle of the early church, now starts to elucidate about living life for God and for God alone. As Christians they have a new life and new bodies! Paul exhorts these followers of Jesus to worship Him with their whole bodies – not just their minds or their hearts! This is the new transformed person as living sacrifices in response to God’s mercy, justice, grace and love! Jesus sacrificially died for the person, so the person must also sacrifice their old ways of life – thoughts, desires, attitudes and actions – and proceed to live a whole life which is pleasing to God – pleasing in their thoughts, desires, attitudes and actions…
Why? Because that is part of whole life worship of Jesus, the Son of God. Because the whole body of the individual Christian is, in the point of view of God, been declared holy through the death of the Son Jesus Christ on the cross.
As Christians, we are to worship with our whole bodies and minds. As Christians we have been marked and sealed with the Holy Spirit who lives within the Christian –helping, counselling, consoling, comforting and empowering. It is not just worship, but also to be our service of God. Jesus, the Son of God, was the servant of humanity. It is our responsive worship to therefore be of service to God in all things that we do, as we go about our daily lives – work, rest and play.
If you are struggling in some area of life, encumbered with a perpetual sin, then confess to God that sin, ask Him to cleanse you afresh and to fill you with His Spirit. Keep on being filling with His Spirit. Not just on Sundays but every day of the week and in all areas of your life! By being filled with the Spirit, I mean be controlled by the Spirit and let Him guide your thoughts and actions. If the church and Christians were to do that, this world would be changed!! How can we do that? Well, that commences in v2 and tomorrow!
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Saturday Sep 02, 2023
Romans 12 - Living Life - Part 02
Saturday Sep 02, 2023
Saturday Sep 02, 2023

Romans 12: Living Life
Study 02: Keys to Romans
Some Key verses to this letter of Romans are:
- Romans 1:16-17 For I am not ashamed of the Good News of Christ, for it is the power of God for salvation for everyone who believes; for the Jew first, and also for the Greek. For in it is revealed God’s righteousness from faith to faith. As it is written, “But the righteous shall live by faith.”
- Romans 3:23 for all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God; being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus;
- Romans 8:38-39 And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor rulers, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.
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Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
Consequences 07 - Jesus The God-Man Who Suffered
Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
Consequence 07
Jesus - The God-Man Who Suffered
In this brief series called Consequences, we are looking together at 7 consequences of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Today we continue to look a bit deeper into that God-man, Jesus Christ and in particular His relevancy today in regards to suffering.~
Ever since the first time humanity sinned against God, there has been death and suffering. Suffering was not part of God’s original creation and only came in after this event. God had a plan to alleviate this. As part of this plan, throughout his ministry Jesus said that he would suffer, die and be raised back to life again. Jesus went about alleviating the suffering of people – whether from physical, mental or spiritual suffering. Quite possibly the biggest question we ask ourselves, or is asked of us by others, concerns the problem of suffering.
I will start out by saying I don’t have all the answers, but I do know that I have suffered and still suffer today. I have died twice and been resuscitated twice. I also know that it was humanity’s sin which was and is the creator of all kinds of suffering, not God, as critics of the church maintain. I also know that Jesus the Son of God suffered. Indeed Jesus the Son of God died. Therefore God Himself knows what it is like to suffer. We know that God is personal and we know that as Jesus was both fully God and fully human, that God has suffered. God who is without sin became sin, when Jesus the Son of God died on the cross.
Through the life of Jesus Christ and His cross and resurrection, we see that the Almighty and Eternal God entered the time and space of His creation, even though He Himself is outside of time and space. God intimately knows what suffering is like, because of the suffering Jesus endured. Sufferings such as when he wept at the death of Lazarus his friend.
Suffering such as before He was arrested, Jesus suffered such anxiety that he perspired blood (Luke 22:44). On his way to crucifixion, Jesus was beaten and whipped so badly that He was disfigured and malformed, God suffered. When He was nailed to the cross, God suffered. When on the cross, and endured the insults hurled at him – God suffered. Jesus died on the cross, and for the first time in eternity, Jesus the Son of God was separated from God the Father.
WOW! That is suffering. That is why we have a hope. The God who calls us into relationship with Himself knows intimately what suffering is like. He endured all kinds of suffering just like us. That is why we know God is a personal God. An implacable statue is not personal and cannot have sympathy with us in our sufferings, but the living God can – because the living God died!
But Jesus’ death on the cross was not the end! Three days later Jesus was resurrected in the power of the Father! Jesus death and resurrection show that sin, suffering and death have been conquered! When the Holy Spirit comes and lives within, one of His main roles is as the great Comforter who provides comfort and consolation during the times when we suffer. I don’t know how you are suffering today. I do know that I suffer every day in some way. I have died twice in the past and been resuscitated. You may be suffering in someway and I wish I could take it from you, but I am unable to. And this may sound glib, but I know that because God suffered when He died on the cross, God is with you and knows intimately what suffering is like. But there is one thing I do know and hold onto.
This Jesus is coming back again, this time as the Almighty King of Glory! One glorious day every kind of suffering will be banished for those of us who love Him.
Revelation 21:4: “God will wipe away our tears. There will be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying and no more pain, for former things have passed away.”
What a glorious day it will be for those of us who love Him now. God Himself, with our face in His hands, wiping away our tears… When our King returns, there will be no more terrorism, missiles, guns, wars or bombs. No more will man’s inhumanity to man be allowed. No more torture, rapes, muggings or robberies. No more poverty or famine. No more religion, idols or icons. No more gossip, fornication, adultery, lying or debauchery. No more cowardice. No more pain. No more death. No more suffering. No more sin. Jesus wiping the tears of sorrow and joy from our eyes as He takes our head in his hands… WOW!
Have you asked this Jesus to be your Saviour and King yet? Jesus – the God-man who conquered sin, suffering and death who died and was raised to new life again by God. When you allow Jesus to be your Saviour and rely on him for your salvation, you become spiritually alive! Until then, you are spiritually dead. But you can have spiritual life! Come and follow this personal and personable God who knows what suffering is about. What are you waiting for? Again, I ask, who do you say the Jesus is? you have a choice to make. Deny Jesus know and he will deny you. Accept Jesus now and He will accept you. It is not too late! Today can be the day of your salvation and new life!
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Monday Aug 28, 2023
Consequences 06 - Jesus the Object of our Faith
Monday Aug 28, 2023
Monday Aug 28, 2023
Consequence 06
Jesus - the Object of our Faith
In this brief series called Consequences, we are looking together at 7 consequences of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Today we continue to look a bit deeper into that God-man, Jesus Christ!
John 1:1 & 18“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning… No one has ever seen God, but God the One and Only, who is at the Father's side, has made him known.”
Why would God become a man?
We see through the Cross and Resurrection of Jesus Christ that God himself has taken on the responsibility for our sins. Jesus, the Son of God, bore our sins on the cross, became sin for us, even though he was without sin. By doing this we are drawn to God in a personal way through Jesus Christ. God has shown that he loves us and wants us in a relationship with himself. Through Jesus, God has bridged the gap between the supernatural and the natural, the infinite and the finite, to show us what He is like. Jesus as God in person gives humanity a focal point to respond to.
In Jesus Christ, we see that by becoming a man, He humbled Himself (Philippians 2v8) in order to confirm God's promises (Genesis 3v15) and reveal God the Father (John 1v18, 14v9)! We see that Jesus came to become our high priest (Hebrews 8v1)intercessor, mediator and representative before God (1 John 2v1)! J
esus, the Son of God, became human so as to destroy all the works of satan (1 John 3v8, Hebrews 2v14), to give humanity an example of living a holy life (1 Peter 2v21, 1 John 1v6) and to prepare for the redemption of all creation (1 John 2v2)! WOW! This Jesus was both fully God and fully human. This unity of divine and human nature is called ‘hypostatic union‘. Let us look briefly at this Jesus!
Jesus Was Fully Human
Jesus was fully human! We know this because He is explicitly called a man (John 8v40; 1 Timothy 2v5), was born of a woman (Galatians 4v4), so at least in a prenatal state he was nurtured and formed as any other male baby was and is. Jesus exhibited normal human emotions such as love, sorrow, anger and anguish. Jesus wept tears of sorrow. Jesus ate and drank as any normal human did and He had a body and a soul (Matthew 26v26-38). He had normal human experiences – tiredness, sleeping, perspiration, temptations (Hebrews 2v18); hunger (Matthew 4v12). Jesus died just as all people do. Jesus was human in every way that we are - physically, mentally and emotionally. The only exception to this is that He was sinless (2 Corinthians 5v21; Hebrews 2v26). He was the Son of Man and Son of God and did not inherit the carnal nature that all humans have.
But why does Jesus need to be fully human? Firstly, so Jesus death could appease God’s anger with us. Secondly, so that Jesus can empathize and pray for us in our own sufferings. Thirdly, Jesus exhibited true and perfect humanity and therefore is an example to follow. Fifthly, while God is both above and beyond creation, by becoming human, this shows that He is not so far removed from us, that He cannot interact with his creation.
Jesus Was Fully God
Not only was Jesus fully human but He was simultaneously fully God! He is expressly called God - (John 1v1) The Word was God; (John 1v14), the only begotten God (John 20v28) and He accepted titles from others such as when the Apostle Thomas exclaimed “My Lord and my God”.
Additionally Old Testament descriptions of God were applied to Jesus. (Matthew 3v3) 'Prepare ye the way of Jehovah!’ Jesus possessed the attributes of God - (John 14v6) Life; (John 8v58) Eternal; (John 14v6) Truth! The works of God are ascribed to Jesus - (Col 1v16) and Jesus receives honour worship and glory belonging to God alone.Jesus had equality with God - (John 10v30, 33) I and the Father are One; John 5v18)!
Jesus in His very nature was God; (1 Timothy 6v15) and King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Jesus was and is the Alpha and Omega! Jesus was the Christ; (John 8v58) and much to the chagrin of the Jewish religious leaders declared frequently that He was the great “I AM”, an explicit claim to be God!
Jesus - fully God and fully human - the object of our faith! Tomorrow we look even closer at this man and in one particular aspect of his relevancy today - our suffering - in the next of our series, “Consequences”! See you soon at Partakers!
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