Thursday Aug 15, 2024
Repentance - Bible Thought - WISE
Thursday Aug 15, 2024
Thursday Aug 15, 2024
I wonder what you think the word, “Repentance” means. The dictionary defines repentance as
- Feel pain, or regret for something done or not done; ·
- Change your mind, or conduct, because of regret; ·
- Having sorrow or regret over an action or inaction.
And this is of course partly true! But for the Christian, Repentance means more than these! Repentance is a voluntary change in mind, in which the person turns from a life of sin to living a life of righteousness. “Repent!” Cried the Roman officer to his soldiers! In other words, turn around now! The importance of repentance was central to the teaching of Jesus (Matthew 4v17; Mark 1v15); John the Baptist (Matthew 3v1-2); The Apostles (Acts 2v38; 20v21); Commanded by God (Acts 17v30); God’s will that all people repent (2 Peter 3v9; 1 Timothy 2v4)
Repentance is done in three spheres:
a) Mind (Intellect) - recognition of personal sinfulness and guilt before God (Psalm 51v3; Romans 3v20) b) Emotional (Heart) - genuine sorrow for sin - Godly sorrow... leads to repentance (2 Corinthians 7v8-10) c) Will - decision to turn from sin, self-pleasing and self-centredness to God.
Continual repentance
A question I often hear, is why do we need to continue to repent even though we are a Christian Disciple? Firstly because by doing so regularly, we maintain the honour of His Holy Name. Secondly, it keeps your relationship with God pure and your soul in good health.
Going forward in repentance.
When you realize you have sinned, ask God to forgive you. Don’t give sin a chance to get hold! It may take a second to commit some kind of disobedience against God, but it also only takes a second to ask forgiveness, which God will do, if you truly mean it. For in the words of Martin Luther, “To do so no more, is the truest repentance”. John Donne, wrote in the 17th century “Sleep with clean hands, either kept clean all day by integrity or washed clean at night by repentance.”
That is good advice to take hold of. Before you sleep, confess your sins to God asking Him to forgive you for the things you have done in that day that have offended him. When you became a Christian Disciple, your sins were forgiven through Jesus’ death on the Cross. That is when you had your “bath” as it were. That is the point when you were justified before God and declared His child. Having been justified already, you don’t need a bath anymore! But to maintain a healthy relationship with God, you do need the equivalent of a feet washing regularly and a cleansing of your sin when you confess it before your God and repent.
Wednesday Aug 14, 2024
Propitiation - Bible Thought - WISE
Wednesday Aug 14, 2024
Wednesday Aug 14, 2024
When I talk to people I often hear things like, God is love, so I don’t have to worry about my own lifestyle or my morals, because God is love. When I die, He will accept me as I am providing I have tried your best. And of course that is partly true! God is indeed a God of love. But we must also remember that towards sin and sinful behaviour, He has great fury, anger and wrath (Psalm 7v11; Jeremiah 21v5). Nothing we say or do can appease His hatred of sin and sinful lifestyles. Nothing we can do is able to appease God’s anger, because His anger toward sin is unquenchable. Unquenchable that is, except for one thing.
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This word, propitiation, basically means the turning aside of God's anger by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. All God's anger and judgment of sin falls on Jesus Christ, instead of us. But in order to accept it for yourself, you need to approach God to appease His anger (Romans 3:25; Isaiah 53:5; John 2:2, 5:6).
Jesus was the sacrifice of atonement, or propitiation, as the one who would quench God’s anger towards sinful people, by taking away sin through His death on the cross. This shows Jesus as being both the Just one and the one who justifies. (Romans 3v25-26) Only through Him could the sins of the whole world, past, present and future, be forgiven.
To some people, even some in the church, this is abhorrent! The very thought that God could willing send His son to be a blood sacrifice for sin is tantamount to abuse, some say! However God’s requirements are very clear! John 3v16 says it all in response to this “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life”. If there was any other way, would not God have done it that way?
So as a Christian Disciple, live a life that is holy and pleasing to God. Not in order to somehow pave your own way into heaven, for that is already assured by way of Jesus’ death on the cross. Remember no sacrifice you make is greater than the one God made in sending His Son to death as a propitiation for your sin. 1 John 4v10: For this shows God’s real love – tough yet all-embracing Love.
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Tuesday Aug 13, 2024
Sacrifice - Bible Thought - WISE
Tuesday Aug 13, 2024
Tuesday Aug 13, 2024
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In the Old Testament, the people of Israel were to make sacrificial offerings to God, in order to worship and have fellowship with Him. For without sacrifice, nobody could enter God’s presence! But what does all this have to do with us in the 21st century.
In the book of Leviticus, God commanded that the cleansing of a defiled house required sprinkling with a mixture of blood and ‘living’ water, the bird having been slain over the water (Leviticus 14v51). Elsewhere we read of the ‘water of cleansing’ (Numbers 19), which is also called ‘living water’. This was water that had been sprinkled with the ashes of a young cow, and was kept aside for purification by sprinkling those who had touched a dead body. In both cases, this water had been cleansed by the shedding of blood and sacrifice. The cleansing was to be through the blood of sacrifice, applied through the sprinkled water. For there is no cleansing without the shedding of blood.
At the time of Ezekiel, Israel was in exile due to their sin and idolatry. They needed to be cleansed before being allowed back into their own country. Ezekiel 36v24-25 tell us that “God will sprinkle clean water on you, and you shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols.” This pointed forward to One, the Messiah, who would be slain as a sacrifice for the sins of the whole world.
This One, was Jesus Christ who died for sin, the just for the unjust (1 Peter 3v18). That is how God is both the Just and the Justifier of sinners. That is why if Jesus was not simultaneously fully God and fully human, His death on the cross would not be the full substitutionary sacrifice that was necessary to deal with the permanent consequences of sin! This substitution was the sin offering sacrifice, required so that Jesus as the Lamb of God could take away the sins of the world (John 1v29). Jesus became sin for people (2 Corinthians 5v21) and it was His blood as the lamb without spot or blemish (1Peter 1:18-19) that permanently fulfils God’s righteous requirements.
If you are a follower of Jesus, you are no longer defiled and you have no need to make sacrifices to God, in order to enter His presence, worship Him or have fellowship with Him. Jesus, who is your living water and your sacrificial lamb, gives you permanent access to God. You may no longer be called to make sacrifices, but you are called to be a sacrifice. You are to be a living sacrifice that continually offers sacrifices of praise to God! You do this, through a whole life totally devoted to God, doing good and sharing (Hebrews 13v15-16)! By doing this, you help Jesus’ church revolutionise the world! May it be so. Thank you.
Monday Aug 12, 2024
Lord’s Prayer - Partakers Bible Thought
Monday Aug 12, 2024
Monday Aug 12, 2024
The Lord’s Prayer
“This, then, is how you should pray:
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.
Matthew 6v9-13
This is, in all probability, the prayer that is most frequently used, and repeated, by those professing to be Christian Disciples and also by those who are not. It is often called the “Lord’s Prayer”. This is not because Jesus, Himself would have prayed it, for as He was sinless, He would have had no need to have said to God, “forgive us our debts” (Matthew 6v12). It was given by Jesus as a model for His Disciples prayers to be like, hence Jesus saying “how you should pray” (Matthew 6v9). When it is spoken and prayed, I wonder if some people truly understand what is being prayed?
Come and listen to find out more! When you have listened, answer the following questions for yourself!
Q1. In what ways can I as a Christian Disciple adapt my prayers to follow this model given by Jesus?
Q2. How can my prayer life reflect attention on God’s name, will and kingdom?
Q3. How often do I lead myself into temptation and blame others for it?
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Sunday Aug 11, 2024
Sunday Prayer Worship 9 August 2024
Sunday Aug 11, 2024
Sunday Aug 11, 2024
Prayer For A Broken Country
by Sue Goodall
Dear Lord,
Let others see in me:
An ounce of love;
A millilitre of kindness;
A drop of hope;
The tiniest flame of
Something different.
Dear Lord,
Help me to be:
A reservoir of love;
A resource of kindness;
A ray of hope;
The tiniest reveal of
Something enviable.
Dear Lord,
Let others meeting me:
Be open to see;
Open to hear;
And open to ask
All that they need to know
To meet you themselves.
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About Sue Goodall
I was born in 1963 in Enfield and love writing, painting and singing. (Singing Grade V and clarinet grade VIII). Not to mention photography. I am a mum of one teen daughter and have two rescue cats. The three of them are very much loved and central to my life, as is my faith...
I became a Christian when I was eighteen. It's been a rollercoaster ride but without Him, well....
I LOVE the written word and find poetry can say - in my own, private opinion - so much more in such a few words. It can paint a metaphorical picture, get the reader considering and questioning and touch people's emotions.
I had prayed and asked God that is He would have me pursue writing and wanted to use the poems to speak to other people, He would show my CLEARLY and open doors. The next day, Dave Roberts asked me to record two poems.... WOW indeed! He is a great God!
Saturday Aug 10, 2024
Disciple - Bible Thought - WISE
Saturday Aug 10, 2024
Saturday Aug 10, 2024
WISE - Disciple
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The concept of a Disciple was not new in the time of Jesus Christ. Christian Discipleship as evidenced in the New Testament has three primary sources.
Old Testament
Old Testament prophets such as Samuel (1 Samuel 19vv20-24), Elijah (2 Kings 4v1), and Jeremiah (Jeremiah 36v32) all had disciples. These disciples saw the prophets as their master and this thinking was throughout the society of Israel. Take for example Isaiah, who refers to the people around him as disciples, where the relationship is primarily educational (Isaiah 8v16). The disciples referred to here were not only followers of Isaiah, but also of God. The relationship was based on a reciprocal support in order to reveal what the Lord was saying to Israel.
Greek culture
Classic Greek literature refers to disciples in three senses: learner (general), adherent (technical) and institutional (restricted). For those who were in the adherent context, they followed rules set by their master. Another aspect of some first century Greek thought was that a person’s highest achievement was to become like god.
First century Judaism
Within Jewish society at the time of the New Testament, disciples were attached to recognized masters, teachers or groups. The disciples of the Pharisees were probably attached to an academic group. Those who followed John the Baptist were seen as radical, eschewing as they did normal Jewish society. Those Jesus referred to as the disciples of Moses, concentrated on their ‘honoured’ status as followers of the one to whom God had made Himself known. One major stream of Jewish thought at the time, said that the goal of discipleship was to see God.
Jesus’ Disciples
Of course there were those were disciples also of Jesus, and not just the 12 disciples but all who followed him. The word we have for disciple means a pupil or learner. Therefore a Christian disciple in its base level is a follower of Jesus. A learner is a person who is undergoing life change and transforming increasingly into the image of Christ. A Christian disciple is somebody learning to be like Jesus in every facet of life, practising His presence with them and engaging their life so intimately with Him that He truly lives through them.
As a Disciple of Jesus Christ, if you are one, you are called to be growing and maturing in a process that is called discipleship. This will inevitable lead to your being asked the reason for which you have your hope in Jesus Christ. If you are not actively growing and maturing, then why would anybody ask you the reason for the hope that you have in Jesus Christ? Jesus said that for you to be His disciple, it meant you have to love God totally and love other people openly. It is perhaps the best measure of the seriousness of your discipleship of Jesus Christ.
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Friday Aug 09, 2024
Forgiveness - Bible Thought - WISE
Friday Aug 09, 2024
Friday Aug 09, 2024
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What is forgiveness?
True forgiveness is not just saying sorry!! Forgiveness is to include penitence and also a desire never to do that same thing again. Forgiveness of course is a major part of Christianity, both in the way that God forgives when approached in penitence and repentance, but also in the way Christians forgive others and themselves! In both giving and receiving forgiveness, consider Jesus Christ and the enormity of His forgiveness. Paul writes in Colossians 3v12-14 that forgiveness is part of being in God’s family of Christians! If God forgave you for all that you have done wrong, then you also should forgive others, regardless of how difficult that might be to do. Nobody said it would always be easy though! Forgiveness enables you to have the same openness toward the person after they offend you, as you did before the event – if not more! When you truly forgive the person who has wronged you, any hurt you have will diminish.
Receiving and Giving Forgiveness
But why do we need to both receive and give forgiveness? Apart from being commanded to, a vast number of emotional and psychological problems are caused by failure to either give or to receive forgiveness.
- There is a failure to receive forgiveness. Many people try to pay for their sin by trying to punish themselves for they're past sins. These people should let go, because God has forgiven them, just as they asked!
- There is a failure to give forgiveness. When forgiveness is not offered to a person who has done you wrong, bitterness, resentment and anger may spring up in your life. There are parents who hurt; siblings who fail; and close friends who betray and reject. Yet forgive is the command, and it can only be done as the Holy Spirit and His power is relied upon.
By receiving and giving forgiveness, you will find an ability to love God more and love others more openly. Don’t let bitter unforgiveness destroy you and others, but rather let love & forgiveness build and strengthen.
God and Forgiveness
God’s ultimate concern is your holiness and not just your happiness, as you are transformed into the image of Jesus Christ! God is concerned not just about what is happening to you, but also what you are learning and how you are responding in His workshop of life, as you are being transformed. This involves both giving and receiving forgiveness. Tests to see if there is someone I need to forgive
- Resentment test - Is there anyone you resent?
- Responsibility test - Do you find yourself thinking, "If only this other person or persons had done this, things would have been different!" and therefore blaming others?
- Reminder/reaction test - Do you find yourself reacting negatively against a person because they remind you of someone else?
Thank you!
Thursday Aug 08, 2024
Serving - Bible Thought - WISE
Thursday Aug 08, 2024
Thursday Aug 08, 2024
As Christian Disciples, we are called to a life of serving God and other people. You are not alone, but part of a larger body where each member is called to perform a serving function. By serving others as a Christian Disciple, it shows unity and solidarity to those outside of the church who frequently accuse the church of infighting and “devouring one another”.
The Christian life is to be dynamic and active. The word “servant” is key in Scripture and is used at least 500 times in its various forms. When a Christian Disciple serves, God’s honour is released, and shows Jesus Christ’s beauty and glory, to those being served and to those watching. That is to be your motive for service. Serving is never to be about what you and I can get out of it. When that is the motive, God is not glorified. God’s glory and the total supremacy of Jesus over all things, is to be the goal in the life of all Christian Disciples.
Spiritual Growth Comes From Serving
If you desire to grow spiritually, then serve! For spiritual growth comes from serving rather than you being served. This is because what you give in service of God and others, your faith grows and Jesus Christ gives back even more to you. Jesus speaking in Matthew 25v15-30 tells of the rewards for faithful service and the penalties for being faithless. When you serve others, it is a sign of your trust and faith in God.
Serving Reflects Jesus Christ’s Life
By serving, we reflect in some small way the greatest servant of all, Jesus Christ, who came to serve and give his very life for others (Mark 10v45). As a Christian Disciple, you are In serving others fulfilling the command that Jesus gave to love God and love others. Showing love and serving others achieves this aim of total obedience to Jesus.
Salvation is not through Your Service!
However a warning! Don’t be led into the trap of thinking that your service will lead to your salvation, as some will say. It will not! The only reason you have salvation, is because of the service of Jesus Christ, who was fully God and fully human. Your acts of service would never be able to pay that price, but your acts of service will help point others to Jesus, who paid the price for your salvation and others. So as you go from here, go to serve others and by doing so, you will also be showing your service to Jesus Christ your Master. Thank you.
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Wednesday Aug 07, 2024
Peace - Bible Thought - WISE
Wednesday Aug 07, 2024
Wednesday Aug 07, 2024
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The world we live in, wants peace! The world is unified around the concept of peace! However, the peace the world wants requires the manipulation of circumstances. God's peace, however, comes regardless of circumstances.
Definition of Peace: 'Shalom' was the Hebrew word used in the Old Testament. It means a wholeness of well-being & mind; the total absence of conflict and turmoil evidenced by an untroubled mind and a heart that does not fear! It is total harmony with God, man, circumstances & self. That is true peace!
History of Peace
The end of peace was when Adam sinned and fellowship was broken with God and between humans. God is a God of peace (1 Thessalonians 5:23). and the Kingdom of God is about peace in the Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17). Jesus is referred to as the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9v6). As a Christian Disciples, you have peace with God through Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection! There are three scopes of peace.
Peace with God
As a Christian Disciple, you have peace with God because you are justified by faith. This peace gives you access into God's grace and blessings (Romans 5:1-2). Jesus Christ is your bridge of peace between God & yourself. Jesus is also the peace between other people and you, and all hostility has been removed (Romans 2:13-18).
Peace with Others
You are to live at peace with everyone and not to be proud or vengeful (Romans 12vv17-20). You are to do what is right in the eyes of other people and exhibit positive goodness. You are to make every effort to do what leads to peace & mutual edification Romans 14vv13-19, and not place stumbling blocks in front of others!
Peace Within
As a Christian Disciple, you have the gift of peace with God, from the God of peace (Philippians 4:4-9) given to you by Jesus Christ who is the Prince of Peace! (John 14v27). You are to be a peacemaker, by having internal peace, this shows the fruit of the Spirit. When faced with troubled times & a troubled world, you can have peace through an untroubled, unfearful heart & mind (John 16v33).
Gain peace within
As you live a life in obedience to Jesus, you bear the fruit of righteousness, which is peace, quietness and confidence (Isaiah 32:17). A mind controlled by the Holy Spirit of peace gives a life of peace and total trust in God! (Isaiah 26v3; Romans 8v6). Lastly, when you are content whatever the situation , this enables the peace of God to guard your heart & mind (Philippians 4v11-12). Go, and be at peace with God, others and yourself!
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Tuesday Aug 06, 2024
Remember - Bible Thought - WISE
Tuesday Aug 06, 2024
Tuesday Aug 06, 2024
Partake - Words in Scripture Explored - Remember
The ability to remember is a wonderful gift of God to all people! Memories can bring about the full gamut of emotions -sadness, bitterness, anger, joy, ecstasy and love!
I wonder what your ability to remember is like! Perhaps you are like me, and your memory sometimes fails. Sometimes I will think I have remembered something, but it turns out to be a false memory of an event that never occurred. Or other times I will forget to remember something, and then miss out on something important! So I have learnt to write things down, in order to remember!
As a Christian, sin still tries to entangle us, but remembering certain things will help the Christian to live a righteous Christian life. One of the reasons why we still sin after becoming Christians is because we forget who we are! By remembering who you are as a Christian, not only will you behave as a dedicated follower of Jesus Christ, but you will have the assurance, only a living and dynamic relationship brings.
As a Christian Disciple remember the following in order to be assured of your relationship with Jesus, in the battle to overcome sin:
- You died with Jesus Christ (Colossians 3v3a). Jesus not only died for you, but you died with Him; and through baptism, you symbolize death with Christ.
- You are raised with Jesus Christ (Colossians 3v1a). You are also raised with Christ in baptism, and you rule with him, seated at the right hand of the Father.
- You live with Jesus Christ (Colossians 3v4a). As a Christian Disciples, Jesus is to be your life and your eternal life, is to be Jesus. You are dead to sin, yet alive to Christ.
- You are hidden with Jesus Christ (Colossians 3v3b). We You now belong to Jesus Christ and are hidden with Him in heaven. This means that your motives and strengths are to come from Him.
- You will be glorified with Jesus Christ (Colossians 3v4b). When Jesus Christ returns, you will see Him face to face, and He will take you home to eternal glory and to be fully revealed in glory.
Remember also:
- He lives inside you: God the Holy Spirit lives inside you and you are to be controlled by Him (Romans 8v9; Gal 2v20; Colossians 1v25-27)
- He has sealed you: The Holy Spirit indwells you, and is assured proof of you being God's possession (2 Corinthians 1v22; Ephesians 1v3)
- He is your security: The Holy Spirit is a deposit, guaranteeing your redemption, salvation and inheritance (Ephesians 1v13; 2 Corinthians 1v22).
Lastly, we are told to remember Jesus Christ in the sacrament of communion. You participate in it, doing it regularly as a reminder of Jesus Christ death and resurrection, until He comes again (1 Corinthians 11v26)!
Having this assurance and remembering these things helps overcome the problems you have with overcoming doubt of our assurance of salvation and acceptance before God Almighty. Remembering who you are in Jesus Christ helps you to be assured that you are His. Next time you recognize you are being tempted to sin, remember who you are and call out to Jesus for help in avoiding temptation! He will remember you and help you! Perhaps you could write down those things I have said on this Podcast to help you to remember who you are as a Christian.