Sunday Mar 04, 2018
Exploring the Bible - 52. Old Testament - Ezra
Sunday Mar 04, 2018
Sunday Mar 04, 2018
Exploring The Bible
52. Old Testament
G'day and welcome to our series, "Exploring the Bible" This is also the title of our latest book available on Amazon by clicking here or visiting PulpTheology.com
Key Verses:
- Ezra 1:3
- Ezra 7:10
The Book of Ezra continues the history of the people of God by showing how God fulfils His promise to return His people to their land after the long gap of seventy years of exile.
Israel’s “second exodus”, this one from Babylon, is less impressive than the return from Egypt because only a remnant chooses to leave Babylon.
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Sunday Feb 25, 2018
Exploring the Bible - 51. Old Testament - Nehemiah
Sunday Feb 25, 2018
Sunday Feb 25, 2018
Exploring The Bible
51. Old Testament
G'day and welcome to our series, "Exploring the Bible" This is also the title of our latest book available on Amazon by clicking here or visiting PulpTheology.com
Key Verses:
- Nehemiah 6:15-16
- Nehemiah 8:8-10
The Book of Nehemiah continues the story of Ezra. It tells of the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem, and the leading of the third and last return to Jerusalem after the Babylonian exile.
There is a much more positive atmosphere about the book than in the previous histories.
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Sunday Feb 18, 2018
Exploring the Bible - 50. Old Testament - Esther
Sunday Feb 18, 2018
Sunday Feb 18, 2018
Exploring The Bible
50. Old Testament
G'day and welcome to our series, "Exploring the Bible" This is also the title of our latest book available on Amazon by clicking here or visiting PulpTheology.com
Key Verses:
- Esther 4:14
- Esther 8:16-17
The Book of Esther tells about God’s hand of providence and protection on behalf of His people. It describes the faithfulness and courage of Esther, in many ways an ordinary sort of girl, and how this leads to the deliverance of God’s people.
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Sunday Feb 04, 2018
Exploring the Bible - 48. Old Testament - Psalms
Sunday Feb 04, 2018
Sunday Feb 04, 2018
Exploring The Bible
48. Old Testament
Psalm - 1000–931 BC
G'day and welcome to our series, "Exploring the Bible" This is also the title of our latest book available on Amazon by clicking here or visiting PulpTheology.com
Key Verses:
- Psalm 23:1-8
- Psalm 145:21
The Book of Psalms, mostly written or collected at the initiative of King David, tells the full range of human experience in a very personal and practical way. A lot of the Psalms foretell the coming of the Messiah, not only for Israel but the world.
Nearly all of them contain praises to the Lord. They have formed the songbook and prayer book of the people of God for nearly 3,000 years.
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Sunday Jan 28, 2018
Exploring the Bible - 47. Old Testament - Proverbs
Sunday Jan 28, 2018
Sunday Jan 28, 2018
Exploring The Bible
47. Old Testament
Proverbs - 1000–931 BC
G'day and welcome to our series, "Exploring the Bible" This is also the title of our latest book available on Amazon by clicking here or visiting PulpTheology.com
Key Verses:
- Proverbs 1:7-9
- Proverbs 3:5-7
The Book of Proverbs, tells of wisdom, that is how to live a godly and God pleasing life. It provides God’s people with a way to deal successfully with the practical affairs of everyday life, living God’s way.
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Sunday Jan 14, 2018
Exploring the Bible - 45. Old Testament - Ecclesiastes
Sunday Jan 14, 2018
Sunday Jan 14, 2018
Exploring The Bible
45. Old Testament
Ecclesiastes - 1000–931 BC BC
G'day and welcome to our series, "Exploring the Bible" This is also the title of our latest book available on Amazon by clicking here or visiting PulpTheology.com
Key Verses:
- Ecclesiastes 2:26
- Ecclesiastes 12:13-14
Written during the reign of Solomon, the Book of Ecclesiastes tells the story of life’s emptiness when trying to be happy apart from God. The preacher concludes that only life with God leads to true happiness.
There is an air of mischievousness about the book: it often seems to say the wrong thing. Presumably to make us think!
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Sunday Dec 17, 2017
Exploring the Bible - 44. Old Testament - Isaiah
Sunday Dec 17, 2017
Sunday Dec 17, 2017
Exploring The Bible
44. Old Testament
Isaiah - 740BC - 680 BC
G'day and welcome to our series, "Exploring the Bible" This is also the title of our latest book available on Amazon by clicking here or visiting PulpTheology.com
Key Verses:
- Isaiah 9:6–7
- Isaiah 53:4-6
The book of Isaiah, is perhaps the most outstanding of all the Old Testament, particulalry in looking ahead to the coming of the promised Messiah. It has been called the fifth Gospel. The first 39 chapters of the book tell of God’s judgement upon immoral and idolatrous men. They are however interlaced with positive messages of great grace and power. Isaiah preached to both Israel & Judah from 740 BC. - 680 BC.
Together with the surrounding nations and the whole earth, they have sinned against God. God’s judgement will come, because sin cannot go unpunished forever. The final 27 chapters foresee a different time when the people have returned from exile. They declare a message of hope - the Messiah is coming as a Saviour and a King to both die and bear a crown.
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Sunday Dec 10, 2017
Exploring the Bible - 43. Old Testament - Jeremiah
Sunday Dec 10, 2017
Sunday Dec 10, 2017
Exploring The Bible
43. Old Testament
Jeremiah - 627-580 BC
G'day and welcome to our series, "Exploring the Bible" This is also the title of our latest book available on Amazon by clicking here or visiting PulpTheology.com
Key Verses:
- Jeremiah 7:23–24
- Jeremiah 31:31-33
The Book of Jeremiah is from the period 627 - 580 BC, the grim years before, during and after the exile. Jeremiah’s message is so sad he is called the weeping prophet. He prophesies mainly to Judah, before going out to the surrounding nations and Babylon.
Everyone despises him and rejects his message, but through his sermons and signs he faithfully declares that surrender to God’s will is the only way to escape God’s judgement. There are easily overlooked flashes of hope in his writings. God will make a new covenant with all people.
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Sunday Dec 03, 2017
Exploring the Bible - 42. Old Testament - Lamentations
Sunday Dec 03, 2017
Sunday Dec 03, 2017
Exploring The Bible
42. Old Testament
Lamentations - 627-580 BC
G'day and welcome to our series, "Exploring the Bible" This is also the title of our latest book available on Amazon by clicking here or visiting PulpTheology.com
Key Verses:
- Lamentations 2:5–6
- Lamentations 3:22–24
Lamentations tells the sad story of the funeral of the city of Jerusalem, and how the people have turned away from their God, so that now Jerusalem lies barren.
Yet in the midst of turmoil, God’s faithfulness is great. God has never failed the writer, so he expects that he will provide for him and all the people in the future. The author (probably Jeremiah) finds comfort and hope in the God that he knows, serves and loves.
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Sunday Nov 26, 2017
Exploring the Bible - 41. Old Testament - Ezekiel
Sunday Nov 26, 2017
Sunday Nov 26, 2017
Exploring The Bible
41. Old Testament
Ezekiel - 590-573BC
G'day and welcome to our series, "Exploring the Bible" This is also the title of our latest book available on Amazon by clicking here or visiting PulpTheology.com
Key Verses:
- Ezekiel 36:24–26
- Ezekiel 36:33-35
Ezekiel preached to the people of Judah in exile in Babylon. Ezekiel uses prophecy, parables, signs and symbols to show God’s message to His exiled people.
He prophesies that God will reassemble them and make them live again, which amounts to a prophecy of resurrection. The judgement of the days in which they live will lead to a future glory, when Israel will know that God is God.
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