Wednesday Jul 06, 2011
Worship 20110706
Wednesday Jul 06, 2011
Wednesday Jul 06, 2011
Worship Wednesday
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Order of Service
G'day and welcome to Partakers Wednesday Worship on the 6th of July, 2011. Lets start today with a song and we are listening to Steve Gooden singing "Amazing Grace" (In the public domain at http://ffmp3.firefighters.org/gooden.asp).Bible Readings
Old Testament - Psalm 117 New Testament - Colossians 3:1-4Prayers
Be exalted, Lord, above the heavens, let your glory cover the earth. Keep our nation under your care, and guide us in justice and truth. Let your way be known by all people, your saving power among all nations.
Send out your light and your truth, that we may tell of your saving works. Lord, hear our prayers, for we put our trust in you.
Message (Outline)
We are marked as Christians, but not outwardly visible marks, but internal one! Paul tells us what marks us out as Christians is:- We died with Christ
- We are raised with Christ
- We live with Christ
- We are hidden with Christ
- We will be glorified with Christ
May the love of God the Father, the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, evermore. AmenRight mouse click to save/download this as a MP4 video file
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Friday Jul 01, 2011
Friday Prayers 01072011
Friday Jul 01, 2011
Friday Jul 01, 2011
Partakers Friday Prayers
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Order of Service
Welcome to Partakers Friday Prayers on Friday the 1st of July, 2011. Let us pray together! Father, as we commence, let our hearts and minds be right and still before you. May your everlasting mercy, grace and love be shown in hearing these petitions! For Luke who is recovering from being knocked down by a car. We pray for a full recovery and thank you he is back at University! For Zoe, Darienne, Claire, Heather, Tony's mum and others who are suffering from health issues we ask O Father, that you help the medical staff to treat and heal. For their families, give peace of mind and embrace all in your arms of compassion. Father, for all those facing challenging situations such as confinement at home, lack of employment and financial pressures, hear the cries of their hearts and give wisdom and courage to overcome. We ask these things, our Father God, in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, and in the power of the Holy Spirit. For those who are preaching, leading and participating in church services around the world this weekend, we ask that the Holy Spirit would guide their minds and that the worship will be in Spirit and in truth, that the Word as it is faithfully preached. Praying specifically for Mark Meynell who is preaching at short notice at All Souls Langham Place, on Psalm 130. Give him the words to speak with boldness and clarity, so that people's lives are changed for your glory. For the wider world, please do make your ways known upon earth, Lord God, your saving power among all peoples. Renew your Church in holiness and help us to serve you with joy. Guide the leaders of all nations, that justice may prevail throughout the world. Let not the needy be forgotten, nor the hope of the poor be taken away. Make us instruments of your peace and let your glory be over all the earth Now there will be a short time of prayer where you can give to God things that are on your own mind and heart. Let us continue praying... Lord in your mercy, hear these prayers of your children. Amen Thanks for joining us on Partakers Friday Prayers. If you would like to post a prayer request in the comments below, either named or anonymous, we will pray for you.Right mouse click to save/download this as a MP3 video file
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Wednesday Jun 29, 2011
Worship 20110629
Wednesday Jun 29, 2011
Wednesday Jun 29, 2011
Worship Wednesday
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1. Opening Prayer
O God our Father! We thank you for a new day in which we can serve you! Thank you for placing joy into our hearts and life, even when we are not aware of it! As we come before you now, still our hearts and enable us to worship you. Thank you for your Son, Jesus Christ, who for the joy set before him, endured the cross so that all those who follow Him, may have new life in Him! We ask this in Jesus' name and in the power of the Holy Spirit, who was sent to dwell in all those who follow the Son. Amen!2. Song - When I Survey
3. Message Part 1
It is no exaggeration to say that the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the centre point of all human history. When God came in human form, in order to bring salvation to humanity, through that man's death on the cross - the wondrous cross the singer sang about. The wondrous cross where the Prince of glory died and upon which we survey. The wondrous cross where we see this Jesus bleeding from all parts of His body, so that humanity could choose to take up his offer of salvation or reject it. Blood flowing from his hands, feet and side and where a crown of thorns was impaled into his head - the eternal prince of glory died, in an act of love beyond our human comprehension! But he didn't just die, because He rose again from the dead three days later - which was part of the joy set before him as he endured the cross! That's the Jesus we celebrate today! That's the Jesus, in whose name we pray now, to God the Father in the power of the Holy Spirit.4. Prayers
We now come to prayer! Please do give to God our Father, with a grateful and expectant heart, either out loud or silently, the names of people who are in need. Our God knows the details and is faithful to respond. Let us pray!5. Revelation 19v11-16
I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war. His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God. The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. "He will rule them with an iron scepter." He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.
6. Message Part 2
Jesus! Faithful and True! Word of God! Prince of Glory! King of Kings! Lord of Lords! The rider being talked about is Jesus, the Prince of Glory, Son of God and decreed "Word of God!" That must have been an awesome sight! Jesus, the Prince of Glory who is now entitled the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Nobody can get into heaven except by being a follower of Him! It was his death, resurrection and ascension that allows Him to be the one and only way, one and only truth and one and only life. Nobody can get to God without Him and nobody can enter the gates of heaven without Him. To enter heaven you need to be declared sinless and right with God! That is only achieved by accepting Jesus Christ as your only Lord and Saviour. He paid the price that nobody else could pay - dying on a cross, rising to new life and ascending back to right hand of God the Father. You can do it right now, by simply saying, "Jesus I choose to follow you!" I cannot promise you an easy life if you do choose to be a follower of this Jesus, but I can promise you a fulfilled life as you do so and stick with Him! He will be with you through both the hard and good times of life! You don't need to know everything about Him to start following Him, but when you do start to follow, you will quickly learn about Him. If you decide for Jesus now, please let us know! So we conclude with a prayer.7. Closing Prayer
Bring us, O Lord God, at our last awakening into the house and gate of heaven, to enter into that gate and dwell in that house, where there shall be no darkness nor dazzling, but one equal light; no noise nor silence, but one equal music; no fears nor hopes, but one equal possession; no ends nor beginnings, but one equal eternity; in the habitations of your glory and dominion, world without end. (John Donne) For those that don't know you, around the world, I pray that they would come to a saving knowledge of you - the praise and glory of the Father, in the name of the Son and in the power of the Holy Spirit.Right mouse click to save/download this as a MP3 video file
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Wednesday Jun 22, 2011
Worship 20110622
Wednesday Jun 22, 2011
Wednesday Jun 22, 2011
Worship Wednesday
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I wonder what and who you trust in! When I am sitting on a chair I am putting my trusting in the chair to support me! When I go to the doctor, I am trusting in that doctor to help me! These are simple examples of everyday trust!
Yet in other cases, trust in the world today is a missing ingredient. The one thing that most people today will say they trust in is them selves. The world says to trust yourself, don't rely on anyone else because all others are unreliable and the only person you can trust is yourself and you should only ask for help if your really desperate for it. I have had people tell me that!
It is like a refreshing breath of clean air, that we come to those words in Proverbs. When God says "Trust me", he is totally trustworthy. In the Bible we read of people learning to trust God. One such person was the man David. As we look through is life, we see David is growing in confidence from the shepherd boy to the aged and wise King.
We see him growing in rest and trust in and of God alone. Through out his life, David trusted God! One example is when he hid in the mountains and caves from Saul, Absalom and all others that were after him - he trusted God to save him.
We read that David's only hope, honour, refuge, rest and salvation was in God. That was what David trusted God for! David trusted in God for his salvation, both physical and spiritual. David learned to trust God for everything, including the bare essentials such as food and drink. Go out today, willing to trust God for every area of your life and praise Him when he supplies.
Holy and loving God - Open our eyes to see you. Open our minds to trust you. Open our hearts to love you, this day and forever. As we go now May we trust and love You each moment, showing this trust and love to others by being shining lights in darkness and gleaming mirrors of your love, power, majesty and glory. In the name of Jesus whom we trust for salvation and iIn the power of the Holy Spirit whom we trust to transform us! Amen
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Wednesday Jun 15, 2011
Worship 20110615
Wednesday Jun 15, 2011
Wednesday Jun 15, 2011
Worship Wednesday
The Apostles Creed
The video is at the bottom of this post!
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I believe in God the Father,
Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth:
And in Jesus Christ, his only begotten Son, our Lord:
Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary:
Suffered under Pontius Pilate; was crucified, dead and buried: He descended into hell: The third day he rose again from the dead: He ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty: From thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead: I believe in the Holy Ghost: I believe in the holy catholic church: the communion of saints: The forgiveness of sins: The resurrection of the body: And the life everlasting. Amen.
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Wednesday Jun 08, 2011
Worship 20110608
Wednesday Jun 08, 2011
Wednesday Jun 08, 2011
Worship Wednesday
Be Thou My Vision
The video is at the bottom of this post!
Music taken from Godly Christian Music website and in the public domain.
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Monday Feb 28, 2011
Heaven and Hell
Monday Feb 28, 2011
Monday Feb 28, 2011
Heaven and Hell
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Jesus speaking in (John 14v2-3): “In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.”
What are heaven and hell like? Both are physical places where every person will be in one or the other. There is no biblical warrant for purgatory. It is either heaven or hell. Is heaven sitting on a cloud with a harp and angel for company as popular myth has it? Is hell going to be a place where people who knew each other in this life will meet and have constant parties? What does the Bible say about heaven and hell?
1. Hell
Jesus spoke about the reality of hell more than any other person. Even a cursory look in the Gospels will reveal that! It is a real place!
- Everlasting fire and punishment (Matthew 25v41-46)
- Constant and outer darkness (Matthew 8v12)
- Everlasting destruction (2 Thessalonians 1v9)
- Lakes of fire (Revelation 19v20)
Prepared for:
- Satan and his demons (Matthew 25v41; 2 Peter 2v4);The Wicked (Revelation 21v8)
- Disobedient (Romans 2v8-9); Beast, his worshippers and the false prophet (Revelation 14v11; Revelation 19v20)
- Those who reject the Gospel (Matthew 10v14-15);All those who are not written in the Book of Life (Revelation 13v8; Revelation 17v8)
Punishment will be:
- Physical (Matthew 5v29-30)
- In the soul (Matthew 10v28)
2. Heaven
As opposed to this Heaven has the following
- Joy (Luke 15v7-10)
- Rest (Revelation 14v13)
- Peace (Luke 16v19-25)
- Righteousness (2 Peter 3v12)
- Service (Revelation 7v15)
- Reward (Matthew 5v11-12)
- Inheritance (1 Peter 1v4)
- Glory (Romans 8v17-18)
Prepared for
- Those recorded in the Book of Life (Malachi 3v16-18; Philippians 4v3);
- The Righteous (Matthew 5v20);
- Obedient (Revelation 22v14);
- Holy (Revelation 19v8)
Described as
- House (John 14v2)
- Kingdom (Matthew 25v34)
- Paradise (2 Corinthians 12v2-4)
- Holy City (Revelation 21v2)
- Christian Disciples current attitude towards heaven is to be:
- Desired (2 Corinthians 5v2-8)
- Looked for (2 Peter 3v12)
- Put treasure there now (Luke 12v32)
Heaven is
1. Prepared
Jesus promised us “I am going to build a place for you“ (John 14v1-4). Jesus has been working on it for almost 2000 years to this point in time!! Heaven is a beautiful place, prepared for all Christian Disciples, to live forever and ever with Jesus the King! When we get to heaven, Jesus has prepared a place for those who love Him, trust Him and obey Him as King. He is expecting us, wanting to lavish His love upon us. We know He loves us now, but that is only in part. When we are with Him eternally, we shall have the full picture of Jesus. He is with us now in Spirit, but then we shall be with Him physically and face to face.
2. Pure
Heaven is also a pure place (Revelation 21v1-4). Today we all suffer in some way. When our King returns, no more will man’s inhumanity to man be allowed. No more pain. No more death. No more suffering. No more sin.
Suffering of any kind leaves a scar or mark. Do you have physical, emotional or mental scars due to sickness, somebody else sinning against you or as a result of your own sins? Scars come as a result of human life. Yet, one day they will be gone!! A pure body we will have as His Disciples!! Perfection attained and it is to the glory of God and His majestic doing, that this will occur.
One glorious day, all suffering will be banished for those of us who love Him. Revelation 21v4 - “God will wipe away our tears. There will be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying and no more pain, for former things have passed away.” God Himself, with your face in His hands, wiping away your tears. It is a place where “love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control” (Galatians 5v22-23), are both permanent and universal. What a day, that will be when we will enter those gates, thanking Jesus, looking back at how we suffered. Suffered not only medically, but also for His sake under persecution. We will be able to say with likes of Jeremiah and John “It was worth it all. The sufferings I endured and overcame for the sake of Jesus, was all worth it, so as to be here and living with our King forever.” Persecution of Christian Disciples is only going to get stronger in the west. We are going to be shouted down for saying Jesus as the only way to Heaven. Yet we must persist.
3. Pearly gates
We enter heaven through giant gates of pearl (Revelation 21v21). A pearl is formed when an oyster gets an irritating grain of sand within its shell. It covers the grain of sand over with layers of mother-of-pearl until the irritation and the suffering is no longer felt. Now what do you think the suffering was that created these giant pearls that are the gates? I think they are to remind us of the cross and the incredible suffering and pain that Jesus endured, when God who is outside of time and not confined by space, became confined in a man’s body and stepped into history. People denigrate the cross. I have had people say to me that “the cross doesn’t matter” and “your religion is as good as mine thank you very much.” Still others have stated, “that all religions lead to heaven”.
However, the very gates of heaven tell us that it is only through the cross, by which we get to pass through and enjoy heaven in worship and service of God. Our King Himself has suffered for us on the cross, so that we may enjoy His company forever and ever, if we only trust and obey Him now and place our full faith in Him while we are here in this our temporal home on earth.
When the Christian Disciple first decided for Jesus and turned over their life over to Him, that is when eternal life with Him commenced. We should be yearning to be with our Master. Yet, we are to keep one part of our mind on Heaven and the other on the responsible work we have been set to do, here on earth. We are not to be so heavenly minded, that we are of no earthly use. Conversely, we are not to be so earth bound, that we are not tied to King Jesus in our eternal home.
Have you heard people say, that a loving God wouldn’t send anybody to an everlasting place of Hell? The God we serve as Christian Disciples doesn’t send anybody there. He has given everybody every opportunity to reject Hell and embrace Him. As Christian Disciples we are to evangelize, and tell others of the saving love of Jesus Christ on the cross. That is the Gospel we speak and live. Heaven is a great big place, and there will be room for everybody in this world to enter through one of those twelve gates! Look for Jesus coming again! Be expectant, for the King is coming back for us soon! Jesus is coming back as King of Righteousness to judge evil and reject those who rejected Him, whilst rewarding His disciples who patiently trust and obey Him.
For more to think about please do ask yourself the following questions, writing them down if you can, and see how you respond or react to them. Then why not share your answers with your spouse or a close friend, so that you can pray over any issues together.
Q1. Read Luke 10v20. How can I help others to have their names written in Heaven?
Q2. Read 2 Peter 3v12. How am I looking forward to Heaven?
Q3. Read Revelation 2v7-11. What do I need to overcome?
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Tuesday Sep 21, 2010
Jesus Overview Gospels
Tuesday Sep 21, 2010
Tuesday Sep 21, 2010
The book is now released under the title of "A Glimpse of God" and available on Amazon on this link! Come on over!
Each of the following links, to each individual chapter and podcast, opens in a new window!
Attached PDF/e-Book is a draft copy of the first 2 chapters... Ask for more if you so desire...
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The book is now released under the title of "A Glimpse of God" and available on Amazon on this link! Come on over!
Tuesday Apr 22, 2008
Sacrifice - Exploring Words In Scripture
Tuesday Apr 22, 2008
Tuesday Apr 22, 2008
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In the Old Testament, the people of Israel were to make sacrificial offerings to God, in order to worship and have fellowship with Him. For without sacrifice, nobody could enter God’s presence! But what does all this have to do with us in the 21st century.
In the book of Leviticus, God commanded that the cleansing of a defiled house required sprinkling with a mixture of blood and ‘living’ water, the bird having been slain over the water (Leviticus 14v51). Elsewhere we read of the ‘water of cleansing’ (Numbers 19), which is also called ‘living water’. This was water that had been sprinkled with the ashes of a young cow, and was kept aside for purification by sprinkling those who had touched a dead body. In both cases, this water had been cleansed by the shedding of blood and sacrifice. The cleansing was to be through the blood of sacrifice, applied through the sprinkled water. For there is no cleansing without the shedding of blood.
At the time of Ezekiel, Israel was in exile due to their sin and idolatry. They needed to be cleansed before being allowed back into their own country. Ezekiel 36v24-25 tell us that “God will sprinkle clean water on you, and you shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols.” This pointed forward to One, the Messiah, who would be slain as a sacrifice for the sins of the whole world.
This One, was Jesus Christ who died for sin, the just for the unjust (1 Peter 3v18). That is how God is both the Just and the Justifier of sinners. That is why if Jesus was not simultaneously fully God and fully human, His death on the cross would not be the full substitutionary sacrifice that was necessary to deal with the permanent consequences of sin! This substitution was the sin offering sacrifice, required so that Jesus as the Lamb of God could take away the sins of the world (John 1v29). Jesus became sin for people (2 Corinthians 5v21) and it was His blood as the lamb without spot or blemish (1Peter 1:18-19) that permanently fulfils God’s righteous requirements.
If you are a follower of Jesus, you are no longer defiled and you have no need to make sacrifices to God, in order to enter His presence, worship Him or have fellowship with Him. Jesus, who is your living water and your sacrificial lamb, gives you permanent access to God. You may no longer be called to make sacrifices, but you are called to be a sacrifice. You are to be a living sacrifice that continually offers sacrifices of praise to God! You do this, through a whole life totally devoted to God, doing good and sharing (Hebrews 13v15-16)! By doing this, you help Jesus’ church revolutionise the world! May it be so. Thank you.
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Monday Apr 21, 2008
Faith - Exploring Words In Scripture
Monday Apr 21, 2008
Monday Apr 21, 2008
People always say that faith is blind! However the Bible says that faith is a total confidence in God’s faithfulness, which leads to reliance, trust and total obedience to Him (Hebrews 11v6). We see this faith in the Godly obedience of those around us and from the Bible and church history.
Faith in Salvation
For salvation, faith is a voluntary change of mind and heart in the sinner in which the person turns to God, relying on and accepting His offer of salvation through Jesus Christ.
- Mind - recognition of your need of salvation. Acknowledging Christ’s death on your behalf and your need of forgiveness.
- Emotional (Heart) – your personal assent to the gospel. You ask yourself, “What must I do to be saved?” and then you agree to make salvation a part of your life.
- Will - Personal trust in Jesus Christ.
Now as a follower of Jesus, you are to continue having faith in Him. Four things at least you are to have faith in Him for:
By faith - He is praying for you
Jesus Christ is making intercessions for His followers (Romans 8:34). He knew the disciples troubles (Mark 6:48), just as He knows your troubles now. He feels your cares and knows what you are going through (Hebrews 4:14-16).
By faith - He will come to you
Ever felt like God is far away? Well you aren’t alone! King David often felt God was far away and unconcerned. However he also knew God would ultimately rescue him. Jesus always comes to you through difficult times, although He may not come in the time you think He should come, because He knows when you need Him most.
By faith - He will help you grow
When the disciples were in the storm and Jesus came to them walking on the water (Matthew 14:22-33), the purpose of this incident was to show that Jesus would be leaving them soon, so they had to learn to trust in Him when He wasn’t physically present. Peter wrote later on in his life, “for the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open to their prayers” (1 Peter 3v12).
By faith, He will see you through
At the same event, Jesus said “Come” and Peter went with Him. This must have encouraged the other disciples, for upon seeing Jesus’ power they worshipped him. Whatever troubles you are undergoing are temporary, and Jesus will see you through.
By faith, you have salvation. By faith Jesus is praying, will come to you, grow you and help you through troubles. By being obedient to God, you are showing others your salvation and showing that faith, is not blind, but active!