Wednesday Aug 10, 2011
Worship Wednesday
Wednesday Aug 10, 2011
Wednesday Aug 10, 2011
Worship Wednesday
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Order of Service
Today on Partakers Wednesday Worship we have special time to lift the nation of England to God, in light of the recent social unrest and riots. I will say a quick prayer, then there will be time for you to offer your own if you so desire, and we will finish with the Lord's prayer. Thank you.Father,
We lift to you the situation in England today, with social unrest. Help the politicians, authorities and officials to wisely administer justice! Help them to also protect civilians and the innocents, O God.Father, keep those who are helping to clean up and right the wrong to be safe and for them to use wisdom in making decisions!
And now a time of silence for you to reflect and offer your own prayers.Lord in your mercy, hear our prayers!
We now say the Lord Prayers together:Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.
See you next time on Partakers! www.partakers.co.uk and if you have prayer requests, visit www.facewall.co.uk, post your request and we will pray for you.Right mouse click to save/download this as a MP3 audio file
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Friday Aug 05, 2011
Friday Prayers 05082011
Friday Aug 05, 2011
Friday Aug 05, 2011
Partakers Friday Prayers
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Order of Service
1. General Opening prayer
2. Praise!
3. Time for your own praise
4. Prayers for the world
5. Prayers for others
6. Prayers for church services worldwide
7. Time for prayers for your own concerns
8. Benediction
Welcome to Partakers Friday Prayers on Friday 5th of August, 2011. Let us pray together!Opening Prayer
Father, as we commence, let our hearts and minds be right before you. We thank for your Son Jesus. It's in His name we offer you these praises, prayers and petitions in the power of the Holy Spirit who lives inside those who are your children. AmenPsalm 113
Lets now have a Psalm of praise! Its Psalm 113 and our reader today is Sharona! Over to you, Sharona! Praise the LORD. Praise the LORD, you his servants; praise the name of the LORD. Let the name of the LORD be praised, both now and forevermore. From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the LORD is to be praised. The LORD is exalted over all the nations, his glory above the heavens. Who is like the LORD our God, the One who sits enthroned on high, who stoops down to look on the heavens and the earth? He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; he seats them with princes, with the princes of his people. He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. Praise the LORD. Thanks be to God! Alleluia! Christ has risen! The Spirit has come! Praise you, God! Amen! And now a time to offer your own praises to God! If for some reason words are failing you, simple pray "Lord God, I lift up thanks and praise to you alone." Alleluia Father God, accept these praises as sweet smelling perfume! Amen!Prayers for the World!
We lift to you once more, Father, the people affected by the drought in the Horn of Africa. How can we not look at the scenes coming to our eyes without compassion? Those people fleeing drought, famine and fleeing conflicts. Help those people Father, in ways which only You can achieve. Fire the imagination of people to solve these ongoing problems. Enlighten people to give generously, to share and to be looking to the interests of others. Father, help the aid being sent to reach its destination instead of being stopped by insurgents and war-mongers. Father, be the strength for all those who are grieving and mourning the loss of loved ones. Father, we pray that those in despair will be helped and where there is darkness there will be light. May justice and peace come to places where injustice, strife and conflict currently dominate! Where there is chaos, bring order. Where there is hatred, may love be sown. We pray that in areas of need following natural disasters, that aid will get through and infrastructure rebuilt. Lord in your mercy, hear these prayers of your children! Amen!For churches and Christians worldwide
Our Father God, we lift before you all those who are preaching, leading, serving and participating in church services around the world this weekend, we ask that the Holy Spirit would guide their minds and that the worship will be in Spirit and in truth, that the Word as it is faithfully preached. For those in countries where to meet other Christians is illegal or not condoned by the government, we ask that you continue to strengthen, guide, grow and uplift them. Let them know through Your Spirit, the Spirit that lives within all believers that we are praying for them. Amen!Prayers for others
We come now to praying for the needs of these individuals. Kath, Elsie, Ian, Billy, Karen and Adam, Ruth, Kathy, Lynn, Zachary, Patti and Amanda. O Great God our provider, we ask for a healing touch and wisdom for the medical staff treating them. O Lord God, give strength to the week, particularly Sarah. Finally, Father, we lift before you, all those facing challenging situations: such as loneliness, confinement at home, geographical isolation, lack of employment, health issues, and financial pressures. O Father, please meet their needs in what ever challenging situation is being faced, particularly for C and her daughter! and we put ourselves in your hands to help meet those needs where we can. We ask these things, our Father God, in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, and in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen!Your own petitions
Now there will be a short time of prayer where you can give to God things that are on your own mind and heart. If for some reason, words are failing you, then pray this short prayer based on Psalm 40 "O God, Help and deliver me from this pit for I am poor and needy!" Father, we pray that your love will take over our lives! We also pray that we would follow you faithfully, live lives obediently and give praise to you alone in all circumstances we face together. Lord in your mercy, hear these prayers of your children. AmenBenediction
And now, as we close: May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope and faith through the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen! Thank you for joining us on Partakers Friday Prayers.Right mouse click to save/download this as a MP4 video file
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Wednesday Aug 03, 2011
Worship Wednesday
Wednesday Aug 03, 2011
Wednesday Aug 03, 2011
Worship Wednesday
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Order of Service
Prayer of Thanksgiving and Joy
O Almighty God, great and wonderful are you! We praise you God the Father that you cares for us! We praise you God the Son, Jesus Christ, that you are our saviour and mediator! We praise you God the Holy Spirit, that you lives inside us as a deposit and seal of our salvation! We praise you Father, Son and Holy Spirit that You are the very givers of life! We come now to worship you! AmenConfession
Old Testament reading
Psalm 119v76 - May your unfailing love be my comfort, according to your promise to your servant.New Testament Readings
Matthew 11v28-30 - Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."Song "Here Comes Jesus" sung by Marjie Reece
Bible Talk - Jesus Christ and you
I wonder if you have ever felt like God is far away? Well you aren't alone! It is an experience that is common to all Christians, at some point or another. I know I have experienced that feeling!. But I also know from personal experience, that Jesus always comes through in difficult times. Although He may not come in the time I think He should come, because He knows when I need Him most. Jesus Christ is calling you to Himself! He wants you to be a partaker of the good news about Him. He wants you to be part of His family, the church. He is ever calling, ever beckoning people to enter into relationship with Him. His love for the church is indicative as he calls his beloved church, his beautiful bride. That is the church - warts and all - its His bride! By faith, He will see you through - Remember in the Gospels, when the disciples were in the storm and Jesus came to them walking on the water. Remember Jesus saying "Come" and Peter went to Him. This must have encouraged the other disciples, for upon seeing Jesus' power they worshipped him. Whatever troubles you are undergoing are temporary, and Jesus will see you through. I also know that to be true! Jesus is praying for you, will come to you, grow you and help you through troubles. By being obedient to God, you are encouraging others by showing your salvation and showing that faith is not blind, but active! Jesus wants to hear your voice talking to him... Not just for half hour in the morning but all day long. We are to yearn to talk to Him and for Him to talk to us. Prayer is a 24 hour communication exercise. God Himself assists as we pray: by correcting and strengthening the yearnings. Prayers express desires, praises and thoughts in a contributory way to the journey we are on. That means tell Jesus how you are feeling, both in the good and the hard times. Tell Him of your wants, your needs and all your cares.. Let His arms surround you! To him your voice is sweet and dulcet. Your face to Him is a delight. Seek him! Ask him! Talk to him! This is how you are spiritually energized! When you talk to God, you strengthen your relationship with Him! When we ask others to pray for us, Church unity is strengthened! Jesus feeds, nourishes protects, shelters and loves his church and all its members. Jesus loves His people, the Church. One day, Jesus is coming back for His church! We don't know when that will be but we are to encourage one another and spur one another on as we see the day approaching when our bridegroom, Jesus Christ comes again in glory! Jesus Christ, the great lover and bridegroom, loves to hear our voices, the voices of His church the bride, as we express our love, gratitude, cares, worries and feelings to Him. Go and be a voice of encouragement to somebody today. We all need encouragement at times and if you go and encourage somebody, you may just be helping them out. Thank you.Prayer
Holy and loving God Open our eyes to see you Open our minds to trust you Open our hearts to love you This day and forever As we go now May we trust and love You each moment Showing this trust and love to others By being shining lights in darkness And gleaming mirrors of your love, power, majesty and glory. In the name of Jesus whom we trust for salvation In the power of the Holy Spirit whom we trust to transform us AmenDoxology sung by Jeff Wooldridge
See you next time on Partakers! www.partakers.co.uk and if you have prayer requests, visit www.facewall.co.uk, post your request and we will pray for you.Right mouse click to save/download this as a MP3 audio file
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Friday Jul 29, 2011
Friday Prayers 29072011
Friday Jul 29, 2011
Friday Jul 29, 2011
Partakers Friday Prayers
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Order of Service
1. General Opening prayer
2. Time for your own praise
3. Thanks for the life of John Stott
4. Prayers for the world
5. Prayers for church services worldwide
6. Prayers for others
7. Time for prayers for your own concerns
8. Benediction
General Opening Prayer
Father, as we commence, let our hearts and minds be right before you. We thank for your Son Jesus. It's in His name we offer you these praises, prayers and petitions in the power of the Holy Spirit who lives inside those who are your children. AmenTime of Praise
Now there will be a short time where you can offer praise and thanks to God for things that are on your own mind and heart. If for some reason, words are failing you, then pray this simple praise prayer based on an ancient songPraise God, from Whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Thanks be to God! Alleluia! Christ has risen!
Thanksgiving for John Stott
We now have a time of giving thanks to God for the life and witness of one of His great servants of our time, John Stott, who died on July 27th. Father we thank you for the work you have done through John Stott. We thank you that he was a role model for church leaders everywhere. We thank you that he though now physically dead, is also more alive then ever before, as he is in your presence. Thank you for his legacy and his witness as a truly humble servant of you. Father, raise up new leaders of this calibre throughout your worldwide church, we pray! Amen!Prayers for the World!
Now we pray for this world. We especially lift to you the country of Norway in the aftermath of the horrendous attacks there last week. Father, be the strength for those who are grieving, particularly in the memorial services that are being conducted. Father, we pray that those in despair will be helped and where there is darkness there will be light. May justice and peace come to places where injustice, strife and conflict currently dominate! Where there is chaos, bring order. Where there is hatred, may love be sown. We pray that in areas of need following natural disasters, that aid will get through and infrastructure rebuilt. Amen!For churches and Christians worldwide
We now pray for church services around the world this weekend. Our Father God, we lift before you all those who are preaching, leading, serving and participating in church services around the world this weekend, we ask that the Holy Spirit would guide their minds and that the worship will be in Spirit and in truth, that the Word as it is faithfully preached. For those in countries where to meet other Christians is illegal or not condoned by the government, we ask that you continue to strengthen, guide, grow and uplift them. Let them know through Your Spirit, the Spirit that lives within all believers that we are praying for them. Amen!Prayers for others
We come now to praying for the needs of individuals. We thank you that, Lynn, is healing well after her recent fall, and we pray that that continues. We also lift her grandson, Zachary, to you after he recently had a bike accident. Help his body to heal and please help the medical staff as he receives regular treatment. We also lift to you Daniel who is aged, has the onset of dementia and will soon need 24 hours care. This means him losing his home and his independence. We also, Father, pray for his partner, Margaret and ease her distress and give them both comfort. We bring before you now, Father, Ray. He is currently going through chemotherapy and we pray also that he may have comfort and ask that you will help the medical staff in this treatment. We bring Jan before you, who is recovering from a relationship break-up. Ease her heart and mind, and may the Holy Spirit give her comfort and counsel. May she find rest in you. We lift to you all those desiring partners and families, particularly BT. Help them in their loneliness and give counsel on how to handle the current situation. Finally, Father, we lift before you, all those facing challenging situations: such as confinement at home, geographical isolation, lack of employment, health issues, and financial pressures. O Father, please meet their needs in what ever challenging situation is being faced, and we put ourselves in your hands to help meet those needs where we can. We ask these things, our Father God, in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, and in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen!Your own petitions
Now there will be a short time of prayer where you can give to God things that are on your own mind and heart. If for some reason, words are failing you, then pray this short prayer based on Psalm 40 "O God, Help and deliver me from this pit for I am poor and needy!" Father, we pray that your love will take over our lives! We also pray that we would follow you faithfully, live lives obediently and give praise to you alone in all circumstances we face together. Lord in your mercy, hear these prayers of your children. AmenBenediction
And now, as we close, may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank you for joining us on Partakers Friday Prayers. If you would like to post a prayer request in the comments below, either named or anonymous, we will pray for you.Right mouse click to save/download this as a MP4 video file
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Wednesday Jul 27, 2011
Worship Wednesday
Wednesday Jul 27, 2011
Wednesday Jul 27, 2011
Worship Wednesday
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Order of Service
G'day and welcome to Partakers Wednesday Worship on the 27th of July, 2011. Thanksgiving and Joy O Almighty God, great and wonderful are you! We praise you God the Father that you cares for us! We praise you God the Son, Jesus Christ, that you are our saviour and mediator! We praise you God the Holy Spirit, that you lives inside us as a deposit and seal of our salvation! We praise you Father, Son and Holy Spirit that You are the very givers of life! We come now to worship you! AmenOld Testament reading
Psalm 40v16-17:
Our LORD, let your worshipers rejoice and be glad. They love you for saving them, so let them always say, "The LORD is wonderful!" 17I am poor and needy, but, LORD God, you care about me, and you come to my rescue. Please hurry and help."New Testament Readings.
Luke 6v38 - "Give away your life; you'll find life given back, but not merely given back-given back with bonus and blessing. Giving, not getting, is the way. Generosity begets generosity." Luke 12v33-34 - "Be generous. Give to the poor. Get yourselves a bank that can't go bankrupt, a bank in heaven far from bankrobbers, safe from embezzlers, a bank you can bank on. It's obvious, isn't it? The place where your treasure is, is the place you will most want to be, and end up being. Song Be thou my vision - Julie McMinnHow is your vision of Jesus Christ?
I wonder how your vision of Jesus Christ is? Practically everybody is comfortable with Jesus as a baby. Almost everybody is comfortable with Jesus as a great moral teacher. Just as they are with the Jesus hanging on a cross as the death of a tragic want-to-be hero. Most Christians are comfortable with the Jesus who rose from the dead to new life and then ascended back to the right hand of God the Father. Most Christians are comfortable with the hope that Jesus will come again and that they will be with Him forever. But if that's your vision of Jesus Christ, the most outstanding man in all of history, then I would suggest that your vision of Jesus is too small, too pre-packaged and preconceived! Let me ask a few questions and see how you respond to them!- Are you comfortable with the Jesus that also demands you die to self and live to, and for, Him alone?
- Are you comfortable with the Jesus who demands that the poor, oppressed and the lonely are taken care of by you?
- Are you comfortable with the Jesus who is going to call you to account for every word you have spoken or thought and not spoken when you had the opportunity?
- Are you comfortable with the Jesus who is going to call you to account for every opportunity you have taken in His name or missed taking in His name?
- Are you comfortable with the Jesus who calls you to serve Him alone and commands that you serve others as part of your service of Him?
- Are you comfortable with the Jesus who calls you to give, keep giving and trust in Him to supply your needs?
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Friday Jul 22, 2011
Friday Prayers 22072011
Friday Jul 22, 2011
Friday Jul 22, 2011
Partakers Friday Prayers
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Order of Service
Welcome to Partakers Friday Prayers on Friday the 22nd of July, 2011. Let us pray together! Father, as we commence, let our hearts and minds be right before you. May your everlasting mercy, grace and love be shown in hearing these petitions! We thank you that you are interested in every facet of every person. We thank you for sending your Son Jesus into the world so that we can have access to you through Him. It's in His name we offer you these praises and petitions in the power of the Holy Spirit who lives inside those who are your children. Amen!Your own prayers
Now there will be a short time of prayer where you can give to God things that are on your own mind and heart. If for some reason, words are failing you, then pray this short prayer based on Psalm 40 "O God, Help and deliver me from this pit for I am poor and needy!"Time of silence
Father, we pray that your love will take over our lives! We also pray that we would follow you faithfully, live lives obediently and give praise to you alone in all circumstances we face together! Lord in your mercy, hear these prayers of your children. AmenPrayers for individuals
We lift these dear ones to you, Father, who are in need of a healing touch and to be held in Your arms of compassion: We bring before you these grieving families and we pray You will give comfort in their grief and as funeral services are prepared. The family of Annette's mother The family of John The family of Gladys We lift to you these people who are unwell at this time and ask for a healing touch from you and for You to help the medical teams: Claire, Eileen, Geraldine, Kath, Maureen, Hannah, Elsie. Chris and Genevieve. you may provide a healing touch and guide the hands of the medical staff treating them. We lift to you Kathy who is recovering from surgery. Be with her and her family as they support her! Give them an assurance of your presence and help the medical staff treating her. We bring before you now, Lynn, who requires healing after falling and injuring her face/nose, arm and other parts of her body. We also bring her brother before you who may need to have both kidneys removed, without getting a transplant. As well as her co-worker who may have to go on dialysis. We also bring before you Beverly that she may be healed of long-term injuries and that you would guide and provide for her as she ministers to others. We lift our brother Richard to you who is just coming out of a time of depression. Lord, please lift his heart and let him know the presence of you, Almighty God, with him. We pray also for Terry Hanford who has Parkinson disease. This week, has been quite an ordeal for him and we lift him to you. Give him comfort, Lord, encourage him and let him also know that your Spirit is there with Him Father, we also lift before you, all those facing challenging situations: such as confinement at home, geographical isolation, lack of employment, health issues, and financial pressures. O Father, please meet their needs in what ever challenging situation is being faced, and we put ourselves in your hands to help meet those needs where we can. We ask these things, our Father God, in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, and in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen!The World!
Father God, we lift to you once again the people affected by the famine in the Horn of Africa. Help those people Father, in ways which only You can achieve. Fire the imagination of people to solve these ongoing problems. Enlighten people to give generously, to share and to be looking to the interests of others. Father, tear down the barricades being put in place by Muslim insurgents and that aid being offered will get through. May justice and peace come to places where injustice, strife and conflict currently dominate! Where there is chaos, bring order and where there is hatred, may love be sown. We pray that in areas of need following natural disasters, that aid will get through and infrastructure rebuilt. Amen!For churches and Christians
Our Father God, we lift before you all those who are preaching, leading and participating in church services around the world this weekend, we ask that the Holy Spirit would guide their minds and that the worship will be in Spirit and in truth, that the Word as it is faithfully preached. For those in countries where to meet other Christians is illegal or not condoned by the government, we ask that you continue to strengthen, guide and uplift them. Let them know through Your Spirit, the Spirit that lives within all believers that we are praying for them. Amen!Benediction
Now as we close, may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank you for joining us on Partakers Friday Prayers. If you would like to post a prayer request in the comments below, either named or anonymous, we will pray for you.Right mouse click to save/download this as a MP3 audio file
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Wednesday Jul 20, 2011
Worship Wednesday
Wednesday Jul 20, 2011
Wednesday Jul 20, 2011
Worship Wednesday
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Order of Service
G'day and welcome to Partakers Wednesday Worship on the 20th of July, 2011. Lets start today with a song "Your Love O Lord"Thanksgiving and Joy
O God, great and wonderful, Are you, O Lord! Who is like You? None can compare to You For you are beauty in holiness and majesty. As we come now to worship you now, we acknowledge you are the Almighty One. We thank you that we can worship you! AmenBible Readings
Our Old Testament reading today is taken from Psalm 89. Our reader today is Richard, so over to you, Richard!Psalm 89v1-2, 5-8
1 I will sing of the LORD's great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations. 2 I will declare that your love stands firm forever, that you have established your faithfulness in heaven itself. 5 The heavens praise your wonders, LORD, your faithfulness too, in the assembly of the holy ones. 6 For who in the skies above can compare with the LORD? Who is like the LORD among the heavenly beings? 7 In the council of the holy ones God is greatly feared; he is more awesome than all who surround him. 8 Who is like you, LORD God Almighty? You, LORD, are mighty, and your faithfulness surrounds you. Our New Testament reading is from Revelation 11:16-17 16 And the twenty-four elders, who were seated on their thrones before God, fell on their faces and worshiped God, 17 saying: "We give thanks to you, Lord God Almighty, the One who is and who was, because you have taken your great power and have begun to reign.Bible Talk
Throughout the Bible, God is called Almighty. For example, in our Old Testament reading from Psalm 89v8 we read "Who is like you, LORD God Almighty? You, LORD, are mighty, and your faithfulness surrounds you. " But how is God, almighty? God being Almighty, can be summed up in 3 words. Omnipresent -God is Almighty, in that He is wholly present everywhere. He fills the universe in all its parts without division (Psalm 139v7-12; Jeremiah 23v23-24). For example in Ezekiel 1, Israel is in exile in Babylon and they thought God was left in the Temple in Jerusalem. Yet God appears to Ezekiel in order to show that God was also in Babylon with His people! He is also present within all those who are Christians, because God the Holy Spirit lives within them! Omnipotent -God is Almighty, in that He has unlimited power to do all things that are the object of power. With Almighty God nothing is impossible. But we have to take those verses from the Bible and read them in context. That is because there are things God cannot do. He cannot do anything that is contrary to His own nature. For instance, He cannot declare something infinite if that something is finite. Or because God is holy and cant look upon sin, God cannot therefore sin. If it was possible for God to sin, He would case to be God Almighty and therefore need His own saviour, which is certainly impossible and untenable! Omnipotence is an essential quality of God for if God were not all-powerful then He would not be God and would not be worthy of worship. He has amazing power! God created the universe with His eternal and infinite power! God made everything out of nothing and He sustains it and gives all of it life! Omniscient - God is Almighty, in that He is has perfect knowledge of all things. The Psalmist writes: "O Lord, you have searched me and you know me, You know when I sit and when I rise...You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways" (Ps. 139:1-2a & 3). God knows all things, past, present, and future and all possible circumstances, solutions and outcomes. Therefore He knows all that we do (which includes the remembrance of all that we have done), all that we think (and the record of those thoughts), and all that we do say and all that we could say. So what? So God is Almighty in presence, power and knowledge and He is mighty to save. As we seek to live holy lives, let us remember that whatever we do, Almighty God is watching. Watching not to condemn us, but watching in order to love us as any good father does to his children. And save us, He does! Jesus Christ, being the Son of God will do an amazing thing to all those who have taken up His free offer of salvation. And because we are saved, the Spirit lives within us! Almighty God who is amazing! And yet this amazing and almighty God, who has us as children, can do something like this. We read that in Revelation 21v3-5: "Look! God's dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. 4 ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death' or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." 5 He who was seated on the throne said, "I am making everything new!" Then he said, "Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true." Revelation 21v4, isn't that just the most amazing verse with a great big WOW factor? Picture it! Jesus Christ taking your face in His scarred hands and He will wipe away your tears - tears of suffering and tears of joy. God is Almighty! Almighty in presence, power and knowledge. Yet this Almighty God, is full of mercy and grace, and when time on earth comes to an end, He will wipe away the tears of His children. Amazing and Almighty God.Prayers
Lets speak to this Almighty God now. Let's pray! Lord, again we lift to you all those affected by the drought in the Horn of Africa. Hear their cries! Help the aid agencies and national governments to assist these people quickly! Stoke up the imagination of people who can help those in need and find solutions to these ongoing problems. Help those who are richf financially to give generously. Where there is conflict and strife, Almighty God, bring peace. Where there is great need, Almighty Father, bring supply and solutions. Where there is injustice, bring justice. I bring before you now, Kathy, the mother of a dear friend. Lord, you know her situation! You know the worries of the medical staff and family concerning her. We pray for quick healing and assure her of your love for her. We ask this in Jesus Name, Amen!Hymn / Song
Open my eyes - Steve GoodenBenediction
Lets close in prayer, with these ancient words: May the love of God the Father, the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, evermore. Amen See you next time on Partakers! www.partakers.co.uk and if you have prayer requests, visit www.facewall.co.uk, post your request and we will pray for you.Right mouse click to save/download this as a MP4 video file
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Friday Jul 15, 2011
Friday Prayers 15072011
Friday Jul 15, 2011
Friday Jul 15, 2011
Partakers Friday Prayers
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Order of Service
Welcome to Partakers Friday Prayers on Friday the 15th of July, 2011. Let us pray together! Father, as we commence, let our hearts and minds be right before you. May your everlasting mercy, grace and love be shown in hearing these petitions! Father, we come before you now as your children. We thank you that you are a personal and intimate God and that we can call you Father. We thank you that you are interested in every facet of every person. We thank you that you are an active and dynamic God and not a mere block of wood or stone that is placed on a shelf.2. The Prayer Jesus taught us
3. The World!
Father we lift this world to you, a world crying out for its redemption. We lift to you the people affected by the drought in the Horn of Africa. How can we not look at the scenes coming to our television screens from Daadab refugee camp without compassion? Those people fleeing drought and fleeing war in Somalia. Help those people Father, in ways which only You can achieve. Fire the imagination of people to solve these ongoing problems. Enlighten people to give generously, to share and to be looking to the interests of others. For those places where natural disasters have occurred, help the government and aid agencies to be quick to respond in bringing aid to the people affected. May justice and peace come to places where natural disasters have occurred and where strife and war currently dominate! Where there is chaos bring order and where there is hatred, sow love.4. Others
We lift these dear ones to you, Father, who are in need of a healing touch and to be held in Your arms of compassion: Annette and her family grieving the loss of her mother and the grieving family of John who died suddenly Karyn who is unwell and unable to work at the moment; Elsie now recovering in hospital; Maureen in hospital after having had a stroke; Hannah who is now home after an operation but due for another operation this coming Tuesday; Gladys; Claire. For continued healing of Chris, Genevieve and Gladys. We also lift to you Father all those who are ill that you may provide a healing touch and guide the hands of the medical staff treating them. Father, we also lift before you, all those facing challenging situations: such as confinement at home, geographical isolation, lack of employment, health issues, and financial pressures. Hear the cries of their hearts and our hearts, O Father, and give wisdom and courage to overcome and help the respective governments to send aid and be compassionate. We lift these people to You, trusting that you will meet their needs in what ever challenging situation is being faced, and we put ourselves in your hands to help meet those needs where we can. We ask these things, our Father God, in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, and in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen!5. For church services and this world
Our Father God, we lift before you all those who are preaching, leading and participating in church services around the world this weekend, we ask that the Holy Spirit would guide their minds and that the worship will be in Spirit and in truth, that the Word as it is faithfully preached. For those in countries where to meet other Christians is illegal or not condoned by the government, we ask that you continue to strengthen, guide and uplift them. Let them know through Your Spirit, the Spirit that lives within all believers that we are praying for them. For the wider world, please do make your ways known upon earth, Lord God, your saving power among all peoples. Renew your Church in holiness and help us to serve you with joy. Guide the leaders of all nations, that justice may prevail throughout the world. Let not the needy be forgotten, nor the hope of the poor be taken away. Make us instruments of your peace and let your glory be over all the earth. For the wider world, Lord God, Renew your Church in holiness and help us to serve you with joy. Make us instruments of your peace and let your glory be over all the earth.6. Your own prayers
Now there will be a short time of prayer where you can give to God things that are on your own mind and heart. Let us continue praying... Lord in your mercy, hear these prayers of your children. Amen May it be that your love takes over our lives and that we follow you faithfully, giving praise to you alone in all circumstances we face together. We ask these things Father, through the majestic name of Your Son, Jesus Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit who lives inside us! Amen Thank you for joining us on Partakers Friday Prayers. If you would like to post a prayer request in the comments below, either named or anonymous, we will pray for you.Right mouse click to save/download this as a MP3 audio file
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Wednesday Jul 13, 2011
Worship 20110713
Wednesday Jul 13, 2011
Wednesday Jul 13, 2011
Worship Wednesday
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Order of Service
G'day and welcome to Partakers Wednesday Worship on the 13th of July, 2011Song - Your Love O Lord - Steve Gooden
in the public domain http://www.firefighters.org
Prayer of Confession
Old Testament - Psalm 93
New Testament - Romans 5:1-11
Be exalted, Lord, above the heavens, let your glory cover the earth. Keep our nations under your care, and guide us in justice and truth. Let your way be known by all people, your saving power among all nations. Send out your light and your truth, that we may tell of your saving works. Lord, hear our prayers, for we put our trust in you. Lord we lift to you all those affected by the drought in the Horn of Africa. Hear their cries! Help the aid agencies and national governments to assist these people quickly! And especially for a dear friend, Lynn, who fell and injured herself. We pray for quick healing and assure her of your love for her. We ask this in Jesus Name, Amen!
Bible Talk
You are loved by God and blessed by Him! In Jesus Christ, the love of God was seen and exemplified! Here are 7 reasons or blessings to affirm you as a Christian from our Bible reading in Romans 5v1-11.
- We have peace with God (v1).
- We have access to God (v2a).
- We have a glorious hope (v2b)
- We develop Christian character (v3-4).
- We have God's love within us (v5-8).
- We have salvation from future wrath (v9-10).
- We have reconciliation with God (v11
May the love of God the Father, the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, evermore. AmenRight mouse click to save/download this as a MP3 video file
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Friday Jul 08, 2011
Friday Prayers 08072011
Friday Jul 08, 2011
Friday Jul 08, 2011
Partakers Friday Prayers
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Order of Service
Welcome to Partakers Friday Prayers on Friday the 8st of July, 2011. Let us pray together! Father, as we commence, let our hearts and minds be right and still before you. May your everlasting mercy, grace and love be shown in hearing these petitions!- For Elsie we pray for a full and speedy recovery after she broke her foot.
- For Maureen in hospital following a stroke.
- For Hannah who is having to spend time in hospital and enduring skin grafts. Pray also as she is getting very bored and fed up of being in there. We also lift her family before you as well, as they are having to make adjustments.
- For continued healing of Chris, Genevieve and Gladys.