Friday Nov 02, 2012
Friday Prayers
Friday Nov 02, 2012
Friday Nov 02, 2012
Partakers Friday Prayers!
1st November 2012
We pray together and when Christians pray together, from different nations, different churches and different denominations - that reveals Church unity! Come! Let us pray together! Today we are praying for all those grieving, regardless of the reason. Grieving due to the destruction of life caused by Hurricane Sandy in the Caribbean and USA... Grieving because of personal loss of loved ones... Grieving for any reason... Come! Let us pray for those in mourning...There is also space in the video for you to say your own prayers...
A prayer for those grieving
Father God,
be the strength for all those
who are grieving and mourning
the loss of loved ones.
Father God,
we pray that those in despair
will be helped and
where there is darkness
there will be light.
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Friday Oct 19, 2012
Friday Prayers
Friday Oct 19, 2012
Friday Oct 19, 2012
Partakers Friday Prayers!
19th October 2012
We pray together and when Christians pray together, from different nations, different churches and different denominations - that reveals Church unity! Come! Let us pray together!
A prayer of Aethelwold of Winchester (908-984AD)
May God the Father bless us!
May Christ take care of us;
May the Holy Ghost enlighten us all the days of our life!
The Lord be our defender and keeper of body and soul,
both now and for ever, to the ages of ages.
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Thursday Oct 11, 2012
WOW Factor of Jesus
Thursday Oct 11, 2012
Thursday Oct 11, 2012
Jesus Christ, the most extraordinary person who ever lived, who never wrote a book but has more books written about him than any other subject! History is split into BC and AD in honor of him! Jesus Christ, the God-man, who gives a WOW factor to anybody who will bow the knee and serve Him.
Here in this short video, I introduce my own WOW factor about Jesus. Jesus who promises salvation and how He still challenges and loves people today.
You can download a copy of this video by right mouse clicking here and saving...
I also have a seminar, WOWJesus, which I would also love to bring to your church or group. Contact details are below and at the end of the video. I look forward to hearing from you and how we can work together. Thank you.
Friday Sep 28, 2012
Friday Prayers
Friday Sep 28, 2012
Friday Sep 28, 2012
Partakers Friday Prayers!
28th September 2012!
We pray together and when Christians pray together, from different nations, different churches and different denominations - that reveals Church unity! Come! Let us pray and praise together!
- Opening prayers
- Confession
- Praise
- Petitions
- Doxology (as sung by Jeff Wooldridge)
Right mouse click to save this Podcast in MP4.

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Friday Sep 14, 2012
Friday Prayers
Friday Sep 14, 2012
Friday Sep 14, 2012
Partakers Friday Prayers!
14th September 2012
We pray together and when Christians pray together, from different nations, different churches and different denominations - that reveals Church unity! Come! Let us pray together!
A prayer of Anselm
Lord, because you have made me,
I owe you the whole of my love;
because you have redeemed me,
I owe you the whole of myself;
because you have promised so much,
I owe you my whole being.
Moreover, I owe you as much more love
than myself as you are greater than I,
for whom you gave yourself and to whom you promised yourself.
I pray you, Lord,
make me taste by love what I taste by knowledge;
let me know by love what I know by understanding.
I owe you more than my whole self,
but I have no more,
and by myself I cannot render the whole of it to you.
Draw me to you, Lord, in the fullness of your love.
I am wholly yours by creation;
make me all yours, too, in love.
(Anselm 1033-1109)
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Friday Aug 31, 2012
Friday Prayers
Friday Aug 31, 2012
Friday Aug 31, 2012
Partakers Friday Prayers!
31st August 2012!
We pray together and when Christians pray together, from different nations, different churches and different denominations - that reveals Church unity! Come! Let us pray and praise together!
- Opening prayers
- Confession
- Praise
- Petitions
- Doxology (as sung by Jeff Wooldridge)
Right mouse click to save this Podcast in MP4.

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Friday Aug 17, 2012
Friday Prayers
Friday Aug 17, 2012
Friday Aug 17, 2012
Partakers Friday Prayers!
17th August 2012!
We pray together and when Christians pray together, from different nations, different churches and different denominations - that reveals Church unity!
- Opening prayers
- Confession
- Praise
- Petitions
- Doxology (as sung by Jeff Wooldridge)
Right mouse click to save this Podcast in MP4.
If you find these resources helpful to you, please do prayerfully consider making a donation. Thank you
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Friday Aug 10, 2012
Friday Prayers
Friday Aug 10, 2012
Friday Aug 10, 2012
Partakers Friday Prayers!
10th August 2012!
We pray together and when Christians pray together, from different nations, different churches and different denominations - that reveals Church unity!
- Opening prayers
- Confession
- Praise
- Petitions
- Doxology (as sung by Jeff Wooldridge)
Right mouse click to save this Podcast in MP4.

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Friday Aug 03, 2012
Friday Prayers
Friday Aug 03, 2012
Friday Aug 03, 2012
Friday Prayers
3 August 2012
G'day and welcome to Partakers! Today, once more, we are continuing to pray for Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani being held in Lakan Prison in Rasht, Iran! He has been imprisoned since October 2009 and on July 8, will have been imprisoned for 1,026 days. For those late to the story, Pastor Nadarkhani is under constant pressure from Iranian Authorities to convert to Islam! Keep praying! This will be reposted very Friday until Pastor Nadarkhani is released, so please return and pray for him, his family and the persecuted ancient church of Iran. You can read more information by clicking here to go to the Christian Solidarity Worldwide website...
Please download the audio and video files and share them as you desire. Thank you.
You can download the mp3 sound file of this to share, by clicking here
You can download the mp4 video file of this to share, by clicking here
Prayer for Youcef
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayers and petitions concerning our brother, Youcef. May our brother know your presence with him as he is held in Lakan Prison in Rasht, Iran. Encourage, bless and maintain him as he seeks to trust in you!
Prayers for his family and church
Be also with his wife, Fatemah Pasindedah, his children and the group of believers under his charge! We pray against the decision of the Iranian authorities and ask that from your wellspring of mercy that a reprieve would be given and his life spared! For we ask this in the name of Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit, whom we have fellowship with Youcef in prison. Amen.
Prayers for Iranian Christians
Now prayers for our Christian family in Iran. O Father, continue to embolden them with wisdom and courage. Lord Jesus, may their love of you, shine through their actions towards each other and their enemies, just as you commanded in the Written Word, the Bible. Holy Spirit, who indwells them, endow them with peace and strength as only you can give!
Help them to trust fully in you and be wise in their dealings with the authorities. Father, we ask these things in the name of your son, Jesus and in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
You can take action here: http://e-activist.com/ea-action/action?ea.client.id=88&ea.campaign.id=12209
You can view a letter he wrote to the group of believers he pastors. http://presenttruthmn.com/blog/iran/letter-youcef-nadarkhani/
You can download the mp3 sound file of this to share, by clicking here
You can download the mp4 video file of this to share, by clicking here
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Friday Jul 20, 2012
Friday Prayers
Friday Jul 20, 2012
Friday Jul 20, 2012
20th July 2012
1. Opening prayer
as we commence,
let our hearts and minds be right before you.
May your everlasting mercy, grace and love
be shown in hearing these petitions!
Praise to God the Father sing,
praise to God the Son, our king,
praise to God the Spirit be
now and through eternity.
2.Time for you to give Praise and thanks to God
3. Time for your own prayers and intercessions.
4. Closing Prayer
O Father!
May it be that your love would take over our lives!
That we would follow you faithfully and
giving you alone, praise in all circumstances
that we face together!
Download a copy of this prayer video by right-mouse clicking here and saving