Friday Sep 22, 2023
Romans 12 - Living Life - Part 22
Friday Sep 22, 2023
Friday Sep 22, 2023
Romans 12: Living Life
Study 22: Rejoice and sorrow
I wonder if some times you are like me –you are sad when people you know have reason to be happy! We are like that as people! Jesus in Luke 15:25-30 indicates that this behaviour comes from envy! Or you are happy when people have reason to be sad or in trouble – your attitude is “They deserve it!” This is nothing short of malice. And unsurprisingly, it can come quite naturally to us! Paul here challenges the Roman readers and by proxy, us, with something totally alien to our natural way of behaving! Paul goes “be happy to the happy and weep with the weeping!”
That is a counter to the way the world we live in operates. Sure some people who are not Christian may do it Paul’s way but in general they don’t. But that is not the way it is to be with the Church! We are to love others as we would want to be loved. Love is not detached or ignorant of other people’s joys and sorrows. Love does not simply ignore or bear malice. Love lifts, encourages, embraces and emboldens! Love in action is offering a shoulder to cry on to somebody in need of help. Love in action is rejoicing with that brother or sister who has cause for celebration. Love offers solidarity with the other person, regardless of mood or emotion.
So how can we show this love to others? We maybe able to do it in our own strength, but we assuredly can by using the power of the Holy Spirit! Oh how easily we forget He is living within us! WOW! If we ask for His help, He will help – often in the most amazing ways. Let the Holy Spirit stimulate your imagination as to how you can practically rejoice and be happy with those who are rejoicing or to show you how you can weep with those who are weeping and in sorrow. And if we have reason to rejoice, let us not forget to be so overcome that we neglect to weep with those who are weeping. Or conversely, if we have good reason to be weeping, let us now forget to somehow rejoice with that brother or sister who has reason to be happy!
Go! Let your love for others be practically seen – whether with smiles or with tears!
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Romans 12 - Living Life - Part 21
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
Romans 12: Living Life
Study 21: Bless and pray
Paul here seems to have had some teaching about what Jesus taught for here he echoes Jesus, who is now His master. (Matthew 5:43-44 and Luke 6:27-28.)
To bless means to show kindness and love. Do you have enemies – people who don’t like you or loathe you because you are a Christian or for some other reason? I know some people who have been totally disowned by their own families because they became Christians. How are we to react? Paul here, echoes Jesus, commands that we are to show kindness and love. That is what bless means here - seeking the welfare of those that would cause us harm. It is a challenge to us because our natural reaction is usually to fight back or to ignore - that is curse. But we are challenged to pray for those who would wish us harm. Praying for their welfare is showing love for those who wish us harm. How can this be done? It can only be done using the power and strength of the Holy Spirit within us rather than attempting to do it in our own strength.
Paul here is a good example. Just a few years ago, Paul was going around persecuting the church. The first Christian Martyr was Stephen, as told to us in Acts 7:59-60. “While they were stoning him, Stephen prayed, ‘Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.’ Then he fell on his knees and cried out, ‘Lord, do not hold this sin against them.’ When he had said this, he fell asleep.”
Saul was standing there watching. Saul who we know now became Paul – our writer! Shortly after this event, Saul was arrested by Jesus whom He was persecuting. Paul has changed! His motto now is “bless those who persecute you.” Whereas his motto before was “Love your neighbour but hate your enemy!” What a change under the power of the Holy Spirit!
This is of course a picture of the Gospel. God showed love for His enemies, by sending His Son Jesus to die, so that all of humanity could change from being enemies of God to being friends of God.
Go! Bless others who are against you. Go and also pray for the persecuted church around the world – for they are your Christian family.
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Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Psalm On Demand - Psalm 20
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Psalm 20
20:1 May Yahweh answer you in the day of trouble.
May the name of the God of Jacob set you up on high,
20:2 send you help from the sanctuary,
grant you support from Zion,
20:3 remember all your offerings, and accept your burnt sacrifice.
20:4 May He grant you your heart’s desire,
and fulfill all your counsel.
20:5 We will triumph in your salvation.
the name of our God, we will set up our banners.
May Yahweh grant all your requests.
20:6 Now I know that Yahweh saves his anointed.
He will answer him from his holy heaven,
with the saving strength of his right hand.
20:7 Some trust in chariots, and some in horses,
but we trust the name of Yahweh our God.
20:8 They are bowed down and fallen,
but we rise up, and stand upright.
20:9 Save, Yahweh! Let the King answer us when we call!
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Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Psalm On Demand - Psalm 31
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Psalm 31
For the choir director: A psalm of David.
don't let me be disgraced.
Save me, for you do what is right.
2 Turn your ear to listen to me;rescue me quickly.
Be my rock of protection,a fortress where I will be safe.
3 You are my rock and my fortress.
For the honor of your name, lead me out of this danger.
4 Pull me from the trap my enemies set for me,
for I find protection in you alone.
5 I entrust my spirit into your hand.
Rescue me, Lord, for you are a faithful God.
6 I hate those who worship worthless idols.
I trust in the Lord.
7 I will be glad and rejoice in your unfailing love,
for you have seen my troubles,and you care about the anguish of my soul.
8 You have not handed me over to my enemies
but have set me in a safe place.
9 Have mercy on me, Lord, for I am in distress.
Tears blur my eyes.My body and soul are withering away.
10 I am dying from grief;my years are shortened by sadness.
Sin has drained my strength;I am wasting away from within.
11 I am scorned by all my enemiesand despised by my neighbors-even my friends are afraid to come near me.
When they see me on the street,they run the other way.
12 I am ignored as if I were dead,as if I were a broken pot.
13 I have heard the many rumors about me,and I am surrounded by terror.
My enemies conspire against me,plotting to take my life.
14 But I am trusting you, O Lord,saying, "You are my God!"
15 My future is in your hands.
Rescue me from those who hunt me down relentlessly.
16 Let your favor shine on your servant.
In your unfailing love, rescue me.
17 Don't let me be disgraced, O Lord,for I call out to you for help.
Let the wicked be disgraced;let them lie silent in the grave.
18 Silence their lying lips-those proud and arrogant lips that accuse the godly.
19 How great is the goodnessyou have stored up for those who fear you.
You lavish it on those who come to you for protection,
blessing them before the watching world.
20 You hide them in the shelter of your presence,
safe from those who conspire against them.
You shelter them in your presence,far from accusing tongues.
21 Praise the Lord,for he has shown me the wonders of his unfailing love.
He kept me safe when my city was under attack.
22 In panic I cried out,"I am cut off from the Lord!"
But you heard my cry for mercy and answered my call for help.
23 Love the Lord, all you godly ones!
For the Lord protects those who are loyal to him,
but he harshly punishes the arrogant.
24 So be strong and courageous,
all you who put your hope in the Lord!
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Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Psalm On Demand - Psalm 30
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Psalm 30
(as read by Adam Skirton)
Pastor of Poulner Baptist Chapel)
A Psalm. A Song for the Dedication of the Temple. By David.
30:1 I will extol you, Yahweh, for you have raised me up,
and have not made my foes to rejoice over me.
30:2 Yahweh my God, I cried to you, and you have healed me.
30:3 Yahweh, you have brought up my soul from Sheol. Y
ou have kept me alive, that I should not go down to the pit.
30:4 Sing praise to Yahweh, you saints of his.
Give thanks to his holy name.
30:5 For his anger is but for a moment.
His favor is for a lifetime.
Weeping may stay for the night, but joy comes in the morning.
30:6 As for me, I said in my prosperity, “I shall never be moved.”
30:7 You, Yahweh, when you favored me, made my mountain stand strong;
but when you hid your face, I was troubled.
30:8 I cried to you, Yahweh.
To Yahweh I made supplication:
30:9 “What profit is there in my destruction, if I go down to the pit?
Shall the dust praise you?
Shall it declare your truth?
30:10 Hear, Yahweh, and have mercy on me.
Yahweh, be my helper.”
30:11 You have turned my mourning into dancing for me.
You have removed my sackcloth, and clothed me with gladness,
30:12 To the end that my heart may sing praise to you, and not be silent.
Yahweh my God, I will give thanks to you forever!
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Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
Psalm On Demand - Psalm 129
Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
Psalm 129
A song for pilgrims ascending to Jerusalem.
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From my earliest youth my enemies have persecuted me.
Let all Israel repeat this:
From my earliest youth my enemies have persecuted me,
but they have never defeated me.
My back is covered with cuts, as if a farmer had plowed long furrows.
But the Lord is good; he has cut me free from the ropes of the ungodly.
May all who hate Jerusalem be turned back in shameful defeat.
May they be as useless as grass on a rooftop,
turning yellow when only half grown,
ignored by the harvester, despised by the binder.
And may those who pass by refuse to give them this blessing:
"The Lord bless you; we bless you in the Lord's name."
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Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
Consequences 07 - Jesus The God-Man Who Suffered
Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
Consequence 07
Jesus - The God-Man Who Suffered
In this brief series called Consequences, we are looking together at 7 consequences of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Today we continue to look a bit deeper into that God-man, Jesus Christ and in particular His relevancy today in regards to suffering.~
Ever since the first time humanity sinned against God, there has been death and suffering. Suffering was not part of God’s original creation and only came in after this event. God had a plan to alleviate this. As part of this plan, throughout his ministry Jesus said that he would suffer, die and be raised back to life again. Jesus went about alleviating the suffering of people – whether from physical, mental or spiritual suffering. Quite possibly the biggest question we ask ourselves, or is asked of us by others, concerns the problem of suffering.
I will start out by saying I don’t have all the answers, but I do know that I have suffered and still suffer today. I have died twice and been resuscitated twice. I also know that it was humanity’s sin which was and is the creator of all kinds of suffering, not God, as critics of the church maintain. I also know that Jesus the Son of God suffered. Indeed Jesus the Son of God died. Therefore God Himself knows what it is like to suffer. We know that God is personal and we know that as Jesus was both fully God and fully human, that God has suffered. God who is without sin became sin, when Jesus the Son of God died on the cross.
Through the life of Jesus Christ and His cross and resurrection, we see that the Almighty and Eternal God entered the time and space of His creation, even though He Himself is outside of time and space. God intimately knows what suffering is like, because of the suffering Jesus endured. Sufferings such as when he wept at the death of Lazarus his friend.
Suffering such as before He was arrested, Jesus suffered such anxiety that he perspired blood (Luke 22:44). On his way to crucifixion, Jesus was beaten and whipped so badly that He was disfigured and malformed, God suffered. When He was nailed to the cross, God suffered. When on the cross, and endured the insults hurled at him – God suffered. Jesus died on the cross, and for the first time in eternity, Jesus the Son of God was separated from God the Father.
WOW! That is suffering. That is why we have a hope. The God who calls us into relationship with Himself knows intimately what suffering is like. He endured all kinds of suffering just like us. That is why we know God is a personal God. An implacable statue is not personal and cannot have sympathy with us in our sufferings, but the living God can – because the living God died!
But Jesus’ death on the cross was not the end! Three days later Jesus was resurrected in the power of the Father! Jesus death and resurrection show that sin, suffering and death have been conquered! When the Holy Spirit comes and lives within, one of His main roles is as the great Comforter who provides comfort and consolation during the times when we suffer. I don’t know how you are suffering today. I do know that I suffer every day in some way. I have died twice in the past and been resuscitated. You may be suffering in someway and I wish I could take it from you, but I am unable to. And this may sound glib, but I know that because God suffered when He died on the cross, God is with you and knows intimately what suffering is like. But there is one thing I do know and hold onto.
This Jesus is coming back again, this time as the Almighty King of Glory! One glorious day every kind of suffering will be banished for those of us who love Him.
Revelation 21:4: “God will wipe away our tears. There will be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying and no more pain, for former things have passed away.”
What a glorious day it will be for those of us who love Him now. God Himself, with our face in His hands, wiping away our tears… When our King returns, there will be no more terrorism, missiles, guns, wars or bombs. No more will man’s inhumanity to man be allowed. No more torture, rapes, muggings or robberies. No more poverty or famine. No more religion, idols or icons. No more gossip, fornication, adultery, lying or debauchery. No more cowardice. No more pain. No more death. No more suffering. No more sin. Jesus wiping the tears of sorrow and joy from our eyes as He takes our head in his hands… WOW!
Have you asked this Jesus to be your Saviour and King yet? Jesus – the God-man who conquered sin, suffering and death who died and was raised to new life again by God. When you allow Jesus to be your Saviour and rely on him for your salvation, you become spiritually alive! Until then, you are spiritually dead. But you can have spiritual life! Come and follow this personal and personable God who knows what suffering is about. What are you waiting for? Again, I ask, who do you say the Jesus is? you have a choice to make. Deny Jesus know and he will deny you. Accept Jesus now and He will accept you. It is not too late! Today can be the day of your salvation and new life!
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Monday Aug 28, 2023
Bible WOW Word 46 - Faith
Monday Aug 28, 2023
Monday Aug 28, 2023
People always say that faith is blind! However the Bible says that faith is a total confidence in God’s faithfulness, which leads to reliance, trust and total obedience to Him (Hebrews 11v6). We see this faith in the Godly obedience of those around us and from the Bible and church history.
Faith in Salvation
For salvation, faith is a voluntary change of mind and heart in the sinner in which the person turns to God, relying on and accepting His offer of salvation through Jesus Christ.
- Mind - recognition of your need of salvation. Acknowledging Christ’s death on your behalf and your need of forgiveness.
- Emotional (Heart) – your personal assent to the gospel. You ask yourself, “What must I do to be saved?” and then you agree to make salvation a part of your life.
- Will - Personal trust in Jesus Christ.
Now as a follower of Jesus, you are to continue having faith in Him. Four things at least you are to have faith in Him for:
By faith - He is praying for you
Jesus Christ is making intercessions for His followers (Romans 8:34). He knew the disciples troubles (Mark 6:48), just as He knows your troubles now. He feels your cares and knows what you are going through (Hebrews 4:14-16).
By faith - He will come to you
Ever felt like God is far away? Well you aren’t alone! King David often felt God was far away and unconcerned. However he also knew God would ultimately rescue him. Jesus always comes to you through difficult times, although He may not come in the time you think He should come, because He knows when you need Him most.
By faith - He will help you grow
When the disciples were in the storm and Jesus came to them walking on the water (Matthew 14:22-33), the purpose of this incident was to show that Jesus would be leaving them soon, so they had to learn to trust in Him when He wasn’t physically present. Peter wrote later on in his life, “for the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open to their prayers” (1 Peter 3v12).
By faith, He will see you through
At the same event, Jesus said “Come” and Peter went with Him. This must have encouraged the other disciples, for upon seeing Jesus’ power they worshipped him. Whatever troubles you are undergoing are temporary, and Jesus will see you through.
By faith, you have salvation. By faith Jesus is praying, will come to you, grow you and help you through troubles. By being obedient to God, you are showing others your salvation and showing that faith, is not blind, but active!
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Monday Aug 28, 2023
Consequences 06 - Jesus the Object of our Faith
Monday Aug 28, 2023
Monday Aug 28, 2023
Consequence 06
Jesus - the Object of our Faith
In this brief series called Consequences, we are looking together at 7 consequences of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Today we continue to look a bit deeper into that God-man, Jesus Christ!
John 1:1 & 18“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning… No one has ever seen God, but God the One and Only, who is at the Father's side, has made him known.”
Why would God become a man?
We see through the Cross and Resurrection of Jesus Christ that God himself has taken on the responsibility for our sins. Jesus, the Son of God, bore our sins on the cross, became sin for us, even though he was without sin. By doing this we are drawn to God in a personal way through Jesus Christ. God has shown that he loves us and wants us in a relationship with himself. Through Jesus, God has bridged the gap between the supernatural and the natural, the infinite and the finite, to show us what He is like. Jesus as God in person gives humanity a focal point to respond to.
In Jesus Christ, we see that by becoming a man, He humbled Himself (Philippians 2v8) in order to confirm God's promises (Genesis 3v15) and reveal God the Father (John 1v18, 14v9)! We see that Jesus came to become our high priest (Hebrews 8v1)intercessor, mediator and representative before God (1 John 2v1)! J
esus, the Son of God, became human so as to destroy all the works of satan (1 John 3v8, Hebrews 2v14), to give humanity an example of living a holy life (1 Peter 2v21, 1 John 1v6) and to prepare for the redemption of all creation (1 John 2v2)! WOW! This Jesus was both fully God and fully human. This unity of divine and human nature is called ‘hypostatic union‘. Let us look briefly at this Jesus!
Jesus Was Fully Human
Jesus was fully human! We know this because He is explicitly called a man (John 8v40; 1 Timothy 2v5), was born of a woman (Galatians 4v4), so at least in a prenatal state he was nurtured and formed as any other male baby was and is. Jesus exhibited normal human emotions such as love, sorrow, anger and anguish. Jesus wept tears of sorrow. Jesus ate and drank as any normal human did and He had a body and a soul (Matthew 26v26-38). He had normal human experiences – tiredness, sleeping, perspiration, temptations (Hebrews 2v18); hunger (Matthew 4v12). Jesus died just as all people do. Jesus was human in every way that we are - physically, mentally and emotionally. The only exception to this is that He was sinless (2 Corinthians 5v21; Hebrews 2v26). He was the Son of Man and Son of God and did not inherit the carnal nature that all humans have.
But why does Jesus need to be fully human? Firstly, so Jesus death could appease God’s anger with us. Secondly, so that Jesus can empathize and pray for us in our own sufferings. Thirdly, Jesus exhibited true and perfect humanity and therefore is an example to follow. Fifthly, while God is both above and beyond creation, by becoming human, this shows that He is not so far removed from us, that He cannot interact with his creation.
Jesus Was Fully God
Not only was Jesus fully human but He was simultaneously fully God! He is expressly called God - (John 1v1) The Word was God; (John 1v14), the only begotten God (John 20v28) and He accepted titles from others such as when the Apostle Thomas exclaimed “My Lord and my God”.
Additionally Old Testament descriptions of God were applied to Jesus. (Matthew 3v3) 'Prepare ye the way of Jehovah!’ Jesus possessed the attributes of God - (John 14v6) Life; (John 8v58) Eternal; (John 14v6) Truth! The works of God are ascribed to Jesus - (Col 1v16) and Jesus receives honour worship and glory belonging to God alone.Jesus had equality with God - (John 10v30, 33) I and the Father are One; John 5v18)!
Jesus in His very nature was God; (1 Timothy 6v15) and King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Jesus was and is the Alpha and Omega! Jesus was the Christ; (John 8v58) and much to the chagrin of the Jewish religious leaders declared frequently that He was the great “I AM”, an explicit claim to be God!
Jesus - fully God and fully human - the object of our faith! Tomorrow we look even closer at this man and in one particular aspect of his relevancy today - our suffering - in the next of our series, “Consequences”! See you soon at Partakers!
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Sunday Aug 27, 2023
Consequences 05 - Message 2 The Resurrection
Sunday Aug 27, 2023
Sunday Aug 27, 2023
Consequence 05
The Message 2 – The Resurrection
In this brief series called Consequences, we are looking together at 7 consequences of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Today we continue to look at the message of the early church regarding this Jesus – a message which is also relevant to us today! Yesterday we looked at the Cross and today we will look at the Resurrection.
1 Corinthians 15:12-14 But if it is preached that Christ has been raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith.~
Significance of the Resurrection
That was the Apostle Paul, writing to the Corinthian church about the crucified Jesus having been physically raised from the dead! What significance is there in Jesus’ resurrection, that the early church afforded such great value in it as part of their message? The resurrection of Jesus Christ provided the central theme for the sermons and teaching in the early church (Acts 1:22; Acts 4:33, Acts 17:18). Certainly within Paul-ine theology, but what significance is there in Jesus’ resurrection?
The Solution!
The resurrection proved and vindicated all of Jesus’ teaching and claims as the suffering Servant and attested to His being fully God, fully human and the last Judge of all mankind (Isaiah 53:10-12; Acts 2:36; Acts 3:13-15; Romans 1:4). The resurrection, declared God’s approval of Jesus’ obedient service and the fulfilment of Old Testament promises as well as Jesus’ own words about it! The cross and resurrection of Jesus results in forgiveness of sins and salvation being only found in and through Jesus Christ.
This was the prime motive for evangelism in the early church (Acts 2:32, Romans 4:24-25). Jesus’ resurrection is a sign of the bodily resurrection for all believers in Him, giving a new attitude to death and transforming hopes (1 Corinthians 15:12-58, Romans 8:10, 2 Corinthians 4:14; 1 Peter 1:3 & 21). As the resurrected King, Jesus now intercedes for us and has perfected the redemption of all those who choose to follow Him (Romans 5:10; Hebrews 6:20, 1 Peter 1:21).
Finally the Cross and resurrection ensure victory over satan, sin and death – they are conquered and squashed. Satan is a defeated creature and will do anything to drag people into defeat with him. The power of sin is conquered, and sin’s grip is overcome if you are a believer in Jesus Christ. Finally, as I said earlier, death has been beaten, because those who believe and trust in Jesus Christ will live forever with him – death is not the end but a beginning. if Jesus Christ did not physically rise from the dead, we as Christians are the product of the greatest delusional lie and are the most foolish of all people.
Our Resurrection
Jesus’ resurrection is the guarantee that all humans also will be resurrected (1 Corinthians 15:20-22)… Amazing love… There will be a bodily resurrection of the dead, those who are saved and those who are unsaved (John 5:28-29; Acts 24:15). What will our resurrected bodies be like? We get a good glimpse from the Bible writers. The resurrected body of believers, those who are truly disciples of Jesus Christ will be:
- Like Christ’s glorious body (1 Corinthians 15:49; Philippians 3:21; 1 John 3:2)
- Not just flesh and blood (1 Corinthians 15:50ff)
- Not just spiritual (Luke 24:39; 1 Corinthians 15:42, 53)
- They were only always going to be a temporary measure as they pointed forward to Jesus' sacrificial death on the cross.
Those who are, or were, non-believers will also be resurrected (John 5:28-29), but will not have the new glorious bodies of believers, nor will they enter into heaven. It makes the work of evangelism for all Christians, all the more imperative.
Ultimately Jesus gives all humanity a choice. You can choose to deny the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ and say it doesn’t matter. You can say that it is an irrelevance and that is your right. God’s love is compelling and amazing but He does not force anyone to love Him in return, because love never forces! Such is the enormity of the love of God that each person has a choice to make – follow Jesus and accept His cross and resurrection or not to do that. God will not force you to accept it, but he will keep on calling you back to the cross and resurrection of Jesus.
Jesus death on the cross and His resurrection was the central message of the early church! That is also to be our message as church in the 21st century! Tomorrow we look even closer at the man central to this extraordinary message in the next of our series, “Consequences”! See you soon at Partakers!
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