Wednesday Jun 22, 2011
Worship 20110622
Wednesday Jun 22, 2011
Wednesday Jun 22, 2011
Worship Wednesday
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I wonder what and who you trust in! When I am sitting on a chair I am putting my trusting in the chair to support me! When I go to the doctor, I am trusting in that doctor to help me! These are simple examples of everyday trust!
Yet in other cases, trust in the world today is a missing ingredient. The one thing that most people today will say they trust in is them selves. The world says to trust yourself, don't rely on anyone else because all others are unreliable and the only person you can trust is yourself and you should only ask for help if your really desperate for it. I have had people tell me that!
It is like a refreshing breath of clean air, that we come to those words in Proverbs. When God says "Trust me", he is totally trustworthy. In the Bible we read of people learning to trust God. One such person was the man David. As we look through is life, we see David is growing in confidence from the shepherd boy to the aged and wise King.
We see him growing in rest and trust in and of God alone. Through out his life, David trusted God! One example is when he hid in the mountains and caves from Saul, Absalom and all others that were after him - he trusted God to save him.
We read that David's only hope, honour, refuge, rest and salvation was in God. That was what David trusted God for! David trusted in God for his salvation, both physical and spiritual. David learned to trust God for everything, including the bare essentials such as food and drink. Go out today, willing to trust God for every area of your life and praise Him when he supplies.
Holy and loving God - Open our eyes to see you. Open our minds to trust you. Open our hearts to love you, this day and forever. As we go now May we trust and love You each moment, showing this trust and love to others by being shining lights in darkness and gleaming mirrors of your love, power, majesty and glory. In the name of Jesus whom we trust for salvation and iIn the power of the Holy Spirit whom we trust to transform us! Amen
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Wednesday Jun 15, 2011
Worship 20110615
Wednesday Jun 15, 2011
Wednesday Jun 15, 2011
Worship Wednesday
The Apostles Creed
The video is at the bottom of this post!
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I believe in God the Father,
Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth:
And in Jesus Christ, his only begotten Son, our Lord:
Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary:
Suffered under Pontius Pilate; was crucified, dead and buried: He descended into hell: The third day he rose again from the dead: He ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty: From thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead: I believe in the Holy Ghost: I believe in the holy catholic church: the communion of saints: The forgiveness of sins: The resurrection of the body: And the life everlasting. Amen.
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Wednesday Jun 08, 2011
Worship 20110608
Wednesday Jun 08, 2011
Wednesday Jun 08, 2011
Worship Wednesday
Be Thou My Vision
The video is at the bottom of this post!
Music taken from Godly Christian Music website and in the public domain.
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Thursday May 26, 2011
Glimpses 51
Thursday May 26, 2011
Thursday May 26, 2011
God is my sufficiency!
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G'day and welcome to Partake Glimpses Stories. Where we see together how Jesus is alive today, working in different peoples lives in different ways. We aim to show Jesus as being relevant to the world today, some 2000 years after He walked the earth, died on a Roman cross, rose again to new life from physical death and ascended back to the right hand of God the Father. Today I relate to you a story told to me by a friend of mine, Lynn, about an event which happened only this week to her in the United States of America!Here comes the storm!
The red tornado line on the TV screen went right through our neighborhood. I've lived in tornado alley for a long time and have spent my fair share of time cowering in a bathroom in the center of the house. We Midwesterners get used to it. Today, though, the meteorologists were expressing more concern than usual, they were predicting baseball size hail, the tornado was heading straight for us, and my kids were getting nervous, so I decided to seek shelter. By the time I made the decision, the kids got ready to go, and the dogs were packed up, we had little time. Being in emergency mode, I grabbed the basics - my wallet, keys, cell phone, iPad and my Bible. I fleetingly thought that if I had time to write I might need it but, also, if our house was damaged, I wanted to make sure my study Bible was safe.Making a decision!
As we drove away and my daughter said, "Good bye, house," it occurred to me that it wasn't just possible, but likely, that we would lose our house. I've seen news coverage of people who have lost everything they owned, and I've known a few who have. It always makes me sad and I have grieved with friends over it. But when it became my near reality, I had to decide how I would handle it. I had to let myself feel it and figure out my response. What do my house and things mean to me? What if it's all gone when I get back?What do I really need?
Wedding pictures, baby books, senior pictures, my Mom's Bibles ... one-of-a-kind items that can't be replaced. How would my life change if I didn't have those things? I glanced at my kids, took a deep breath, relaxed, and knew that it wouldn't. It would be fine. It wouldn't be easy, but it would be okay. I don't need stuff. Nice, but needed? My true need is God, and I have Him. He can provide and handle everything else.Jesus gives me a reminder!
As we waited in the shelter, my son asked, "What do you think is happening to our house?" I put my arm around him, smiled confidently, and said, "I don't know, but we're going to be fine." And I meant it. Jesus Christ said in Matthew 6:31, 33: "So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?' or ‘What shall we drink?' or ‘What shall we wear?' ... But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."Help is at hand!
As it happened, Lynn and her family returned to their house and all was pretty much the same as when they left it. They had put God first. Lynn, asks "How much do your things mean to you?" By this true story, we see how Jesus Christ is relevant to Lynn! He reminder her of priorities and those verses of Scripture Matthew 6! They were safe and their possession were still theirs after the storm! What storms are you facing in your life? Be assured that Jesus Christ will help you if you ask! You can visit Lynn's blog at http://www.lynsmith.org/blog/ If you have found this helpful, please do let us know how it has helped your own journey of faith. Thank you.Right mouse click here to download as a MP3 audio file

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Wednesday May 25, 2011
Glimpses 50
Wednesday May 25, 2011
Wednesday May 25, 2011
Wake Up O Sleeper!
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G'day and welcome to Partake Glimpses Stories. Where we see together how Jesus is alive today, working in peoples lives in different ways and is relevant to the world today, 2000 years after He walked the earth, died, rose again and ascended to the right hand of God the Father. I tell you today a story told to me by Jim Allis about one of his experiences!Be Born Again!
One evening in a meeting, I was expounding John 3 concerning a question Nicodemus asked Jesus. "What does it means to be ‘born again?" Jesus had said "Except a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God" Jesus then explains it to him . Nicodemus doesn't understand and thinks he has to return to his mothers womb in order for it to happen.A Christian Country?
A lady who was sitting in my congregation was dozing, not because she was bored but because dying from cancer she had drugged herself before she had left her home that night.. Pain always set in when she entered the church . When I had finished preaching I walked down the aisle close to her. As I did so she grabbed my jacket and said "What do you mean we have to become Christians and be born again, isn't this a Christian country we are living in?" I replied by asking her a question. "Well, what do you think?" She replied "I suppose the way things are, murders thieving, adulteries and child abuse this can't be a Christian country and what's more I know I am not, Please will you help me?"Jesus Knocks!
This was a cry from her heart. I was convinced of that. . A day or so later I called on her and gave her a book called "By Searching" by Isabel Khun, a godly missionary. It included an account of how she became a Christian. As I left the house Mrs D said "I am not there yet. I cannot call Jesus Lord of my life." I said I would pray for her. A few days later her daughter rang me to say her mum had been rushed into hospital and it was 50/50 whether she would recover from the operation to remove the cancer.Born Again Now!
The day I visited the hospital I will never forget, Earlier I had read God's word for encouragement and prayed for Mrs D feeling very inadequate to know what I would say to her to comfort her in her extreme condition. Entering the ward I found her sitting in a chair beside her bed looking very pale. However there was a huge smile on her face. Excitedly she said "It's happened" she explained. "I can now call Jesus My Lord! I was reading the preface of this book you gave me and the writer explained how she was going through a deep mist but as it cleared she began to understand Jesus purpose in coming into this world". Mrs D now could understood about sin, forgiveness and her need of a righteousness not her own to cover her. Mrs D was full of joy and we praised God together.Taken Home!
The next time I visited the hospital she was in a coma after the operation. I prayed for her aware from experience that my words would be heard in her spirit even though she couldn't respond. She went to heaven shortly afterwards. How loving and wonderful, full of mercy and compassionate our Lord is. How determined He was to quicken her through His Word before she died. "She must be born again" and she was, and she died in peace If you have found this helpful, please do let us know how it has helped your own journey of faith. Thank you.Right mouse click here to download as a MP3 audio file

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Tuesday May 24, 2011
Glimpses 49
Tuesday May 24, 2011
Tuesday May 24, 2011
A Father's Plea!
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G'day and welcome to Partake Glimpses Stories. Where we see together how Jesus is alive today, working in peoples lives in different ways and is relevant to the world today, 2000 years after He walked the earth, died, rose again and ascended to the right hand of God the Father. I tell you today a story told to me by Jim Allis about one of his experiences!Help Me!
A man who we will call "G" had told me that his daughter just had to get saved and healed. He then asked me to go and see her. He added "She intends going to a spiritualist; please stop her." I sought the Lord in prayer that morning and I received an assurance in my heart that He was going to heal her, but first she must hear the gospel and become a Christian.Telling the story
Arriving at her front door she readily invited me in . I said "I know your Dad has told you the way to God; may I have ten minutes to do the same?" She agreed and listened attentively as I went to Genesis 3 and explained how sin came into the world. I moved on to the prophecies in Isaiah concerning the Messiah, and then the fulfilled prophecies in the Gospels, especially dealing with Isaiah 53 in relation to the cross and Jesus purpose in coming into the world. All this I explained is unveiled in the gospels and showed her the relevant passages.What must I do?
She listened carefully and then said "Can I ask Him now into my heart ?" The Holy Spirit had prepared her, and she prayed and simply, sought forgiveness and asked Jesus into her heart. Then I said "I believe the Lord wants to heal you, what is wrong with you? She said "Well, it's very painful, tennis elbow" I was ignorant regarding this problem but others tell me it is extremely painful. I prayed with her and our Lord drew near and touched her and she was healed. Praise the Lord! Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever! If you have found this helpful, please do let us know how it has helped your own journey of faith. Thank you.Right mouse click here to download as a MP3 audio file

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Sunday May 22, 2011
Glimpses 48
Sunday May 22, 2011
Sunday May 22, 2011
Amazing Scenes at Oxford!
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G'day and welcome to Partake Glimpses Stories. Where we see together how Jesus is alive today, working in peoples lives in different ways and is relevant to the world today, 2000 years after He walked the earth, died, rose again and ascended to the right hand of God the Father. Today we welcome back once more, Jim Allis, an experienced pastor, relating to us a situation where God undoubtedly helped people and shows His relevancy to them. So over to you - Jim!
Stand up
Oxford is a wonderful city and famous for it's University and a certain athletic track "Iffley Road". Do you remember what happened there in the month of May 1954? The famous Roger Bannister broke the first four minute mile there, helped by Chris Chataway and Chris Brasher. I was a very keen athlete in my distant youth and was going to emulate Sir Roger Bannister as he is now officially known. A joke of course! However running became a god to me and God was given a very small place in my life, until my wonderful conversion in 1963. My life was really turned around. A number of years later in my capacity as an evangelist training churches in personal evangelism, I was invited to Oxford not to a running track but to an evangelical free church My mission was to encourage this church and lead them in reaching out into their neighbourhood with the gospel. I was asked to speak to the church on a Sunday afternoon, to address those interested in this venture who belonged to this church.
As I spoke I was conscious of one lady who didn't appear to be enjoying my talk. She looked grim and at times totally disinterested. I tried to look elsewhere for the remainder of meeting and was very encouraged by the response as I spoke about the person God uses in evangelism, a person fully yielded to Jesus Christ. I was also the appointed speaker at the evening worship service and the church was pleasantly filled. The church had an overhead projector and a low screen on the platform which could not be raised on this occasion. So I made the decision that we would sit to sing the hymns so that all would be able to see the words on screen. I didn't want to sing solo that night! I preached that night on the famous words of Peter and John in the book of Acts "Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have I give thee. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk" It was well listened to and following the address I had chosen such a well known final hymn, I suggested we all stood to sing the last hymn to "Stand up for Jesus". Following the benediction I went to stand at the door to shake hands as all visiting preachers do and suddenly there appeared to be some kind of excitement! What's it all about?" I enquired. A deacon approached me and said they had been praying for the healing of a certain lady who could not walk to church. He then said excitedly "Tonight during the service she was healed!"Healed
I was then taken to the lady. It was the same lady who I had seen in the afternoon who had looked so bored, and so disinterested. She no longer looked bored, but a broad smile was now on her face. "It was when you preached the words from the Bible "Rise up and walk" she said. "I felt strength coming into my legs and it was wonderful and frightening. Then I heard a voice saying, "You must stand up during the last hymn" but I thought we are not standing for the hymns tonight, I am afraid. Imagine how I felt when you said we should all rise for the last hymn. But I did, and strength came into my legs and I am healed." I went to a further meeting of praise in a house that evening and I saw her getting into the minibus like a two year old.Wonderful Jesus!
Isn't our Lord wonderful.? Yes He knew we would stand for that last hymn. I had not invited any person to the front for prayer. I had simply preached from Acts 3:6ff and in Romans 10:17; we read "Faith comes through hearing and hearing by the ‘Word ' of God" The Greek for Word is ‘Rhema' meaning "the living active Word" God's Word came alive for this lady and together with The Holy Spirit beautifully healed this lady. As we have seen God speaks to us today in a variety of situations. Our part? To listen, recognise His voice and respond for His glory and praise If you have found this helpful, please do let us know how it has helped your own journey of faith. Thank you.Right mouse click here to download as a MP3 audio file
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Saturday May 21, 2011
Glimpses 47
Saturday May 21, 2011
Saturday May 21, 2011
Malcolm Muggeridge
Pursued Into the Light of Christ!
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G'day and welcome to Partake Glimpses Stories. Where we see together how Jesus is alive today, working in different peoples lives in different ways. We aim to show Jesus as being relevant to the world today, some 2000 years after He walked the earth, died on a Roman cross, rose again to new life from physical death and ascended back to the right hand of God the Father. Today, once more we take a step back to recent history, into the 20th century, and a very brief glimpse at the Christianity of a well-known Christian. Today its Malcolm Muggeridge, who was, by his own volition and renown, a determined sceptic and vocal non-believer. We will look at some of what this man said about Jesus Christ of Nazareth. In doing so, I will be taking short excerpts from two of his books "Conversion: A Spiritual Journey" and "Jesus Rediscovered" which should still be available to purchase. Malcolm Muggeridge was born on in England on 24 March 1903 and died on 14 November 1990. He was educated at Cambridge University and graduated with in Natural Sciences. During World War II, he was a soldier and a spy. He was an English journalist, author and media personality. In is earlier years, he was renowned as a drinker, heavy smoker, and womaniser! After his conversion to Christ, he became a leader protesting against the commercial exploitation of sex and violence. We begin with Malcolm Muggeridge asking an important question! Page 41 "Jesus Rediscovered" Is there a God? Well, is there? I would be very happy to answer with an emphatic negative. Temperamentally, it would suit me well enough to settle for what this world offers, and to write off as wishful thinking, or just the self-importance of the human species, any notion of a divine purpose and a divinity to entertain and execute it. I have never wanted a God, or feared a God, or felt under any necessity to invent one. Unfortunately, I am driven to the conclusion that God wants me. God comes padding after me like a Hound of Heaven. His shadow falls over all my little picnics in the sunshine, chilling the air; draining the viands of their flavour; talk of its sparkle, desire of its zest. God takes a hand as history's compère... Under God's eye, tiny hoarded glories fall into dust - a little fame, some money ... "Oh Mr M! How wonderful you are!" There is no escape. Even so, one twists and turns. And his story of God pursuing him continues, culminating in Malcolm Muggeridge becoming a Christian but not knowing at what specific time it occurred because for him it was a process. One person, or light, instrumental in this conversion process was Mother Theresa of Calcutta! Pages 14-15 "Conversion" - There was a happening when we were in Calcutta with Mother Theresa making the film Something Beautiful for God, which might well have provided an occasion for a conversion. The Home for Dying Destitutes where Mother Theresa's Missionaries of Charity, take down-and-outs from the streets of Calcutta... Mother Theresa is, in herself, a living conversion; it is impossible to be with her, to listen to her, to observe what she is doing and how she is doing it, without being in some degree converted. Her total dedication to Christ, her insistence that all our fellow human beings must be treated and helped and loved as though they were Christ, her simple presentation of the Gospel and joy in receiving the sacraments, is quite irresistible. There is no book I've ever read, or discourse I've ever heard, or service I've ever attended, no human relationship or transcendental experience, which has brought me nearer to Christ, or made me more aware of what the Incarnation signifies for us and requires of us. And so this arch-sceptic and non-believer turns to Jesus Christ of Nazareth as God! God had indeed been pursuing him and using people such as Mother Theresa of Calcutta to bring Malcolm Muggeridge to a living faith in Jesus Christ! What was this man's view of Christianity now? Pages 109-110 "Jesus Rediscovered" - I see Christianity as a very bright light; particularly bright now because the surrounding darkness is so deep and dense; a brightness that holds my gaze inexorably, so that even if I want to - and I do sometimes want to - I can't detach it. Christ said he was the light of the world, and told us to let our light shine before men. To partake of this light, to keep it in one's eye, is Heaven; to be cut off from it is Hell... Away from the light, one is imprisoned in the tiny, desolate dungeon of one's ego; when the light breaks in, suddenly one is liberated, reborn. Powerful words from this convert, even with a brief glimpse at what he had to say! And what is the relevancy of this Christianity to the world today, this Christianity which Malcolm Muggeridge once cast off as nonsensical and controlling drivel? Page 63 "Conversion" - What we continue to call the western civilisation, after all, began with Christian revelation, not the theory of evolution... Jesus of Nazareth was its founding father, not Charles Darwin; it was Paul of Tarsus who first carried its message to Europe, not Karl Marx or even Lenin. Jesus, by dying on the Cross, abolished death wishing; dying became thenceforth life's glory and fulfilment. So when Jesus called on His followers to die in order to live, He created a tidal wave of joy and hope on which they have ridden two thousand years. This was all part of the journey of faith for Malcolm Muggeridge, former sceptic and unbeliever who turned to Christ when he realised that God was pursuing him and using lights such as Mother Theresa to bring Malcolm to faith. Today, you go be a light to somebody's path to faith and show the relevancy of Jesus Christ to all you meet on every day you live. And if you are not yet a believer in Jesus Christ, be assured He is also pursuing you, calling you to be in a dynamic relationship with Him. He calls you by name and no matter how much you twist and turn, you can deny Him, but you cant escape Him! Thank you.Muggeridge, M., Jesus Rediscovered, Collins Fount Paperbacks, London: 1982
Muggeridge, M., Conversion: A Spiritual Journey, Collins, London: 1988
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Friday May 20, 2011
Glimpses 46
Friday May 20, 2011
Friday May 20, 2011
Interview with Carol!
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G’day and welcome to Partake Glimpses Stories. Where we see together how Jesus is alive today, working in peoples lives in different ways and is relevant to the world today, 2000 years after He walked the earth, died, rose again and ascended to the right hand of God the Father. Today I interview somebody, asking them about their life as a Christian in the 21st century!- What is your favourite piece of Christian worship?
- What verse from the bible speaks to you the most?
- Who in Church history are you most encouraged by?
- What is the most compelling aspect of Jesus for you?
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Thursday May 19, 2011
Glimpses 45
Thursday May 19, 2011
Thursday May 19, 2011
Interview with Sheena
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G’day and welcome to Partake Glimpses Stories. Where we see together how Jesus is alive today, working in peoples lives in different ways and is relevant to the world today, 2000 years after He walked the earth, died, rose again and ascended to the right hand of God the Father. Today I interview somebody, asking them 6 questions about their life as a Christian in the 21st century!
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